
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gas Masks Needed? Vacate Louisiana, Alabama And Florida!

Note: The following pics show the devastation created by the oil spill. This blogger would advise anyone to sell all assets and VACATE as soon as possible!

Clean-up crews are removing blobs of oil that have washed ashore in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. Meantime, the disaster is taking a toll on the oil-drenched sea life and birds, especially brown pelicans.

Pics Here..


  1. I feel more sorry for the animal life than I do for the dumb sheeple that decide to stay there and trust in mommy government and BP.

  2. Sell ? To WHOM ?? who would be stupid enough to buy along the coast????

  3. obamas hope and change
    we have no hope and no change
    one despot to another

  4. 6:47 people buy in the losing stock markets, they buy houses, they buy losing businesses, suckers born every second...they'll buy oil slick homes in deadly places.

  5. I believe that we human beings have infinite power. We have the power to transmute this dark energy into light. We can turn the hate into love.

    It is where we focus our attention, that creates our future.

    Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

  6. A one of the 'losers' living along the La. coast, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. What you morons fail to note is that once oil is exposed to uv rays, it takes hours to kill the smell; NO ONE other than those directly leaning over and working with the crude, reported illness. You folks who know NOTHING about a naturally occuring substance or about the plusses about living in Sportsman's Paradise should do your research before proving what idiots you are.

  7. in mz opiion i think this is the last nail in the U.S economz , like come on , how manz businesses will be shut down , and if people cannot live there holy crap , this is a massive art and population of the U.S like imagine no one goig nt o florida for holidays , thats is folks

  8. 6:47 BP will buy your Gulf Coast home for 10 cents on the dollar and after the cleanup is done, they will sell your home for hundreds of thousands.

    Need I saw more?

  9. I'm not sure what 4:49 am is trying to say because if you're anywhere near the gulf coast you're going to be breathing in some very toxic fumes in the coming months.

    People in New Orleans report that it stinks like a giant gas station over there.

    You think millions of people arn't going to get sick from this?

    You're crazy.

    We're being destroyed in what could be an act of war.

  10. I'm amazed there isn't a coastal evacuation by now. Kerosene type odors have been reported inland too. Also near St. Pete areas. People will start getting sick from benzene and other toxic gases. This oil "volcano" will not ever get resolved until the oil field drains out...years perhaps?? Get out now before you're told to evac. Sell out asap if you can.

  11. This DISASTER was most definitely an INSIDE JOB. IF there are massive evacuations, then it will be to further the UN's Agenda 21. Google their DEATH MAP for the United States. They DO NOT want people living in coastal areas! Also I think that this may usher in the LOST treaty, which turns total control of U.S. waterways over to the UN. That is IN ADDITION TO Cap and Tax, which no doubt will be ushered in on the back of this disaster. OBAMA's CRONIES profit from this disaster!!

  12. You people seem to be forgetting that this more than OIL! Highly-toxic COREXIT was poured into the Gulf, and the METHANE emitted from this GUSHER is estimated 3000 times the volume of the oil!! Notice that the mainstream media are focusing on the OIL (so Oblahblah can pass CAP AND TAX, also for the powerful VISUALS of oil-stained beaches) and IGNORING the METHANE and the COREXIT, which Obama's CRONIES, both in and out of Chicago, profitted from!! THIS IS A GLOBALIST/ONE WORLD ATTACK ON US!! Make no mistake abou that. THIS WAS AN INSIDE JOB/FALSE FLAG!! It was no "accident!"

  13. 4:49 - NOT naturally occurring. You have OIL + hazardous BP chemicals mixed together. A mixture of aerial death.

    To all others that have dentrites that function, get the hell out of there.

  14. Absolutely 10:52! No accident from the start.

  15. 2:29, aspiring Yogi;

    Humans do not have infite power but are a tiny fragment of dust within an infinite power.

    The only way we can transmute darkness or hate is through the infinite power itself, not by personal effort.

    Contrary to the New Age beliefs of today, Love is not the oppostie of hate, Love is neutral and already exists everywhere, you have to let it be and not try to manipulate it.

    We can't control our future with neurons, things drastically smaller than tics, that would imply that tics could control us.

    Real Yogis must observe the world for what it really is (a big lie) before they can see what really is (the infinite power).

    Thankfully there is an Apocalypse (Truth Revealing) today which is making His/my Eyes/mind see once more. Climb aboard my children, the ship is taking leave of this fallen world.

  16. Real Yogis must observe the world for what it really is (a big lie) before they can see what really is (the infinite power).”

    For "true Yogis" that “transcend reality” nothing is real only the "power" of the "infinite power".
    And Who or what is this Infinite power?
    Why it seems it is only a variety of the Eternal Old Christian Infininite Power .
    The Human idea that “God Is love” ‘love is God” dressed up in saffron robes.
    Get a life! Instead of a nonsensical religion.
    Oh ,sorry ,That IDEA of life too , is only
    ( a big lie ) an abstraction in the mind that doesn’t exist either .
    Beleive it or not, the world or the universe may not actually be a creation of your individualist trancendalist mind .
    Perhaps it was created by Hegel or even by my mind from the eternally existing infinite power of love . Perhaps you and reality and even the oil blowout are only an imagined (a big lie) created in my mind alone?
    I will perhaps transcend these illusions one day and become a real Yogi.
    But ,in the meantime (does time and space or oil exist) we are so lucky to have budhist and yogi guru messiah Idealists here. Messiahs that have put off their own personal nirvana after trancending and detaching themselves from everyday reality ,from reason ,earthly human judgements and logical processes in their minds, in order to deign to bother to save the rest of us unenlightened unreal Ghosts living in a non-existent world.
    Such real world compassion of the infinite power! God and his Mesiah gurus, are indeed the proof of eternal love, the only reality in an unreal world!

  17. Yogis are just a bunch of poo poo heads,stay cool,


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