
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama On A Hundred Trillion Dollar Bill On Billboard

Thanks to an advertiser who wishes to remain anonymous, cars and trucks on Arizona Highway 260 in East Central Arizona are driving by a billboard advertisement that recently went up, bearing President Obama’s face on a mock U.S. $100,000,000,000,000 (One-Hundred Trillion Dollar) bill.

The billboard’s caption: “But Who Will Pay the Piper?”


The Office of Management and Budget in Obama's White House estimates that the federal deficit this year will be 10.6 percent of GDP, making fiscal 2010 the first fiscal year since the end of World War II that the federal deficit has reached double digits as a share of GDP.

The billboard, which was rented for an undisclosed sum, will remain up for an undisclosed period of time, Perrine said.

BP Not A Public Company By End Of Summer?
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  1. Remember, Federal Reserve Notes "PAPER" are for all debts public and private, key word being DEBT.

    The operative function in all this is to keep US in debt.

    Keep your coins they may be very valuable in the future.

    It is difficult and expensive to issue new coin and the old coin is not issued by the Fed and may maintain its fractional value against a new Paper currency.

  2. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 9, 2010 at 1:34 AM

    Hundred T bill makes it easier
    To pay your gas
    Y casa
    Oboomer provides
    Much value
    To a dying empire

  3. This guy is going to go down as the most pathetic president ever. Now I didn't say worst, even though in actuality he is among the worst five (Carter, Wilson, FDR, Hoover, and LBJ).

    The reason he isn't is because it will all be over before he can even finish a term. It won't even matter. He'll be similar to the last Caesar of Rome, the guy was so weak nobody cared to kill or exile him because he was considered that mundane. Practically every Caesar faced murder or death in some proud way, not him.

    Obama will still try to stage media events or speak to the brain dead university students who for the two hours of his speech will send text messages to their friends and not hear a word he says.

    Everyone will be forming up communities or camps and help each other survive after a terrible 30 to 90 days where many will end up killing each other.

    He'll still be on the boobtube preaching about how unfortunate he finds it, that people in other countries learn our language and how we need to learn other languages to show respect. He'll be describing how important he finds it that we model ourselves after the Chinese, and that their government is great for all people across the globe. He might tell some kids that it isn't good to read too many books, it could make them smart instead of stupid. The final thing he will do is say how the economy is improving thanks to the methods his administration has used.

    Meanwhile no one will be listening except for Whoopie Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell, Oprah Winfrey, and other women who wish they had dicks personally, or men like Sean Penn who like using the dicks of other men.

    This country has become a piece of shit. I really don't care what happens, I'll be laughing when all the shit comes falling out of the porto potty and everyone still standing around gets slimed by it.

    I don't really mean that, I'll feel kind of bad...

  4. At least before I die the chances of me being a trillionaire are about 99%. Previous generations could only dream! :)

  5. Incredibly Smart ScholarJune 9, 2010 at 5:01 AM


    Sock Puppet on a Billboard.

  6. The Obama Deception video was well done and helped some of my friends understand that who happens to be installed as president is pretty much meaningless. About as significant as a paperboy would be to the morning news.

  7. So, now the Mass Media have picked up the story; "America is in Trouble." They have no answers because there is none. Twenty five years ago we saw an American move to "profits over country" and a "celebrity influence of public opinion." It will not at this point make any difference who you elect, our economic situation is poised for a major correction. All lower middle and low income citizens will be the hardest hit. Middle and upper middle income citizens will be second and the upper income citizens that have wealth will hardly notice the tragedy. The rich are not asleep, because they are almost always prepared for outcomes. They will purposefully hide the facts from you while they discretely prepare for hard times ahead.

    I will vote in all elections because I believe the career politicians who have taken us to this disaster should be punished along with all of their fellow politicians they hold in their pockets.

  8. This looks like a prototype of what you will need in your wallet to buy a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas once Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation kicks's not funny at all.

  9. Why is anyone surprised? I saw this coming the first time I heard this fraud speak from his teleprompter. A sock puppet with a Pinocchio complex, Obama dreams of becoming a real president.

  10. I saw this coming when w loser was president, bush is the reason I sold my house at the top of the market and moved out of the big city for the country, thanks bush for being the worst president and making me see it so I could change my life for the better, w bush THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER BY FAR!

  11. 8:55 and 9:30 You both should realize that what we are experiencing in this country is due to a completely corrupt political system. Both parties are corrupt and so is our system. Most citizens believe their party can fix our ills and the truth is that neither can do it. The Repulsicans and the Dummicrats have operated void of ethics and an understanding of a fair and balanced government. We will all pay now with a collapse. Unfortunately, nothing short of a massive EMP will get us to any kind of intelligent operation of our government. I am ashamed of Bush for all of the decisions he made to line the pockets of his cronies and I am ashamed of Obama for all the decisions he is making to line the pockets of his cronies and his total disloyalty to the American citizens as a whole and all of our allies. He is a shameful American. He is foolish to think that his total support and backing of the Hateful Radical Muslim Sects and countries will gain this country anything. He will personally gain after he is voted out of office in shame because they (radical Muslims)will pay him handsomely to speak on their circuit as their hero(you who disagree... just watch and observe what circuit he speaks on after he is out). He will make mega millions every year speaking to the Muslims and anti-semites he has supported.

  12. bush supported the muslims as much as anyone, he hosted the taliban in washington and texas, is long time family friens of the bin ladens and bush's saudi ties are legendary, not to mention how many muslims he installed in the middle east, especially oil man karzai, bush is every bit in bed with muslims as anyone could ever be.

  13. I find it incredible that anyone who reads this blog on even an occasional basis still believes that there is a substantial difference between 'Repulicans' or 'Democrats'. Regardless of which party appears to be in power, the policies are substantially the same. Neither party does ANYTHING that benefits the average working American. Unless you are part of the wealthy Elite or poor and already dependent on the government, neither party cares about you. They only give lip service during 'election' cycles to preserve the charade of 'Democracy' and keep the mind-numbed masses in check. The govenment pathetic reponse to Katrina and now the Gulf Disaster show exactly how concerned they really are.

  14. Absolutely 12:07. We have a two-head one party system of politicians loyal only to corporate thug interests.

    The Bush did this or that VS B.O. did this or that is so ignorant. They were and are both nothing more than puppets.


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