
Friday, June 25, 2010

Gasland Trailer: Corruption Just Never Stops


  1. This movie, seems so good. I must see it.

  2. Holy shit, when will the people of this once great country rise up? My guess is never, too addicted to tv, drugs and iphones

  3. Brilliant timing you know they must have put an extra rush on getting that documentary out due to the crisis in the Gulf. They're gonna make millions on that movie. Get ready for oil gusher movies on the cheap to hit store shelves this fall like crazy to capitalize on the scared sheep. Genius.

  4. Mankind needs to be saved.....from themselves. Excessive Greed will lead to our destruction.

  5. "Making money", blah blah blah. You degenerate animals can only see things in terms of pieces of paper. So utterly pathetic.

    "time to reassess alt. fuels, like ethanol, aka alcohol, aka moon shine, electric commute cars, etc. and any thing else that's not going to poison ourselves into oblivion!!!!"

    No matter how clean your technologies get, they cost oil, fumes, and waste to produce (at least for the next 100000s of years till we reach a much higher state of knowledge). Time to reassess this but not time to reasses your ciminal overpopulation right? It's really basic math, but you refuse to see it.

    "Holy shit, when will the people of this once great country rise up?"

    Rise up from what? You are all irresposible and are not victims. All of you criminally overpopulated and from a streamlined sustenance perspective created illogical, hypocritical intertwinements and have let everything build up to insanity. You are all directly responible for everything because of your criminally escalating overpopulation which you push up farther still due to your utter selfishness and braindead activity in which you cannot view your neighbour in the other state as your family, but only 1 random inverse genital target and the miniature versions of yourself you spawn.

  6. 10:18, surely you jest when you suggest ethanol? Right?

  7. Here's an interview about Gasland on NOW with Josh Fox, the Director.

    You can guarantee the Energy Industry is going to impugn this guy's character and his work. It's their modus operandi. 10:38 is an example.

    I have a friend, now a former friend after watching this documentary. who works as an engineer in this field. He worked for XTO which was recently acquired by Exxon-Mobil. XTO would take the old, discarded wells from the majors in North America and continue to extract gas and oil at reasonable operating costs. Gee, maybe they knew oil was abiotic and these wells were replenishing. Guess what? The majority of XTO's fields were initially purchased from Exxon-Mobil and now Exxon purchased them back.

    Here's the irony. As a Petroleum Engineer, my friend has to spend time in the the mud with the rough necks and expose himself to the toxic chemicals. He developed Leukemia. He was near death but managed to survive due to a successful bone marrow transplant. He was given a new lease on life so what does he do? He goes back to work employing his psychic and physical energy into taking other people's lives. That's sick and screwed up. Like I said, he is no longer my friend. He is a merchant of death.

  8. I watched this last night. You can find it on HBO on demand. Makes me want to run - but to where? To top it off I live on the Florida gulf beach.....

  9. I saw a scene of the same man lighting the gas out of the tap a few years ago. I think it was the same man. Friends, we have to have regulations or we will be destroyed by greedy capitalists. Truth is I hate big government, but I understand the nature of man is basically evil. So, regulation is the only way the sheeple can survive the greed of the power and money hungry. I can live without public electricity and gas, but if my neighbor doesn't have it, he will become dangerous because he is not smart enough to survive without it. Our whole world economy survives by the exploitation of the worlds natural resources.

  10. I agree that "Fracking" wrecks everything it touches, But... as long as humans reproduce in the billions, and as long as every country and individual demands his slice of the energy pie, this will all continue and get even worse. All those population control agendas are making more sense to me all the time. Eighty per cent die off of the human population would be a good thing. Except for me, of course.

  11. 6:16, friend, the people doing the regulating will be the greedy capitalists that you fear so much.

    You couldn't be that gullible? Or could you actually be diabolic?

  12. The film also points out that under Bush, the clear skies and clean water acts exempted the gas and oil industries from having to follow the laws. It's another example of a corrupt Congress.

    I live in PA where they are fracking all around my property. I'm about to get my water tested; it seems to be okay so far, but who knows what will happen?

  13. I can attest to the sink exploding, as it happened to me- I had to lite my oven and when I turned the tap on to put out the rolled up piece of news paper I was using, my sink blew up. If you drink it, the gas goes right thru ya very quickly. If you let it sit for a bit the gas seems to separate and the water appears to be OK. I believe it to still yet be healthier than treated municipal water. You can put it in a milk jug and put the lid on it and it will produce blue flame when opened and a match put to it. On the bright side, I have no heating bill. I have won bets with friends who have doubted that my water will burn.

  14. Put the link to the youtube video on Facebook and other social media sites to get maximum exposure.

  15. If you drive a car or live in a house with nat gas heat you cannot comment. Makes you a hypocrite.

  16. Thats fucking funny how everyone is jumping up and down about a handful of americans well water getting messed up, and our government is overseas slaughtering millions for oil, and fighting the "taliban" (a group of rebels that is disallowing the agenda of stealing their opium crops) and going against US interests, and nobody breaths a fucking word. Step back and think! Are you that hateful towards another human being because he has different skin, dialect, ect? Come on, just remember one thing the true terrorists dont ride on camels toting ak47's, they are on wall street wearing $3000.00 suits !! So let's take bets, how long before this site gets smoked from Obama's new bill to shut the net down, better start printing everything cause it'll be gone in a few months!

  17. oh, lets take another bet, lets see.......coffins in atlanta in place....check, U.N. peacekeeping / morgue vehicle in food left 150 miles inland due to the oilcano....check.....not going to renew unemployment or food stamps here in a few months when they run out....check.....the majority of the welfare program recepients are in the "dead zone" from texas to south carolina.....check.....damn imagine that this shit happens the day damn near that hurricane season starts.....check......the way the weather patterns are maching 2005 hurricane season its going to get fuckin bad.....check...obama is nutting up for congress to pass the kill switch for th internet before shtf....check......"the big boys" have been purposely holding silver down and gobbling it up by the ton to corner the market....then when that is dry, bump it up to say about $50 / oz so the sheeple will cough up the rest...check...then sell it all to the Chinese when it hits $250 / oz...check do I need to go on or?........check


    this is 35 years ago.........

  19. Save the World: KILL YOURSELF!

  20. Cheney the murderer is the primary responsible criminal murderer for being the head of the company most responsible, Haliburton Murder Corp


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