
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Devastation: You Can Smell The Oil From A Helicopter! (video)

Watch this 2:53 minute video: 
The Oil spill is getting so dangerous that you can smell the oil from a helicopter at 500 feet! The oil is so hot that it is frying birds on the spot.


  1. We're in deep trouble folks. Hope ya'll have preps.

  2. Two years I felt something was astray with humanity, not so much through the economy, which I was clueless enough about, but through the overall feel of the collective conscious.

    When Obama was elected I knew it would be bad, he is a Communist afterall. I jumped on the 2012 bandwagon, looked into it real deep and found essentials and also a good deal of junk.

    A year ago I noticed an increase in people who felt something was wrong, very off base and accelerating. Though most seemed to still be in denial or oblivious to anything. Now a year later it seems an ever growing portion can feel the dark shadow rising.

    I think it is fair to say that the world is ending, though not because of quakes, hurricanes, or floods, but with the overall entropy of society. I think what is happening is that Great Spirit (God/Tao) is annihilating itself which has been suppressed, therefore destruction of itself will free Him. I am God, not my personality or ego, but the one larger soul that we all merge with, the little person in us that knows but the brain and body disagree. "I" am destroying myself because I want to become free and re-align with myself.

    Does this make any sense? If you aren't drunk on something (television, alcohol, myspace, etc) then you obviously can see reality for what it is: No Future that's worth life. Once this is recognized I assume you would also be able to notice that this way of life is ending for humanity and even though the intoxicated ones won't notice anything strange, you should help other sober people get off the ship that caught on fire... leave the drunk ones to their stupor.

    As far as the future is concerned, if one still has Eyes, and if one can let go of what he is (personality/beliefs/fears) then he will be able to see the Father (Original Self). This is how the New World is coming about.

    The destruction you see is Divine.

  3. we at bp are all devastated hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and oil drenched Pelicans can fly.

  4. Because there is one fake crisis after another when a real one like this comes along the sheeple remain apathetic. This is the real deal.

    The Oligarchs with their supposed media lock down can only hide so much.

    All deliberate, all for mass profiteering by BP and the other corps directed controlled by our banker/masters.

    More power to the guy that just wants to smoke reefer smell the oil and die. Anyone else who wants to live please wake up now and get the hell out of the Gulf area and surrounding beach areas. There will be massive destruction and death.

    The bankers LOVE shit like this. It is like one gigantic money machine for them. For once, they may make as much money on a project like this as they do the wars that they start.

  5. There was a crooked bank managed by a crooked man, Who was backed by a crooked regulator sporting a crooked tan.
    The investor trusted the crooked bank with his hard earned loot, Thinking it would grow fast and strong once it had taken root.
    It wasn't until he lost it all, did he realize he was playing a crooked game.
    He went for help down the crooked lane to the regulator to confess his shame,
    They laughed and snickered as he grew near,
    And dismissed his claims without shedding as much as a tear.
    He stood alone on the crooked sidewalk in the dead of night,
    Fleeced by a crooked system that no one will fight.

  6. I don't agree with 10:24am's philosophical discourse. It smacks of Nihilism which is antithetical to my core belief.

    Life is worth living, always will be and always was because we are here. We are part of the mathematics of the universe, most perfect.

    The world ends for many people every day, perspective is a deception.

    Life is what you experience, therefore find the pearl of great price, the philosophers stone.

    You say the world is ending, I say a new world is beginning.

  7. 10:24 welcome to the end of the age of Pisces, the fish, the fishermen, and into the age of Aquarius. You just don't have to be so artsy fartsy about it though. There will be no enlightment, etc. The Oligarchs hold all the knowledge about our real past (hint, we were created to be slaves) and hoard all the revelations that would set us free. We are way, way down on the food chain my friend.

  8. Too late 10:40. We are done, finito.

  9. 10:58 Not all of us rolled over and died. There are allot more of Good Americans getting together and making noise and taking must be on the East or West Coast awaiting government baby sitting...not in the Midwest and Plains we still care and are tired of you dragging us down! Either Help or get the "F" out of the way...its time to be a MAN!

    Proud to be an American and Marine!

  10. "There are allot more of Good Americans getting together and making noise and taking action"

    Yes, there are a few Americans out there waking from their stupifed trance and taking notice. Unfortunately, their efforts will amount to nothing. They are already being painted by the MSM as kooks and/ or possible terrorists, so the majority of Americans will shy away. Successful grassroots movements no longer exist- only those temporarily permitted by the PTB to give the illusion of 'democracy'.

  11. Proud to be a Marine who is a stooge that helps invade. kill and occupy innocent people for Israel so their international banks can profit on death. Go Marine! So proud, good job!

  12. Obama's Chernobyl:

  13. An american military man is nothing more than a stooge for the Nwo, nothing more, a sheep taught to kill for corporations profits, so proud to be a sheeple, eh marine?

  14. Pay close attention to the health of the plants and animals around you.

    If the birds are gone, then it's time for you to leave as well.

  15. Hard to man up these neutered little boys Twittering away on their Iphones about their favorite sports team.

  16. The Mayans developed a calendar with the last day being Dec. 21, 2012. I have no reason to believe they thought that Earth would implode on that day. Rather they understood that our lives would be very different after Dec. 21, 2012.

    Two years or so, I had a job. I could listen to the radio at work. I remember the collapse of Indy Mac Bank, the first bank to fail since this crisis started. It got to be a joke to tune in to CNN each morning to see what banks had failed overnight. Next we (me and my co-workers) started to see less and less work coming in the door. We were all pushed to work faster to make the work more profitable for the company (not for us working class folks). Next we experienced shortened work weeks and then the dismissals started.

    Fast forward... too many Americans are out of work. The country is about to become insolvent. Not really a problem since every other "First World" country is in the same boat. We're all going down the river together. So it's all about global economic collapse, then we all have to start over.

    Will we learn our hard lessons? Not likely. I do expect we will all accept a "kinder, gentler" lifestyle based on the basics of family, friends and neighborhood solidarity. Perhaps once again, TV's (and everything else) will be built in the USA and have a 35-40 year service life, just like the TV I had growing up. I hope to see a complete return to the Constitutional government we once had, including getting rid of the Fed and going back to the gold (and silver) standard.

    The Euro will collapse and all the partner countries will go back to their former currencies. They too, will have to adopt a gold standard.

    I expect we will transition away from oil dependency and as a result, hostilities in the Middle East will cease.

    I'm passed my half way point in this life of mine. I would be happy to see these changes for the better before my final sunset comes.

    Naturally, if this Planet X stuff is true, it will pass by Earth very soon and kill us all. Kind of a Deep Cleaning for the Earth. Mother Earth will heal and we will all be gone and another 70,000 year cycle will begin.

  17. I don't know about Planet X is real or not but I do know pole shifting has happened on Earth.

    The North and South poles were once the centers of population, lush with vegetation, giants sharks swimming in Oklahoma, that sort of thing. In other words, the Equator was once where the poles are now. This is not disputable.

    Underwater cities do exist. Where land once was, now are vast Oceans.

    So, it is probable that pole shifting will happen again. When it does most life on Earth is wiped out, no all, but most. The elite, all the way down to the pee ons like Bill Gates, have prepped to go underground in Norway.

    What is happening to us right now isn't on such a grand scale. A few scumbags, let's call them Oligarch Zionist Bankers are working to gain more power for themselves and more enslavement for you.

  18. When I was young, I hated the idea of death. I had lots of partying to do and death would really get in my way.

    Now that I'm older, I have to figure out what to do with this body after I'm done with it. I visit a 150+ year old cemetery near me as often as I can. It's very peaceful. Perhaps they'll have a spot for me?

    The comment above got my attention.

    "What is happening to us right now isn't on such a grand scale. A few scumbags, let's call them Oligarch Zionist Bankers are working to gain more power for themselves and more enslavement for you."

    My first thought was "I have .45 good reasons you banksters are gonna fail".

    I'm at the point in my life that anything I fight for in this present moment, may not manifest itself before my number is called and must go.

    So I must fight for my children. I must fight for my yet to be born, 1st grandson.

    >>When you realize you are already dead, then you can be an effective solder, fighting... without mercy, without compassion... without remorse.<<

    A paraphrase from "Band of Brothers" disk 3 episode 1.

  19. 10:39 I am with you. This is the time of the Great Awakening. Time to cast aside all the materialism, self loathing and fear from this Age of Greed. Time to live our lives for family and friends. Time to live our lives in trying to create a free humanity. I look forward to the day when we take up arms against the NWO. We will win because truth and the Laws of the Universe will prevail.



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