Monday, June 14, 2010

Harry Schultz; Hyperinflation Will Happen Overnight

He writes in his most recent issue: "Remember my now-classic 20-year multi-faceted buying power 'V' formation? It's proven its worth so far. It's most unlikely to be totally prescient, but may be largely correct. Some thought, briefly, after the recent 12-month stock market rally and a few green shoots, that the 'V' would be broken. But things have returned to the pattern as so many events have occurred (including Greek financial explosion) -- which signal a fresh downtrend all round. Theoretically, not until 2017-2018 does the downward part of my 'V' end, and begin a positive, upbeat 10-year uptrend working back to where we were in 2007 ... reaching that level in 2028. We'll see. At least, you'll see. Maybe not me."
(After many years of being secretive about his age, Schultz has begun to complain loudly that he is "86.9." His dramatic prediction reminds me of an earlier "Market Methuselah," Edson Gould, who famously called the 1980s bull market which occurred long after his death.)
As 2009 showed, Schultz is capable of great tactical flexibility. But right now, all his flexibility appears bearish.
He comments: "Red alert if the S&P500 breaks below 1,035." (It closed Wednesday night at 1,056). On gold, he writes: "I said the next target will be $1,400. I'll stay with that forecast." Schultz says his eventual gold target is $6,000 -- the highest I've seen him mention.
One reason for Shultz' skittishness: what he sees as the extraordinary precariousness of the world financial system.
He writes: "We (collectively) are poised at a heart-stopping moment in economic times. On the one extreme side, the world is on the edge of massive deflation and depression. At the other extreme ... hyperinflation. My view is: Both these extremes are possible. Certainly deflation is, on balance, in play today and gaining ground as money supply is actually declining! Hyperinflation seems impossible when there is not much inflation in most economies. But ... hyperinflation is a monetary event, not an economic one, and will happen on an overnight basis, not via a general uptrend in inflation data."
Schultz added this late comment: "Meantime, as I write, gold is holding very near its high, as most stock markets are bungee jumping. This implies the unexpected hyper is pending, because if it were exclusively deflation ahead, gold action would be less buoyant.'
Schultz currently recommended asset allocation:

  • 30-40% government notes/bills/bonds

  • 8-10% stocks (non-golds)

  • 10-15% commodities

  • 40-50% gold stocks and bullion

  • 0-5% bear stock-market protection via inverse exchange-traded funds 
    More Here..

    Obama's request for $23 billion to avert the layoffs of as many as 300,000 public school teachers has not won support in either chamber.
    More Here..


  1. Everyone who is employed right now is directly supporting Satan and you will burn in hell for eternity for your support. The lines have been drawn and those still employed have been determined to be good, reliable soldiers who will help march the unemployed untouchables to the concentration camps and will willingly man the ovens in the crematoriums.

    So, all of you employed scumbags.....I spit in your cowardly feces covered faces....not that it will make a difference to you....but it makes all the difference to me.

  2. 9:25 another bizarre comment, you make zero sense. The very few oddballs that accumulate here.

  3. It appears that many people like Harry Schultz are issuing warnings and probably wise to pay attention, listen, and make wise preparations just in case.

    If you wait until the last minute the Banks might be closed and other problems. In other words you will be screwed!!!

  4. I thought the bizarre comments were moderated EA, WTF is 9:25, I've posted much less that diddnt clear your moderation standards, probably because I think this blog is full of shit. Ah the markets up 100 points, gotta go!

  5. 9:25, absent the Satan and Hell references, has a valid gripe. The Nazi Oligarchs cannot hold sway over the mass of humanity without the aid of the mass of humanity. The Technocratic Little Eichmans are what allows the sadistic Nazi Oligarchs to keep humanity in bondage and prevents humanity from evolving psychically and socially. The ranks of the Technocrats have been weeded and thinned. Those who remain are deemed to be reliable, loyal soldiers who will dutifully carry out the ramped up Oligarchy's plans when the time comes.....and it appears that time has nearly arrived.

    Don't Feed The Beast.

  6. 9:55 what are you here? You like this place don't you. You're always here! lol

    Ah the markets up 100 points, gotta go!

    See you tomorrow! hahaha

  7. 9:25 --- Dude you need to get help ASAP!

  8. The market being up or down has very little to do with the health of the economy. The USA, which is nothing more than a giant corporation held by the Oligarch bankers, has the worse balance sheet imaginable.

  9. "30-40% government notes/bills/bonds??"

    A lot of 'investors' here are smarter than ol' Harry. We know Gold and Silver, physically held, is the way to go. Good luck to him though.

  10. Hey, 11:44, your gold, silver and guns can't protect you from HAARP, drones and other MIC technology. When the time comes, your gold and silver will be confiscated, and you will be left with a load of shit in your pants.

    But go ahead and brag, Dork. Guys like you are the first to defecate in their britches when the going gets tough. You'll hand your gold, silver and guns over as you fill you fearfully empty your bowels and bladder into your makeshift diaper.

  11. Our owners get what our owners want. They want a global currency. They want an all-powerful Bank of the World. Think of it as the Federal Reserve on steroids.

    The ONLY way they will get what they want is via the destruction of currency fiat currencies around the world. The way you destroy currencies is HYPERINFLATION. That is how they all have died historically. All fiat currencies eventually hyperinflate and expire.

    Take into account that the Fed has printed more money since 2006 then the entire history of this nation dating back to the colonies!

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out their plans. They love things like the Gulf Gusher. They'll turn it into 100x worse than it needed to be. The game is rigged. They are just having a little trouble stuffing the giant elephant (US) down the toilet.

  12. As Gerald Celente already stated, after this stimulus package runs out, we're doomed.

  13. 11:53 lives in his mom's basement and is bitter. Once again, for the children who can't grasp reality, nothing is safe, but what is safer? Things that can be stolen from you with strokes on a keyboard at a bank or something you hold?

    Sorry kid, but your paranoia play makes no sense and no one is buying it. You are an epic fail when it comes to the fear game.

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 14, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    IF the economy were sound
    Or recovering
    Or anything other than
    Freee falllin'
    To quote Mistah Petty
    Then we would not need
    From Obama
    To save cop jobs
    Fire jobs
    Teacher jobs
    Because the recovering economy
    Would provide increased
    Tax revenue

    And it's that damn simple

  15. 12:02, you've got nothing but your false perceptions about value. Any excess you've accumulated thus (stolen excess labor, I might add) far that prompts you for a vehicle in which to place it is worthless. It's in your mind, and when the shit hits the fan, gold and silver aren't going to mean jack shit, and your vaunted "excess" will be no more. It will be just you, your pud, your hand and your loaded diaper after the Feds at the behest of the Rothschilds have confiscated your "worth."

  16. 12 34 true
    also buy gold silver prepare
    for those that cant afford yes you are screwed
    confiscate i dont think so
    sorry but the rich have the gold why would they want to be poor

    you will be smart to prepare
    time is stil short

    markets down 20

  17. 117
    sounds like your screwed

    dont worry i ll throw you some silver dimes


    by your cooments you sound upset

  18. 1:20, you sound afraid....very afraid, as well you should be.

  19. affraid not really
    im on 20 acres and loaded

    im fealing great

    how you doin

  20. Sure shill, sure.

  21. stock market has been down like 10 of the last 16 days, big crash coming soon, a huge crash comes every 70 to 80 years and we are right at that time, being the last huge one was in the 30s we are ripe for it, so Expect it, those that hold pms will be greatly rewarded, so How youse Doin? Whats in your wallet?

  22. Only 2% of americans own silver and gold
    = No confiscation because its already happened.

    We are witnessing bankers trying to test the people on how far they can take their evil game without global uprisings.

    The game is to have as many people working with minimal costs.

  23. 3:42, very true, but they want 100%. They're relentless like that.

  24. 316 bingo
    was his name o

  25. What would you do if you were a politician?

    1. Start cutting "entitlements," like unemployment and welfare, then watch the ensuing chaos and societal breakdown; or

    2. Do a bank holiday, issue a new U.S. dollar and water down debt at the same time, thereby spreading the pain, yet maintain a grip on society.

    We are at the precipice of number 1. Therefore, expect number 2 any day now. It's the path of least resistance.

    P.S. Will gold and silver go up? ROTFLOL. No kidding!!!

  26. Where is that Slimy, Evil, Devil Possessed Genius, the Anti-Christ when you need him ??? We know he will come out of the European Union when he is finally, finally revealed and will work to send Billions to the Fires of Hell for an eternity but isn't Pleasure for a Season worth it ??? Where is that damned Anti-Christ when you need him to solve the Worlds problems for a Season ???

  27. So hyperinflation is a monetary event not an economic event? That is an interesting way of splitting hairs.

  28. Is Curious George really President Obama ? Is Barry Satoro related to Curious George and President Obama ? If so, they all have one thing in common: THEY ARE ALL USELESS !!!!!

  29. When hyperinflation eventually hits don't run around bragging that you were right. Keep your gold and silver a deep secret. Get in the handout lines with everyone else, lay low. Same with your food stores. The only chance for survival is being a nobody; blend in.

    If you have told people that you have stored food or have PMs find the time to tell them you were wrong, and that you sold them all. Don't expose yourself.

    That is more important than having 100 guns. Lay low Joe.

  30. Now's the time to buy extra canned foods for barter, etc. Boxes of ammo (common sizes) socks and underwear, batteries, razor blades, bike tires, olive oil, spices (check exp dates) etc, etc, as money will be worth less and less..This country is completely trashed with no hope; apparently patriots are real jerks, duds, loser scum of the earth, busy bickering or playing golf, sports addiction, to be of any use. Churches are money pits, social clubs run by puppets of gov. Live strictly for self.

  31. America is a land of Bread and Circuses with time consuming and worthless TV programming, lazy Welfare Idiots, a 50% divorce rate, Drug Addictions, Sports Addictions, Various Gangs throughout the Country that often take the place of Parental Supervision, many False Teachers in its churches merely telling their congregants what they want to hear, well placed Crooked Politicians feathering their own nests at the expense of the common man and woman, etc., etc.

  32. Glenn said: 1st it will be deflation ... then hyperinflation ... (The worst financial disaster to befall a nation) When money has no value ... No one goes to work ... Don't worry about the price of gasoline ... it wont be there. I have 3600 bikes that I plan to barter with ... It is extremely interesting to see how mad some get at those that deliver the facts.

  33. A Sinner Saved by GraceSeptember 21, 2010 at 1:13 AM

    It appears there are a number of mentally disordered individuals posting on this site.

    Nevertheless, gold and silver are literally going to the moon as Obama and his minions destroy the economy and the dollar.

    The only thing left is to protect ourselves. 100% of your wealth (both for wealth preservation and investment vehicles) should be in physical gold and silver and the shares of the good miners and junior explorers.

    DO NOT put your capital into any sort of bonds including U.S. Treasuries, etc. They are an implosion waiting to happen. DO NOT also put capital into the general stock market as it is overdue for a severe contraction. DO NOT put capital into residential or especially commercial real estate. They have nowhere to go but down and also will be subject to government edicts and control, e.g. rent control, environmental mandates, rising taxes to cover the expenses of the increasing numbers of non-producers, etc.

    Forget about your pensions as they will either disappear completely or the value of the currency will be so debased that purchasing power will be lost.

    The ONLY things that will protect you going forward is gold and silver. Wait no longer. The thief is at the door. Establish your defensive positions ASAP.

    May God richly bless all readers of this message and may it help protect your from the approaching maelstrom.

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