
Monday, June 28, 2010

Florida Governor Urges Vacationers To Swim In Toxic Sludge

Kurt Nimmo
June 28, 2010

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is apparently more worried about the state’s economy than the health of vacationers and residents.
Crist told CBS on Saturday the water is safe and people shouldn’t worry. “It is safe,” Crist declared, “there isn’t a toxic nature to it that is detrimental to anybody. It is much more of a nuisance than anything else at this point.”

Crist is asking ill-informed beachgoers to endanger their health so the state’s tourism industry can be saved.

“The Escambia County Health Department lifted a health advisory on Pensacola Beach on Friday on the advice of a beach official and against the advice of a federal environmental official,” reports Officials want to leave the decision to swim in the Gulf of Mexico up to the discretion of individual beachgoers.

Signs would be posted from the Florida-Alabama line to just west of Portofino Beach warning people about the toxic danger. The Environmental Protection Agency plans to put decontamination stations along the beach.

“These moves send conflicting signals about how safe it is to swim in the Gulf of Mexico as the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill broadens,” continues.

400 people have sought medical care for upper or lower respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, and eye irritation after trips to Escambia County beaches.

BP and the corporate media have colluded together to hide the full extent of the oil gusher and its health dangers. CNN concentrates on the impact on marine wildlife at the expense of the health problems arising...

(more at link)
[link to]


  1. Many of us remember that movie Mr. Crist... "I don't think you appreciate the gut reaction people have to these things...It's all psychological. You yell 'Barracuda,' everybody says 'Huh? What?' You yell 'Shark,' we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July."

    But, there is a whole new crop of mind numb suckers, so enjoy the water and Happy 4th!

  2. Hmm, Gov. Crist would have been a lot more convincing if he had concluded the interview by stripping down to his speedos and jumping into the 'safe' water himself. He could then demonstrate how wonderful tar-balls are for one's hair and complexion, and how invigorating it is to ingest the toxic oily brew.

  3. 12:41 Yes people should tell Gov. Crist to go swim himself.

  4. moneyistherootofallevilJune 28, 2010 at 4:27 PM

    un*ucking believeable!
    Here's this elitist *uck stating that alls well.
    This just illustrates the depth of moral depravity people(not confined to the Gov)will stoop for the almighty buck re:tourism in this case.This prick knows full well the inherent health risks of the water yet he stands there brass balls and all and states the water's grest come on in!.

    The sheeple-uninformed or just plain dumb watch this propaganda and invariably put themselves at great risk.Would you take a bath at home with a quart of 10w30 mixed in?.That might not be the smartest thing to do .I guess it's just turtles,dolphins,Pelicans and the like that dont take to the oil- coroxin chemical stew.(not sure of the spelling of the latter).Maybe Charlie going to argue the salt in the water reduces all those dang chemicals to nothing more harmless than fish shit.

    I hope this lying *uck's words come back to haunt his sorry political ass.

    Shame on Charlie for putting humans lives at risk just so as not to compromise the state,s tourist business.But hey he,s a politician and he,s not going to let morality stand in the way in his decesion maker.

    Ill bet 200 dead Pelicans that within the next 30 days this two faced Prick issues an emergency declaration that the water is unsafe for humans.Nix that Ill bet 300 dead Pelicans plus 300 dead Dolphins.

  5. lookmomthefisharefloatingJune 28, 2010 at 4:30 PM

    Hey Charlie the water nice and warm.It smells a little like the 91 octane you just put in your car and it bubbles a bit like acid but apart from that comon in.

  6. Bp and others who stand to lose big time because of this gusher must have enticed Charlie with a very big pot of Gold!!! the end of rainbow.

    How about a swim Charlie the the waters fine and bring your whole family.

  7. Another Christine Todd Whitman; the air is fine
    at the WTC collapse...Hey Gov asshat...go
    for a swim

  8. Wonder if he'd be upset if someone sprayed him with safe non-toxic gulf water with a Nerf Supersoaker.

  9. Well, let's hope that they have done honest to goodness tests and right now it's safe. I don't think he would put his reputation/life on the line were it not showing as being safe. Realize, the ocearn has gazillions of gallons of water and this oil spill is less than a drop in a swimming pool of water with the the quanitity of water that is in the gulf. Still, I wouldn't take the risk of letting my kids swim in there!

  10. Dead fish washing up on the beach 2 feet deep. Where are the activists? Why are they giving the president a pass?


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