
Friday, June 25, 2010

Fisherman Ignoring Oil Gusher: Eating and Fishing Anyway

On the Wildlife and Fish map of Louisiana, the no-fishing zone looks like someone spilled a glass of red wine all over the coast. And smack dab in the middle of that stain is Grand Isle. It's usually a fisherman's paradise, but these days the rental houses are filled with cleanup workers. The fishing boats are idle and the beaches are closed.
That leaves locals like Fontenot with nothing much to do at night. He came over to visit Casey and check out the midnight fish action.
He hurls a net into the canal that connects the bay and the ocean. Pulls it up and pours out the shrimp.
He's been doing this all his life and he isn't going to stop just because crude oil washed up on the beach a couple hundred yards away.
"See the sheen of the oil on the water," Fontenot points out.
He doesn't think it's dangerous. To prove his point, Fontenot grabs a meaty, 4 inch shrimp from the pile. He asks me to shine a light on it.
"This shrimp has no oil on it whatsoever," he says. "It's popping like crazy."
Then he takes a bite.
"Not bad," Fontenot says with his mouth full. "If I start growing a third arm out of my chest tomorrow, you'll know why. Blame BP."
More Here..

Each Day, Another Way to Define Worst-Case for Oil Spill
More Here..


  1. So now the Washington Post is reporting the eventual evacuation of the Gulf Coast.

    I thought Obozo said the Gulf will be cleaner than before the gusher started? Can this guy go even one solid hour without telling a lie?

  2. 2 years from now the guy will have stomach cancer hahahahahhahahahahh
    told you people are dum
    buy gold

  3. with stomach cancer comes bloating of organs
    with big tumors
    alos by then obamas healthcare will go threw
    so no kemo for you

    so eat up eat as much as possible
    fema camps i hear have ovens for yea waiting

    1.2 millin uenployed got left behind
    1 million 99rs
    40 million factory jobs gone
    40 million food stamps
    1 in 4 mortgages under water
    proably half by 2011

    msm big teets and short skirts and bs

    the gulf destroyed methane gas coming up

    im still wondering when did the arabs do that to us
    we did it ourselves

    do you really think the goverment cares
    about a few hillbilles eating shrimp and drinking beer
    actually you are a typical educated american
    from a failed dum down school

    no jobs no brains drunk and stupid

    really funny

    things every day are gettin worse
    we got hope and change alright

  4. 11:54 AM : so you're saying that being ignorant can be harmful to ones health . I agree.



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