
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

City of Seattle to Contractors: No White Males Need Apply?

An interestingly-written PowerPoint presentation from the City of Seattle caught our attention recently. As Seattle moves forward with the Mercer mess construction project, a multi-year and multi-stage project to basically re-make the South Lake Union neighborhood, it has set up rules and regulations in concurrence with federal and state regulations for working with contractors and subcontractors.
Some of the money set aside for the Mercer Corridor Project comes from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aka the "stimulus package" President Obama signed into law in early 2009. As stipulated by federal requirements, the city must set aside a certain amount of work for disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs) -- these are businesses owned and operated by women or minorities -- and certified by the state's Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises
The state DOT says, "The purpose of the MWBE program is to provide maximum practicable opportunity for firms owned and operated by minorities and women in public works projects and procurement."
The city of Seattle recently hosted a pre-bid meeting to let contractors and subcontractors know how to comply with training requirements for minority apprentices. Apparently the current system is complex enough to merit extra explanatory meetings. On the PowerPoint presentation (slide 7) is the bullet point telling interested subcontractors that they "Must use under represented groups -- No white males w/o WSDOT approval and extensive good faith effort documentation.
More Here..


  1. Western Washington is as Liberal as they get, save maybe all of Oregon. Nothing surprises me about nutty social and liberal policies at the expense of tax payers...

  2. How do you define DBEs? Recently there were newspaper articles that say very shortly whites will no longer be majorities.

  3. The federal government has been practicing racial discrmination for decades now. They have finally got to the point that they realize, how spineless white males are, they can openly practice it without repercussions.

    If this were pointed at no blacks or hispanics, they would be up in arms over it.

  4. The "more Here" link isn't working EA, you left off the H at the beginning of http.

  5. I feel a need to apologize to all of America. I was born a white male and believe me, I had nothing to do with it. I'm visiting Costa Rica and if I like it, I'll move away. Again, I am so sorry. I will leave your country as I know I am no longer wanted.

  6. Perhaps a hoard of angry white males should pay a visit to these people.

  7. As a white male, I don't apologize for anything.

    I grew up in Poverty, and they can shove their white privilege fairy tales up their collective asses.

    And we trust that might makes right indeed.

    He who has the bigger gun.

  8. Blah blah blah...why is the UN calling for an investigation for minority unemployment in the US? Why do college and other advanced degrees not close the gap for employment? Why has the recession hit minorities the hardest?

    I'm neither black nor hispanic, but the private sector is still for the most part pretty racist. Corporate America is white washed, anyone that has ever held a high ranking job in corporate America knows this.


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