
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is Martial Law Coming For Gulf Coast?

SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA) has been in existence for a year and a half and this is our first MARTIAL LAW ALERT.

We have withheld putting out information on the Gulf oil spill for a variety of reasons, but there is now enough evidence for us to put together a fairly clear picture of what really happened, what may result and to warn people who live in the area.

Due to toxic gases from the fractured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, the possible off-gassing of the highly-toxic Corexit 9500 (the chemical dispersant used by BP in the oil spill clean-up), acid rain and various as-yet-unknown forms of environmental damage, we believe that the government will have no choice but to relocate millions of people away from the Gulf Coast. Those living in Florida are presently at the highest risk, but the danger also appears likely to spread to all Gulf Coast states east of Louisiana and possibly even to the entire Eastern half of the United States once hurricane season begins.

Greg Evensen, a retired Kansas Highway Patrolman, estimates that 30-40 million people would need to be evacuated away from the Gulf’s coastline (i.e. at least 200 miles inland). In order to accomplish this gargantuan feat, the federal government (through FEMA and other agencies) would most likely seek first to control and manage the transportation system and then operate relocation centers to manage evacuees. Toward this end, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already declared the airspace over the oil spill site to be a no-fly zone until further notice. Various sources have indicated that local police, highway patrol, National Guard, US military and foreign troops may be involved in an operation to evacuate the Gulf Coast. In fact, the Governor of Louisiana has already requested evacuation assistance (i.e. National Guard) for his state from the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Those living inland may also be at risk, since the movement of vast numbers of evacuees would cause a significant strain on local resources. In other words, inlanders should not expect life to continue “as normal,” since, under a martial law scenario, the government would have the power and the motivation to seize everyday necessities, such as: food, water, fuel, housing, etc. Some have also suggested that if a hurricane were to occur over the oil spill area itself, lightning might possibly ignite volatile organic compounds, not to mention the acid rain clouds that could form and be carried inland (i.e. acid rain could pollute the water table, destroy crops, kill wildlife and pose significant health risks to humans in the southern and eastern states.)

More Here..


  1. I was vacationing at Orange Beach, Alabama last week and the Vehicle Traffic counters were literally all over the place within a 50 mile radius of the place. I have never seen anything like that. Sure, in the past there may be an isolated Vehicle Traffic Counter here or there, but this was over the top.

    Something's up......that's for sure. I think the sea floor is going to collapse and send an oil Tsunami 80-100 feet tall 50 miles inland. Florida will be wiped out and Southeastern Texas, Southern Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama will be an annihilated wasteland.

    I'm moving to Montana and will take my chances with Yellow Stone erupting.

  2. Using foreign troops to displace American Citizens.....yeah, that will go over well.

    Unfortunately, I think that obozo is so out of touch with the average American that he wouldn't see the problem.

    I am just waiting for the terms "Mandatory Disarmament". That will be everyone's cue to cowboy up.

  3. I believe nowhere is safe, I believe they will create disasters all over the country until fema camps are up and running in every region, so they they can have total control of the entire country, probably over the next 2 to 3 years this will be a reality.

  4. Hey 3:45

    I certainly hope you and all yall southern boys are up for Montana; not that we ain't up fer ye.

    But she was a snowin' up on the Whitehorse yesterday - this ain't flipflop country ya hear ?

  5. I doubt if many will go willingly; they will stand up and protect themselves and families and band with fellow patriots. It's been almost two months now, if they were going to evacuate, they would have already done it. Only a fool would willingly go with large groups of people to an unknown location. Some near the gulf may go north on their own if they have a place to go to. Most of us don't have the means to up and relocate permanently.

  6. Sounds a little far fetched to me, I have friends in New Orleans, and other than the obvious disruption this is causing no one believes that oil will be evaporated into the clouds and rain down on land or be picked up by a hurricane or that the ocean floor is ready to collaspe. The current disaster is plenty doom enough without all the possible drama others can dream up. And if you havent noticed we are under martial law now throughout the whole country, just have your kid draw a picture of a gun in school and see what happens.

  7. laura, there were millions of "fools" in Germany in the 1930's, remember? Oh, what about the "fools" in NO after Katrina? They were bused out and flown out to unknown locations, they had no choice.

    I look for the evacuation to happen prior to the first "oilcane" hits the gulf. Hopefully after the oilcane hits land, it will not go up to my area, ha ha, how selfish of me..

    Prepare for the worse, NOTHING good is going to happen...

  8. If you live around the Gulf region in the path of any of the possible hurricanes you have the opportunity to get out of there now. I know it is hard to leave your home behind, but I fear they have tremendous treachery in mind. They CAN create hurricanes on an mass scale one right after another (research HAARP) so it will not be an accident.

    What a perfect way to wage war. Deception does not get any more clever.

    Don't stick around for it. Get out of there. You already must know that the cleanup will take decades. Get out of there before the sheeple populace do the math and your home is worth peanuts anyway.

  9. Katrina was no accident, it was a trial run for what they will be doing with those millions of gallons of oil spraying all over the gulf states. Mark my words, that entire area is going to be turned into a giant death zone.

    You can put away your beads prior to March 8th, there will be no celebration next spring.

  10. laura what a foolish assumption! evacuate 2 months ago? Why? There was no reason to. The media stated that it was just a little gusher @5000 gallons a day. They lied. Like usual. The bands of patriotic fools will be sticking together as the chemicals rain on their heads. Like the captain that goes down with the ship or the idiots that go to war and fight for their leaders. Patriotic to the last breath! Stand by your land. Dumb fucks deserve what they get...

  11. The government creating hurricanes is about as likely as 'global warming', but hurricanes are created every year naturally, so there is serious risk of one colliding with the oil. There is no doubt that the oil and chemicals will evaporate and become part of the rain - this is no theory - it's fact. The question then is how bad will the damage be? - there are already mainstream reports of acid rain hitting some areas as posted on this site previously, so that is a real possibility in all gulf coast areas. Florida is essentially all coast, so it will possibly be hit the worst. This mess will be a good 20 years long (best case scenario) devastating the economy of at least 6 to 8 states directly, and indirectly & directly both this will hammer the US economy too. Depending on how much they continue to screw it up - it may be as much as 50 years long. Sadly the best advice for anyone living near the coast is probably to sell what you can and board up what you can't, then move inland somewhere with plans to stay at least a couple / few years - in other words, rent an apartment and find a job in your new location. The US economy will take a major hit from this event and this will most likely be the much expected trigger for the 2nd wave or as some call it the double-dip in this, the 2nd great depression. Band together, help your friends and neighbors, survive and thrive the best you can. America and freedom will live on if we demand that it must. Good luck my friends. USA.

  12. Iraqis are attacking their central bank this weekend. Of course the MSM is making it out like a simple bank robbery, which is nonsense.

    Maybe they figured out who their enemies really are, who knows.

    BTW, the goal of the elite Rothschilds is a central bank in every country. Upon our invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, within weeks a central bank was installed. If a country is labeled 'evil' it is because it does not have a Rothschild's central bank.

    Baby steps to the Bank of the World, which they want desperately.

    Could you imagine the US Sheeple attacking the Federal Reserve Bank? How laughable. We are numbed zombies.

  13. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 13, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    hEY Papis y Mamis
    Like Oboomer say
    Ya boy BWD III gots
    Cans y dried
    Aqua y ammo
    Carbines everywhere
    Riot style Remmies
    Extended tube
    For all the rubes

    My brother Boogar is rich yo
    He just come back from Hawaii
    con C____
    He said to me he said
    Brian WIlliam
    What the Hell is going on?
    I said it's on and poppin big bro
    Get thee to our pollo ranch hideway
    Up in what they call the Meth Zone
    Muchos muchos amor suckas

    Like I's been telling you vatos

    Just run

  14. Yeah, move North and get a new job

    Oh yeah - that jsut gives me areal nice warm and fuzzy feeling all over

  15. I realize there is nothing warm or fuzzy about it, but those who move now, as fast as possible, will be the ones who will have the best chance of finding a job / any job - the ones who will have the best chance of finding an apartment / any apartment. If you wait for 20/20 hindsight, you will be much more certain but much more screwed.

  16. When a lot of us here said the oil would still be gushing out come Xmas we were laughed at, who is laughing now?

  17. 5:11pm & others: many can't move; I live 80 mi inland and will take my chances. Some have biz. to run, sick parents,kids, etc. and others are drawing a fixed pension/401K and can barely pay their utility bills, much less relocate. Others have moved in career military (me) and are damn sick and tired of moving ever again. They have friends and biz relationships that they cherish. Anyone that wants to move, best to do so now..younger ones have a better chance and can adjust to new areas. yes, this chemical danger could be exaggerated by the powers that be, just to act out this plan in full (excuse for martial law/fema camps, etc). Many will fall for this crap and get on buses/trains because they never studied history.

  18. ...I am just waiting for the terms "Mandatory Disarmament". That will be everyone's cue to cowboy up...

    I do not live in the Gulf area, but this idea of "Mandatory Disarmament" should be expected in the event of an evacuation order. After all, no "inmate" of a FEMA camp is going to be allowed to possess ANY weapons.

    That being said, to all you living in the Gulf, get to know who around you is armed. Pledge your lives to each other that you will NOT give up your weapons. Death on your feet will be far better than death on your knees. Many will, willing go to a FEMA camp and then find out that they have no rights, no freedom, and "for their safety" they will not be allowed to leave.

    Consider setting up a PEMA (People's Emergency Management Agency) Camp. If you ever see an armed foregn trooper, take them out of the situation. They will see quickly how unwelcome thay are. NATO troops are cowards anyway, as soon as shit in Iraq and Afganistan got hot, they wanted to go home!

    Set up a PEMA camp somewhere safe. Take care of each other the best you can. Naturally the MSM will call you "isolationists" and they pick one of you as the "cult leader" and call your community a "armed compound". PEMA is far better than FEMA any day.

    I don't see things getting any better, so stockpile food, water, weapons and plenty of ammo, first aid, OTC medications... the list is long.

  19. This is another smoke and mirrors campaign. They couldnt evacuate during Katrina, by no means can they evacuate 20% of US population.
    Massive screw ups yes, FEMA camps yeah right.
    We are broke and greedy. Prepare for gov. not being there to help you thats all. Thats big in itself but not for Third Reich.

  20. Oilcane1 forming off South America??

  21. Who's in charge. Who is taking control of this mess. Where in the Heck is the Destroyer in Chief. Yes, this is his mess, how many days did it take for him to move his ASS. While the oil spread, he partied and golfed. The man and his thugs Wanted this to get worse. Well it has, is this day 53, 54, or WHAT. lets be clear he wanted this to get worse so he can take over oil. He screwed this up and now he thinks BIG GOVERNMENT can do better. WE ARE SCREWED.

  22. Hey People, (not sheeple) has the Federal Government ever done anything right?

    Social Security is taking in less than they are paying out.

    Medicare is constantly telling Doctors to accept less and less for services rendered.

    We are now forced to buy a product (Obozo Care) and if we don't buy it, we will be punished by the IRS. Where in the Constitution does it say the Feds can do that?

    The military (and NASA)continues to buy $600.00 toliet seats and $400.00 hammers. Remember that astronaut chick that "lost" her tool bag? We were told that her "tool bag" cost about $100,000.00! How can a NASA "Cresent Wrench" cost say, $20,000.00 instead of $17.00 bucks at Home Depot!!!

    When Katrina hit, "Brownie" was really pissed off that his FEMA paid fancy dinner was interrupted by the needs of the dead and dying of New Orleans. Why was that bastard allowed to continue to breath air and take up space?

    We have the power to stop this maddness...

  23. So - is this "evacuation" a pretense to further takeover by corporate eminent domain.

    What will happen to the evacuated property?

    Isn't coastline control what the corporations and the feds want?

  24. Doctors will make a lotta money on all the cancer from dispersant-rain.

  25. fema will move everyone out and steal their property then clean the area then resell it and keep the money, telling the owners to eat it and enjoy their fema camp home.

  26. I just spent 10 days down on S. Padre Island and it was a bit dead. It seemed mostly like locals from TX and I did not see many out of state plates. I tried to tell my sister (resident of S. TX)that I thought the border would be overrun at the first sign of collapse. This oil spill is going to cause illness in millions and will bankrupt SS and the Obama Care.

  27. Ash clouds over europe!
    The smell of oil.And guestimates .
    Get prepared.
    Do not panic and shoot until you can see the whites of their eyes.
    Do not flee untill you actualy SEE masses of oil heading for the coast or hitting the beaches big time and can see their effect on your world .

  28. OMG...its just keeps getting worse

  29. laura said:
    "Most of us don't have the means to up and relocate permanently."
    And as laura has already told us ,repent and pay the rent ,for all those facing foreclosure by the banksters.
    Monetary contracts and morgages for property are sacred even if the banksters were criminals .
    No matter what,honest laura will be required to pay the rent acording to her principles and
    the rent contract on the land her trailer home is currently parked on. Till jesus comes to save the patriots of a bankrupt and polluted with oil america and restores the constitution of the supreme being of Usury and property owners to its rightful place for the coming milenium.
    An american hero our laura .Hang in there !
    She may fear fire and brimstone but not oil.

  30. Keeps all de sheeps in de darks.

  31. Anyone that knows what sort of toxic brew they are building deliberately plus the fact they have HAARP at their disposal should get the hell out of there.

    They need to make their trillions on the clean up and what a better way to turn it into a horrendous disaster then to mix in poisonous chemicals then start a whooper of a hurricane.

    Hint: Katrina's intensity was no accident and the whopper they are going to stir up for this event will make Katrina look like morning dew.

    They can finally have the pretext they have wanted for Marshall Law and get the Fema camps in full swing.

    The technology to create hurricanes and change the weather exists my friends. Why do you think the nations of the world have signed treaties not to use the weather as a weapon via the United Nations?

    Nicola Tesla developed the technology decades ago. Nicola said the power harnessed was so powerful it could split the Earth in half. Nicola was no blowhard. He was the greatest inventor ever alive. You have AC electricity because of Nicola.

    Of course, the clandestine Empire (us) doesn't care about such technicalities as treaties. We do the bidding of our Oligarch masters.

    There it is, sitting right in Alaska, under US Air Force control, supposed as an 'experimental facility.' Folks, the USAF only cares about something that can be used as a weapon. It is the greatest clandestine weapon ever built. They will be using it, just watch.

  32. With all due respect--I do love this site--I think this is reckless speculation at this point. The difficulty of evacuating the coastline is difficult enough for hurricanes--I lived on the Gulf Coast for 25 years, so I know all about it--there is simply no way they could evacuate every single person who lived up to 200 miles inland along the entire Gulf Coast. It's not possible. The bottom line is, there will be health hazards to those who live there, and they will be recording the effects for a generation to come. I believe we will see even MORE frightening and horrific effects from this gusher of oil--for a generation to come. I mean things like utter devastation to the entire coastline, the entire Gulf, and the coastlines of the Eastern Atlantic and, later, Europe, due to the loop effects. But let's not indulge in fear-mongering to further frighten people in an already nightmarish situation. When the time comes, people will be frightened enough, and frankly, there is not anything people can do at this point to prevent it, if martial law or dislocations of entire populations comes to pass.

  33. So just where is FEMA and Homeland Security?

    Does this oil gusher not constitute a status of federal disaster? Does the contamination not qualify as an attack on the home land? Talk about a dirty bomb.

    Disband and fire all the worthless wonks today.

    While we are at it, where are all the great environmentalists? The biggest man-made environmental disaster in history and not a whisper?

    Al Gore?
    Bill Gates?
    Prince Charles?
    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?
    Earth First?

    Frauds, each and everyone of them.

    No need to worry about FEMA camps. These clowns couldn't find a vending machine at a bus station much less round up the population. Think census workers only with a lower IQ.

    It's anarchy folks. The corpos are running the show.

  34. Death to CorporatismJune 14, 2010 at 12:36 PM

    8:42 nailed it on the head. The emperor truly has no clothes with this event. We need to join in solidarity and defeat Corporatism once and for all. Corporatism is the chains that bind us all. The sooner all of us realize this and defeat the monstrosity of Corporatism created by the Oligarchs to enslave us all, the sooner we can evolve, psychically and socially.

  35. Where do some of you idiots come from? This site sure has grown, I can remember having some decent, logical, and on a higher level than what appears to dominate the comments now. It seems that all logic is drowned out by static. I mean you talk about sheep, and you can't even hear the cacophony of your fear mongering gibberish. Martial law? Yeah, one day, but right now? The author of this article does a poor job of convincing me. What I saw was a convoluted slop of lame fear mongering (to increase hits to his site no doubt)and blatant sophistry.I quote, "Greg Evensen, a retired Kansas Highway Patrolman, estimates that 30-40 million people would need to be evacuated away from the Gulf’s coastline (i.e. at least 200 miles inland). " 200 miles?!? This is bullshit.
    Before you rats attack me,(you know who you are) yes I'm familiar with the FEMA system, the Civilian inmate labor programs, and all that other good ole' stuff. Nonetheless, before you press that Post Comment button, stop and look at what your about to say. A lot of folks on this site actually have a brain, and also enjoy using it. Yet, there seems to be a horde of sheep on here who just love to bitch and moan about... well, other sheep, and they do it with such malice, self-righteous indignation, and often plain and simply an elitist's mindset.

    Yeah, things are bad, and things are gonna get worse. However, by joining in on this orgy of hype and emotional resonance, we actually give more energy to bullshit hype and FEAR Mongering. I'm mainly talking about statements like " the ocean floor is gonna collapse!!!! run for your lives!" All Im saying is to analyze what you read and at least consider what the author's motivations may be. Don't join in on the mania and thus help promote it.

  36. conversations -- first sentence

  37. Also, yes I live in Louisiana. Venice (the nearest community to the spill's original ground zero) is about 100 miles as the crow flies from my home. Will this severely affect our lives? Absolutely. Yet, I wonder if most of the folks who live nowhere near the gulf actually know anything about the population distribution and general economic activies of Louisiana (and Mississippi). Certainly a lot of people live near the coast, especially south of New Orleans. After Katrina, the population of Baton Rouge surged enormously. Many of the people eventually left, but a large number stayed in the city and especially in the surrounding areas such as Livingston Parish, Ascencion, and Tangipahoa. I sure will miss going fishing in the marsh and bayous near Venice, and in Grand Isle. I'm gonna miss boiling 20 pounds of fresh jumbo shrimp in Zatarain's crab boil and not spending more than 20 bucks for the shrimp. Yeah, there will still be shrimp from the Western coastline of Louisiana and Texas, but not nearly as cheap.

    Much of the inland area's economic "primary producers" are petrochemical plants. Below them are all the supporting industries/professions for the former: Electrical/instrumentation/control companies, pipefitters, general contractors and maintenance companies, machine shops, valve specialists, and the list goes on. I'm certainly not an apologist for BP or any of the pirate minded megacorps that basically control our government. By stopping drilling Obama is screwing a lot of folks out of work. Seafood is a major portion of our state's ecomony, like tourism is for Gulf Shores, AL, MS, and especially Florida. Overall though the bread and butter of Louisiana's economic activity is oil/gas production, processing, refining(18 out of 30 of the largest oil refineries in U.S.), petrochemical manufacture(e.g.,North America’s largest nitrogen production - CF Industries) and distribution(the only deepwater supertanker crude terminal - LOOP . We'll survive, albeit a whole bunch of us are gonna go bankrupt. Our economy is (was) in a lot better shape than most other state's, but if the spill leads to a moratorium on new drilling , then we'll definitely take a bigger hit than we already are expecting.

  38. Hermes thanks for the update, any info on the gusher please keep posting!

  39. Hey 2:30 you are right about Tesla.

    But Tesla wanted FREE Electricity for everyone.
    He wasn't greedy; he wanted to share his inventions for the public good. That's why I believe his info was suppressed.

  40. Well I'd bet that 4:09pm is living in a sort of semi solid intellectual bubble of dis reality in which he/she/it can exonerate itself from all guilt regarding oil consumption and it's deletorious effects upon our planet, now so obvious.

    Fact is, if you've ever had a hot shower, or had warm water for shaving, or enjoyed an indoor loo,
    you burned oil doing it.

    4:09pm is personally responsible for the burning of perhaps 10,000 gallons or more of heavy crude, yet still thinks it's somehow exempt from the Wrath of Mother Earth.

    Nuh uh kiddo.

    Momma's angry and you're a 2 year old that just spilled the milk.

  41. it is a freaking meet up group link - site - the credibility of this site is starting to come into question.

  42. Don't Do anything Stupid! Captain Clinton Morgan

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