
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

REMEMBER: In 1930, They Didn't Know It Was "The Great Depression" Yet

Note: Check the comments out in this article! Naive posters by the dozens.
In the past year, we've written a lot about the similarity between the rally of early 1930 and the one we had through April of this year.
The early 1930 rally came after the market had fallen nearly 50% in the fall of 1929. The spring 1930 rally took the market up nearly 50% again, to a level that was only about 20% below the previous peak.
That rally, of course, was also the biggest sucker's rally in history. After the market peaked in April 1930, it crashed again, eventually ending up down 89% from the 1929 high and more than 80% from the 1930 high. The market did not reach the 1930 high again for another quarter of a century.
The rally that recently ended in April 2010 came after a crash that was actually slightly more severe than the 1929 crash (53% versus 48%). It took the market up nearly 80% from the low! The recent rally also lasted longer than the 1930 rally did--a year, as opposed to 6 months.
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BP Grasping At Strings (Satire)
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  1. The recent stock markey 'rally' has only lasted this long due to government manipulation and the infusion of trillions of dollars of fake stimulus.

    In a real market it would have crashed to nothing long ago.

  2. The below comment takes the cake. It implies that it is the truthful blogger/journalist's fault if the depression comes because we talked about it! If you ignore the Tsunami coming you are better off. Geezus the sheeple are mind-controlled drones .....

    "This is IRRESPONSIBLE journalism...this is fear mongering at its worst..when you continue to draw comparisons to the great depression over time it will become a self-generating prophecy. In this age of instantaneous communications there should be some ethical consideration to what is said since it can have a huge and devastating impact on investing"

  3. Now start storing food, water, and shift any savings to physical silver if you haven't started already.

    It is not too late to act on your behalf.

    The bank "Holidays" are coming. How screwed up is that? They have already NAMED the event and openly warned you it is coming but you don't get the hint?

    Digits/savings/checking/IRAs/CDs are going to get wiped out. The only thing worse than owning stocks is being vested in the fake fiat Ponzi.

  4. Yes, I caught that bizarre comment too.

    What he is really saying is that he actually PREFERS to be lied to. He PREFERS to see negative statistics censored, since they are "irresponsible". He is the type of person who loves the MSM, which gives him precisely the fake positive news he is looking for.

    The sheeple have been well-trained my friend. They love their Matrix, and any hint of reality frightens them....

  5. You nailed it 11:13. The stock market would be in a shambles if it were not for the wreckless money printing. Just a temporary bandage.

    Too bad George Carlin didn't live long enough to witness the destruction. He always referred to such events as great entertainment.

    I remember him saying "wait until your neighbors have no water, electricity and their food is all gone. Then you will see a whole new side of your neighbors." They will transform into desperate killers.

    Actually life is kind of boring so Carlin was right. Time to revert back to our carnal side.

  6. The DOW will drop below 7500 before the end of the year. The writing is on the wall. There are so many young people without summer jobs. They can't find a summer job. The commercial real estates market will be severely tested this coming fall. I am not a forecaster, but Ray Charles can see what is going on better an most people. Oh, by the way Ray is dead and still can see what is going on from his grave, but you can't. Hell no, I am no joker, but I do have vision. Let me put it this way. My PHD from the University of Hard Knocks has taught me well. No Yale or Harvard can teach me what I have gone through the last 63 years. Get your head out of your A$$ and do something. Don't let bull shit economy (consumer driven, big a$$ house and a SUV) take your broke a$$, but looking good take you to the poor house. Forget the Jones. They are up most of the night worried how they are going to pay for all that shit they brought on credit. Now that I woke your sorry a$$ up, get rid of that stuff.

  7. That is right up there with 9/11 truthers being called unpatriotic and supporting terrorists. The lie that Muslims attacked us is more comfortable.

    Lies that give the sheeple comfort will always be accepted by the masses over truth. That is what the sheeple want to hear, always.

    The Gerald Celente and Max Kaiser types are addressing the 2% only.

    BTW, when SHTF people won't be coming back and telling you that you were right. The truth messenger is never given an atta boy.

    The economy crashed because the oil slick unexpectedly blew in over the states, because war broke out, etc - had NOTHING to do with anything you were saying at all.

    That is the sheeple way. They reward themselves for their bias and ignorance. They get a high off of it.

    Oldie, but a goodie -

  8. 11:13,

    Thank you. You're absolutely correct. In time, the liars will be shown for what they are.

  9. There is more gold available for investors to buy than silver. The silver supply is being exhausted.

    Silver pricing is still <$20 only due to manipulation that cannot last.

    Like Zimbabwe where the fiat currency was clobbered and those that have PMs are the ones spared.

    BUY SILVER. Buy food, ammo, essentials first of course. But then get SILVER. Don't leave your money in a bank. Don't use a safety deposit box. Don't think you own silver or gold because a piece of paper says so.

    Take action now. I know it is very hard to take action. Apathy is easy. Apathy will kill you though.

  10. I'm more afraid of men living in willful ignorance than of any Tsunami or Oil/Gas super volcano.

    These pussies preach hard ass willing to die for your freedoms and then try to cower us with bullshit about a poisonous moth bite.

    I think the vast majority of Americans are now so offended in the MSM that they spit at the mere suggestion anyone on TV is telling you the truth.

    Pretty soon the Oligarchs will know if all that propaganda plus microwave radiation plus flouride plus weird ass chemicals in the chemtrails and whatever other process they have (GWEN? HAARP?) to control the sheeple will work or if the sheeple are going to go frothy mouthed rapid on them and start ripping dog legs off and beating cats to death with them.

    We'll know soon enough.

  11. as the days go by, the common sense evidence of what is to come is so clear, a grade school child can see it. But, some people prefer not to hear the truth, and think by ignoring it, things will get better.

    We are entering a period of time that when compared to the depression of the 30's, will make the 30's look like a party. We are truly in a freefall, and just haven't hit the bottom yet. I predict the bottom will catch many people totally unaware, and asking "how did this happen"??

  12. To add to that 11:31:

    People seem to love this fairy tale we live in so much that they not only hide their fears so much with mindless entertainment, drugs, and religion, but they will pretend their neigbors would never do such things. They might wonder why smarter people don't open the door to strangers in this day and age and will claim they are just paranoid. What idiot would anyway? Most people do... and of course that is the easiest way for rapist Pedro, pedophile John, or homocidal burglar Bubba to come on in once they open the door. Here is simple, they pretend such people don't exist and will even run to the door, look out the peephole, and open the door excitedly for them, IF they do bother to see who is standing there first.

    All parents of little children will have the "not my child" mentality, as if somehow a magical force is going to take them to a safe haven before everything happens. People are also so desparate right now they will actually waste time looking up people on Facebook that they haven't seen in 15 years and pretend they are best friends again (even though when they last saw those people they hated them).

    I never cared for the whole sheeple judgement or extreme concepts that Alex Jones might talk about, but it seems more and more transparent to me that something about humanity clings to illusions of safety so they can hide from reality and stay away from fear.

    I don't know why I have trouble realizing this, I understand it but seem to keep insisting that people aren't truly like this, but they in actuality are more so than I can even imagine.

    Test it out, go up to someone you know well and talk about how great death will be. Even if you don't care either way or are scared of death yourself - watch how fearful people are and how they'll attack you (verbally) and say you're this or that... when in truth they are so scared of what you said they become agressive/violent. The most inane part is that you weren't even serious about what you said.

    Now it seems the messengers of truth, John the Baptists... if you will, naturally become marked and crucified like every other time in history. Ironically the people who will throw the stones at them probably read about such things in history like the tribes of the prehistoric era sacrificing those who seemed conspicuous, the Romans and their Persecution of the Gnostics, Muslims and the Jihad of the 8th and 9th century which took the lives of non-Muslims from west Africa all the way to India, Witch Bunings done by the Catholics, the Native American Genocide, African Slavery and Segregation, whatever it is people who attack the messengers of truth today will read these attrocities in history and will say something like, "People are so ignorant, I can't believe humanity used to behave like this!"

    Weird. That means people receive light-waves (molecular information/energy) in their brain cells and will base their entire reality on what they receive, constantly plug it in over and over but don't exactly hold up to it as far as their personalities are concerned (they lack self-awareness = parrot philosophers).

    That's how people can learn all about history and be earnest in having it not repeat itself but will inevitably contribute to it happening all over; meanwhile someone who doesn't know anything about history (came out of a jungle) can be more capable in not allowing history to repeat itself.

  13. Well it is true that constant doom & gloom thinking will accelerate the process. Economies (especially fiat currency)are built on confidence, more than anything else, when confidence in the currency is gone - the end is nigh.

    That said, my confidence was gone a while back, I've got my helmet on.

  14. I'm canning quart jars of beans whilst reading this. The best of both worlds in one! HAHA.


    The DOW will drop below 7500 before the end of the year. The writing is on the wall. There are so many young people without summer jobs. They can't find a summer job. The commercial real estates market will be severely tested this coming fall. I am not a forecaster, but Ray Charles can see what is going on better an most people. Oh, by the way Ray is dead and still can see what is going on from his grave, but you can't. Hell no, I am no joker, but I do have vision. Let me put it this way. My PHD from the University of Hard Knocks has taught me well. No Yale or Harvard can teach me what I have gone through the last 63 years. Get your head out of your A$$ and do something. Don't let bull shit economy (consumer driven, big a$$ house and a SUV) take your broke a$$, but looking good take you to the poor house. Forget the Jones. They are up most of the night worried how they are going to pay for all that shit they brought on credit. Now that I woke your sorry a$$ up, get rid of that stuff.

  16. 12:52 you are right and confidence is what they work hard on with things like FDIC insurance to make you feel your money is safe in the Bank so you leave it there instead of pulling it out and causing their 10% or less fractional reserve scam system from collapsing

    There may be a day coming when large numbers of people will loose confidence and you can bet money they will try to predict and close the banks for a holiday before all those people can take their money out.

    We the People need to kick their (Bankers, corporations like BP and others) butts out of our lives.

  17. I think that the Dow will hit 2000 or lower by the year 2011 with the unemployment rate jettisoning into the stratosphere. We're in for a Depression that nobody bargained for.

  18. Maybe the teens will twitter about the thugs breaking in their doors, their rape experiences, what food they had before the thugs arrived, etc.

  19. Good grief, what a bunch of BS.....they will just keep bringing the markets UP and UP, we are at least five years from anything major, so I won't get that worked up yet; still have plenty of boating to do!
    Good day all!

  20. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 8, 2010 at 6:45 PM

    The DOW was at the beach
    Everybody had
    Matching towels

  21. How can we be five years from anything major when the something major is happening right now?

    Every contractor I know is weeks or months away from bankruptcy.

  22. everyone at the beach is smelling the bp mess
    deaths will soon occur
    it wasnt a rock
    it was a rock lobster

    covered in oil


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