
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hurricane Impact Along Gulf Coast to Dump oil ‘all over the South’; Potentially 100s of miles inland

Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku discusses the ramifications of using a nuclear device to stop the oil flow.
He says radioactive oil and tar balls could be “raining down on hair” & “rooftops”.
The nuclear option is not a good idea because the underground hollow sphere that is left would become “glassified” and collapse into a gigantic hole.
This hole will not be sealed because the walls are unstable.
2000 psi exerted on the glassified walls would cause the wall
support to cave in, creating more places for the oil to rush out.
Also, “Hurricanes will grab water several hundred feet below the surface and loft it up into the sky.”
A hurricane strike in the Gulf of Mexico would dump an oil & water mixture all over the South, potentially reaching hundreds of miles inland, said Kaku.
However, he does not believe this mixture will ignite from lightning.
Kaku also discussed the possibility of the oil leak lasting most of our lifetimes.
More Here..


  1. Radioactive oil & tarballs?

    We need to convert to solar in the worst way!

    We need to spend our money on solar research.

  2. This sure is one interesting article!


    How could they no?

  4. You know that oil is flammable, right?

  5. Flammable oil would be least of my worries, raining tar balls would destroy all life. The oilcano scenarios are getting scarier and scarier.

    And nothing can be or is being done about it....

    Good bye cruel world!

  6. Not only oil would be swept up, but the banned chemicals BP is using as well. Would this be a different kind of acid rain, contaminating ground water, killing crops and making the top soil steril? How far inland are we talking? Beyond the southern states? Or, what if this thing continues to leak, will that mean LESS evaporation into the clouds from the ocean, (as the oil creates a barrier) meaning a drought that will last a lifetime for those areas?

  7. I have tried to encourage several couples to move away from the gulf these last couple weeks. Even sent them info from various web sites. They won't budge as all their investments are down there (rentals, paid for houses, etc) They've lived there most their lives. Since I live 80 mi inland, farmland in this area may be effected (soybeans, peanuts, cotton and veg.) After 50 years of oil drilling in the gulf, this event proves there is no future near the gulf for many years or never.


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