
Monday, June 28, 2010

Hint: BP Bailout Coming

BP must not be allowed to implode in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster, Barack Obama and David Cameron have declared, as the company starts the week with its shares at a 14-year low.
The US President and British Prime Minister said that the stricken oil giant should "remain a strong and stable company" after meeting to discuss the environmental disaster on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Toronto. The discussions come amid growing worries that the company could never recover from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which has left BP facing unquantifiable costs and damaged its strategic ambitions. 


  1. Let these Murderers Fail, Fail, if this keeps up the US will be Completely Bankrupt if it already isnt.

  2. No matter what, it is always the working fool that tries to do what's right that has to pick up the tab. I'm 61. If I was 31 I would make welfare my career. Screw it. They won.

  3. This is certainly no surprise. We the people will pay for this catastrophe. Certainly the elites are not going to pay. Besides, goldman sachs and the bp ceo already sold their stock before the oilcano happened.

    Of course, its only a matter of time, maybe days, before the US economy collapses, dollar collapses...


  4. BP will have a slow torturous death as hoards of lawyers, bureaucrats, and politicians suck them dry like vampires. This should be one H of a wake up call to the energy industry and greedy business to put safety first and protect our environment. We are all in this small cage called Earth and we need to protect it.

  5. 2:18 got it exactly right!

  6. lol when a business owes money to the general public or a lot of creditors, they just change their name and sell off their assets and form a new entity or find some other way to duck liability, hell, that is the entire point of a corporation, to limit liability.

    When a business just is not as profitable as the elite think they should be, now all of a sudden they are "too big to fail" and it is for the "American Public's" benefit that tax dollars must be siphoned to these rich elite.

    Remember, benefits to the citizens, health care, jobs, those are SOCIALIST. Taxpayer money in bailout form to corporations as they offshore work? Why, that's merely capitalism and the American way! Work hard and you too could own a giant corporation! Even though you'd have to be of the elite lineage to have a chance, we'll pretend you have a chance anyway when we want your money!

    WAKE UP SHEEPLE! WAKE UP ALREADY! Do you not hear the alarm bells going off? There should be a limit to stupidity and corruption.

  7. 3:51 has it right. BP will be dissolved, but the Big Money Players, the Plutocratic Oligarchy, will externalize any costs and/or liabilities to the taxpayers/serfs in the process. Corporations are like skins to these Reptilian Sadists....when they are finished with one, they just shed it for a new one and the death march to human extinction continues as the snake devours itself.

  8. Get your guns, food ammo and more ammo ready.

  9. What the fuck "YOU" gonna do about it?.....huh?...nothing, your gonna sit there and type like the rest of us about how sick you are blah blah blah.....spit out about nobody doing anything about it!!!! something...whatcha gonna do about it?....nothing, wanna make a change? go get your AR or AK or some other sinister looking "sporting rifle"...and start rallying with your hunt club buddies in public, instead of doing your usual fucking sheeple shit, ooops gotta go to chinamart and shop for food, oopsy COPS is on FOX not tonight maybe next weekend?,....pffft gimmie a fuckin break, you aint gonna do shit, everyone, myself included is barking "someone should do something about this shit".....well fucking go do something, they have raped your childrens future, raped your savings, raped your home equity, jacked up your taxes, taking your jobs and your livelyhood and what are you gonna do about it....nothing!!!! Please pardon my grammer i'm pissed gonna go empty a few mags.....later

  10. We have the definition of Obama's Hope and Change: 3PR (Private Profit at Public Risk)

    Like buying lotto tickets with other people's money and not paying back if you win the Power Ball. Only a moron that has never produced a thing or made payroll would come up with this shit. Thanks Barry.

  11. Let`s see....Nuke-in-the-hole...another trillion dollar bailout...yup, we`re faaaacked!!

  12. Did anyone really expect anything any different.????? The elites aren't going to let any of the big boys fail. After all, we're already screwed. What's a few trillion more when the money isn't worth anything anyway.?? Our grandchildren will never be able to pay off the debt those idiots in congress from both parties have stacked up. Both parties have had their chance to do something, and they've done nothing. They keep everyone distracted by making people think they're actually doing something constructive. Both parties suck, and answer to the same elites. Both parties are playing Americans big time. They ALL need replacing, and I have a feeling, if we actually have elections in November, that many will be replaced. I don't hold out much hope for that, as I figure we'll be under martial law by then. Oh well, praise the Lord, and pass the ammo.

  13. I'm not a big fan of Big Oil, but America needs to understand that it needs BP's oil production to survive. It simply can't be replaced in a world of declining cheap oil.

    This is where we are.

    Start reducing your need for oil, like converting a second gasoline-powered vehicle to electric-powered. (; I realise I'm a broken record, however, this is a step in the right direction that needs to be undertaken.)

  14. 5:45----Charity begins at home-Convince these money grubbing civic govts. to do away with those stupid-ass crepe paper bike helmet laws and we`ll gladly park our vehicles and ride bikes! The greedy cretons are even nailing the poor and homeless $25 fines for first offences. I hope their toilets all back up!

  15. 5:45pm?
    Question: How do you think they produce electricity?
    Answer: Oil, Gas, Coal.
    You are living in a dream world if you think Solar.

  16. 9:22,

    In Canada, we produce 70% of all our electricity through hydro-electric dams. The rest is either produced by nuclear, coal and natural gas (we have all those resources in abundance).

    We are electricity rich in Canada. In fact, if Quebec were to dam the rest of James Bay, we could EASILY power the entire country solely on hydro-electric power, including all the electric cars we could ever desire! It's no dream world; it's reality.

    As for America, I'm sorry, you're wrong again. 4,000 or so square miles of wall-to-wall solar panels is all you need to recharge the batteries of 200 million electric cars for a range of at least 50 miles. I've done the math. I know. You have plenty of sun in Arizona to do the job. Also, you can convey the power throughout the country using transformers and high voltage power lines. It's a peace of cake compared to placing three men on the Moon in 1969.

    Truth is, you've been lied to big time. The solution is readily doable.

    70% of all oil produced is used to power ground transportation. Electric vehicles are the solution.


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