
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Las Vegas Hotel Owner Steve Wynn: We Are On Our Way To Greece

Steve Wynn Hotel owner, explains how the economy is on the brink of collapse, equal to Greece because of overspending and the unpredictable decisions that Washington makes daily. 4:43 minute video.

BP Disaster Worse Then Media Telling Us
People are getting arrested for taking pics!
Listen Here..


  1. More and more people like Steve Wynn are stepping up to the plate and telling the truth. That what is happening to us is sabotage and not just an accident.

    His glorious casinos will soon be empty.

  2. Damn!!! He nailed it. We are so screwed.

  3. It takes a lot of balls to talk about the fake economy like this when your name is Steve Wynn.

    I am sure he will be dragged through the mud over this; he isn't playing the cover up game like he is supposed to be doing.

    Because I admire people who have the balls to speak out I will stay at one of his hotels next time in Vegas. If Vegas is still there that is ...

    A couple of months ago I was on the main casino floor at the Mirage about 1:30am. I felt like the Omega Man. I was the only person on the entire floor except for employees. Bizarre experience.

  4. Incredibly Smart ScholarJune 8, 2010 at 8:21 PM

    Steve Wynn is a stand up guy. I'd move most of my investments/offices to China if I was him. Why stick around and go down with the sheeple?

    Thanks for speaking your mind Mr. Wynn.

  5. This is WHY "they" are crashing the system.

    For those of you who refuse to look, you deserve what you get!

    You can make BIG $$$ right now if you heed the information in the video about L.A. and CA.

    P.S. Tens of millions of Americans are walking dead and don't know it!

  6. Notice the interview was rigged to make Wynn look unAmerican for wanting to do most of his future business in China. Steve killed the interview with his blunt and honest answers.

    You simply will not survive the bankster owned Congress and their plotting to rob America.

    Good job Steve and enjoy your time away from this bullshit place.

  7. It is almost surreal to hear the owner of some of the fanciest glass palaces on the planet talked like this > wowza!

  8. It isn't common sense that is missing Steve. You hit on the truth though. It is that our government is run by the corporate banks. Politicians are all bought and paid for, no doubt.

    Including the sock puppet in charge, put in power by Goldman Sachs themselves.

    We are on the way to Greece in the hands of bribed politicians, loyal to the banks.

    The same banker-players that brought down Argentina, Iceland, Greece. All the same names, same tactics. Nothing creative at all, but is works.

  9. Perhaps Steve was listening to Peter Schiff back in 2004-2005 when Schiff said it would take less red tape and taxes to run a business in Communist China than here in the USA.

  10. When Wynn's casinos here are ghost towns he will be thriving in China. They go up, we go down.

  11. OK, whats next? Steve is moving his headquarters, gee, wonder why?

    Come on people, turn off your tv's and wake up, we are so screwed.


  12. Wynn looks depressed.

  13. aren't you depressed too, looking at the state of the economy?

  14. 9:24 - yes I am. It's a prozac nation we have, unfortunately.

  15. "BP Disaster Worse Then Media Telling Us
    People are getting arrested for taking pics!"

    Smells just like 9/11. Blockade off the area and then start lying your ass off.

  16. Thanks to the many INCREDIBLY smart scholars here

    616- "turn off your tv's"


  17. Air quality already becoming a massive problem throughout the south east.

    Reports of heavy kerosene/gas station/burning crayon odors from as far away as Jacksonville,FL.

    News blackout from Louisiana.

    Oil reported offshore of Juno Beach, Florida.

    Incident report map:

  18. I disagree with Steve Wynn. All the economic sites that I read say it's the stimulus that has kept us (although barely) from crashing. Unfortunately the stimulus cannot solve our problems.

    And yes, if Steve Wynn is moving his company out of the U.S. then he has no allegiance to anything but money. Why do any of you believe these corporate talking heads anymore? I bet if I looked into his business practices, I would find he's only interested in his bottom line and how much profit he can stuff into his bonuses. Do you think he gives a damn if you can't find a decent job anymore because people like him have moved them to China?

  19. Forgot to add something about his tort reform comment. About two years ago independent studies were done as to how legal tort reform affected insurance premiums. They included Texas, one of the states he points too.

    The results were that tort reform had very little effect on premiums. That was because premiums were based on how much profit an insurance company could make with their investments--not on how much they had to pay for lawsuits. When the stock market went down, premiums went up.

    I wish you guys would just not believe everything you see on TV. Check it out for yourselves.

  20. 9:23 stimulus IS the problem. If the free market were to be allowed to function in 2000 and 2007 we wouldn't be in such a critical mess.

    This is no free market economy, it is corporate controlled government. Government robbing some businesses in order to enrich the super-giant corps and banks who pay for the politicians.

    Steve Wynn is a smart business man who sees the fascism here is worse than the communism there, that is all.

    Truth is not unpatriotic.

  21. steve wynn makes a great arguement
    he states the facts
    we are screwed
    i closed my company and will not open a buisness until the war on terror is over
    america is soooooooooo screwed up
    he said half his office
    also i agree with him steve
    the communist reminds me of hitler
    when its good its good but when war starts
    i wouldnt want to live there
    also life is great for rich people
    either way they are rich

  22. Obama promised a $400 million aid for Palestinians .

    WOW. anymore money left for jobless and
    bailing out small businesses.

  23. 1:55 BFD, that is offset by the 30+ billion in aid for the racist state of Israel. Over 60x the aid. That doesn't count all the arms we give them for free. Makes it easier for them to kill, torture, occupy.

  24. We should all be depressed on how our economy's state is going.


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