
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Darkside

The purpose of this article is to give a brief outline of how the elites, and the Rockefellers in particular, are using food as a weapon.  Since the Rockefeller family came to power (especially after gaining a monopoly in 1914 with Standard Oil) they have manipulated our government into ruining our financial system by way of the Federal Reserve, energy through oil dependency and food with GMOs (Genetically Engineered Organisms).  The intention is to rob us blind and kill us.  It's time to wake up.
The official name of this program is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.  It the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control over America and the rest of the world.  There is no question that Americans are targeted for depopulation: GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) food has saturated American farmlands. GMOs are dangerous and the proliferation of corn crops (used as sweetener, animal feed, processed food, etc) in America is shortening our life spans.(1) Our water is polluted, containing over 60,000 chemicals, most of which have never been tested for safety.(2)  Our air is toxic, and the US is one of the most targeted areas for chemtrails.(3)   This is just the tip of the iceberg, the things we know about. 
More Here..


  1. someone assasinate him!

  2. How true. Next time you put up a box of cereal or soda pop and see Aspartame or Sucratose on the label know that you are being slowly poisoned to death.

    Then of course there is flouride. Try explaining to your dentist that it is actually a chemical waste product and does nothing for your teeth.

    Our owners are constantly coming up with ways to cull the herd, to kill us off, or just dumb us down even further.

    The sheeple cannot accept this truth because the reality of it is so unpleasant. They can't come to terms with the fact that we are seen as vermin. Sheeple prefer to believe things that bring them comfort. That government cares about them, that they have a say in their destiny, etc. They do not.

  3. No question about it???June 13, 2010 at 5:01 PM

    Really? I actually can come up with very solid counter arguments to this entire article. So there is a question about it whether America is the target of depopulation.

    To condense this, here is several logical statements that one should consider which might defract their belief in such a far out conspiracy theory.

    Note first: I am preparing for an economic crash, which will inevitably happen. So don't call me a shill.

    1) Why would Americans have been the target of depopulation, let's say using chemtrails, if each person seems to have a varying lifespan? Some die at 50 of a heart attack because they were obese and brought it upon their own self, while others can live to be 90? Each country is almost the same in regards to that, except the people in the USA generally have longer lives!

    2) Why would the government need to waste all that resource and money to spray the air with chemicals, there are much cheaper and even more effective ways at controlling people; television, Myspace, alcohol?

    3) Just the tip of the iceberg, that we know about? Who is we? Why can't the author tell us more than two examples of this depopulation project before telling us that those are just the tips of the iceberg, yet the first two are highly sketchy. Why would he stack the deck so high like that? Typical conspiracy theorist; fabricate the reality and shout it out loudly and with conviction because they have no evidence
    to gain any real credibility.

    4) American water is by far healthier than any other countries unless you can find a waterhole in the middle of nowhere in Africa. Want to drink some organic water in Mexico or even Turkey which will have feces in it? Do people ever question why people would pay a whole dollar for a bottle of "healthy water" and yet they tell us that are far cheaper water supplies are so poluted, maybe someone is trying to make some bucks just like the Rockefellers?

    5) Much of this stuff is baseless and could be nothing more than widespread lies being told are the truth, i.e, "Take this pill and your penis will grow three inches, women like bigger things after all." Things that are all false but people begin to believe - what happens here? These kinds of ideas, distributed today mainly through electronic media has a way of creating images in the brain cells (light-waves/information) which are as fictional as an Anime cartoon or something that pops out of Hollywood. The reality could be where the person is, at point B, the theory or thought-form could be as far away as Y, and the brain then jumps from B to Y without actually making a single move... nothing is really there.

  4. Incredibly Smart ScholarJune 13, 2010 at 5:04 PM

    Jay Rockefeller is pushing so hard to censor the internet because if even 5% of the American sheeple populace ever wake up to the truth of what is happening to them the Elite's plans will fail. They despise blogs like this one.

    The real enemies are right out there, exposed now. Where just 10-15 years ago if you talked about a global elite, a NWO, you were labeled a nut.

    Now it can be proven only because the level of urgency and greed they have to get the job done over the last ten or so years. 9/11 was out of character for them because they have the patience of Job and have always preferred to take us apart in slow unnoticeable steps.

    Empowered by the fake war on terror and their banking/monetary might they are waging war on not only the USA but the people of the world via the IMF and CFR.

    They are winning no doubt because of the apathy of the 98%, however their agressiveness may backfire on them at some point if only the sheeple could awaken.

    Jay Rockefeller and his croonies would love to make a blog like this illegal. Just like in Europe where if you question certain history or their governments you can be jailed. When the elite can criminalize opinion or independent thought. To lead the sheeple back into the herd with a baseball bat.

    Interesting times. My guess is the next 2-3 years will be very eventful indeed.

  5. Talk to any farmers about Montesanto and you will know that our food and distribution is controlled now on a level that would make you cringe. Remember, seven million people died of starvation in the great depression when the USA was one giant open farm.

  6. Understand what Flouride really is, and why it is being used on us:

  7. Chemtrails exposed; 9 min video

  8. The takeover of America's farmland. 10 min vid:

  9. Eugenics. Shorter lifespan for you. Longer, healthier lifestyle for them. The ruling elite openly talk about depopulation measures at any cost, so arguing that it does not exist is futile. The inbreeding psychopaths that run the world are using their hoarded science for their benefit.

  10. Funny video about Toxic Water. Not really a laughing matter, but sometimes you just have to laugh.

  11. There is proof positive that Chemtrails are real. The link goes back to flouride. They use an aluminum micro-product much like the aluminum waste in flouride.

    The reason they use Chemtrails to poison us and not other means which would be easier is that they know (think) that the sheeple would never believe such an absurd premise.

    That they are actually crop dusting cities with toxins. However, independent testing has proven that it is absolutely true.

    This all goes back to them being masters of psychology. They know the sheeple mindset could never accept such a discomforting thought. Similar to 9/11; the sheeple could never accept such an uncomfortable thought that they were deceived into believing a ridiculous tale.

  12. 2:01 is right on. They have no plans on depopulating. They love to inflict suffering.....and they can't do that if they kill us off. Also, we're their psychic batteries. Our misery fuels their happiness. Kind of like Monsters, Inc. but more sinister. Vampires, Inc. maybe??

  13. One of my favorite authors, G. Edward Griffin wrote one of the best pieces ever on the Federal Reserve Fraud. The Creature from Jekyll Island. Also World Without Cancer.

    His logical, soft-spoken demeanor while speaking on serious issues is good at waking up sheeple on the fence.

  14. 2:01/2:50, same shill. The government shills have a great advantage because regardless of all the evidence that make them out as the liars they are, the sheeple will always believe what gives them comfort.

    I say be one of the 2% that decide to think rationally. Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.

  15. I agree that Fluoride has no business being in our water, but if you're going to take on that issue, you best distance yourself from the creepy John Birch society who polluted the Fluoride debate by claiming it was a communist plot thus discrediting legitimate criticism.

  16. Henry Kissinger gets on camera and openly states that depopulation is a goal they take as job #1. Then the shills can say 'they have no plans on depopulating". Geezus christ.

    As George Carlin so apply put, "They want more for themselves and less for you. They don't give a shit about you. Not at all. Not at all."

    Just wait until they use HAARP to stir up brutal hurricanes in the Gulf that bring the oil and death chemicals inward onto land. Then you will be culling up close and personal.

  17. Kissinger made that comment in 1975. At that time, the population of the U.S. stood at 215 million. The Earth's population was 4 billion. In 2010, the U.S. population is approximately 310 million and the Earth's population is approximately 6.8 billion. These folks are pathetically incompetent at depopulation. It's been 35 freakin years and the world's population has nearly doubled. They need to be replaced with more competent depopulators....folks that can get the job done.

  18. Many have stated depopulation:
    f anybody you talk to wonders if there are people who would possibly consider depopulation, here's a few quotes to throw at them.

    “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind”
    Theodore Roosevelt

    “Malthus has been vindicated; reality is finally catching up with Malthus. The Third World is overpopulated, it’s an economic mess, and there’s no way they could get out of it with this fast-growing population. Our philosophy is: back to the village.”
    Dr. Arne Schiotz, World Wildlife Fund Director of Conservation, stated such, ironically, in 1984:

    “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
    Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine

    “There is a single theme behind all our work–we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it….” “Our program in El Salvador didn’t work. The infrastructure was not there to support it. There were just too goddamned many people…. To really reduce population, quickly, you have to pull all the males into the fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile age females….” The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease like the Black Death….
    Thomas Ferguson, State Department Office of Population Affairs
    Much More Here
    “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
    David Rockefeller

  19. They have been able to cull the population in less direct ways also.

    Cancer was cured decades ago, but we are not supposed to know that. If the sheeple were aware that there are entire populations with a ZERO cancer rate merely because of their diet would they care?

    Would they care that Alaska's Eskimos have a near zero cancer rate, also based on their diet? I fear not, because that information is not being offered by an authority figure, a doctor, some talking head on TV.

    If the Elite wanted us healthy surely this would be common knowledge. But sadly it is not, because there are billions to be made in treatments and then that whole keeping the population at bay thing.

    There are also natural medicines that are far superior to any of the chemicals seen on any Rite Aid shelf. But do the sheeple know about them, or care for that matter? Sadly, no.

    It is better for the elite to keep us needy and unhealthly. It is easier to control us undesirables that way.

    There is absolutely no reason anyone should be getting cancer in the year 2010.
    If you don't want to be the one out of four Americans that get cancer, listen and learn:

    Then go here:

  20. 50% of the US population is now taking toxic mind-altering so-called anti-depressant drugs.

    When those drugs are yanked away look out.

    We have a populace of mind-controlled zombies here all lined up for starvation and slaughter. That is the reality of the situation.

    Culling will not be a huge problem for them.

  21. Gun control is a Rockefeller in the cross hairs...

  22. The technology to live a long and healthy life is available to almost everybody in the USA. If your worried about what's in your water supply either move to the rural countryside and drill your own well or purchase any one of a dozen systems that will remove 99.99% of anything and everything from your water ( reverse osmosis seems to be the way to go)

    The air you breathe is the same air everyone breathes - I don't give a shit whether your name is Rockefeller or Smith. But once again you do have options as to whether your in an extremely
    toxic enviroment or not ( think L.A. or Yuan province in China )

    As Gerald Celente is very fond of pointing out; support your LOCAL growers and farmers also grow hierloom seeds YOURSELF ! It is not at all difficult and then you don't have to worry about supporting Monsanto. In my area there are any number of small family owned farms that raise only pasture feed beef. Get to know one - they are really great people.

    People have a choice when it comes to the basics of life. When your sitting in a 4 grand a month flat on Long Island - your pretty much at the mercy of these dickbags - not true if you decide to buy 10 acres in the Fingerlakes Region.

    As far as cereal as such goes - if your worried - buy Organic !

    These elitests bleed red just like you and me and just because the pricks have trillions of dollars doen't make them any smarter than you and me - we just need on occasion to do a little more proactive thinking is all.

    After all - I have yet to hear of one of 'em who made it past 100 ! iF THEY ARE SO DAMN ALL POWERFUL; HOW IS IT THAT ALL THEIR MONEY CANNOT BUY THEM ONE MORE DAY ???????????????????

  23. I don't know much about other states but here in
    wetsern Pa. the bulk of the land is owned by private individuals who pretty much make their own way. We have things like outdoor wood burners; and ram forced water supplies and flocks of chickens, turkey, duck and Quail.

    Let them HAARP all they want - we'll still be here making our own wine !

  24. I love it: delete any comments that you disagree with. So what if a few people here have the common sense to know this article is bolgna and unfounded? you shouldnt take it personally and remove their opinions just because you buy into it wholesale. Faith, have FAITH. Thinking is not an option.

  25. EA, you are silly. A few people in teh world voice their opinion regarding world population, which BY THE WAY is an issue today, and you think the elite masters and controllers of the universe are out to kill 95% of the population overnight through chemtrail and poisoning. Let me ask you this: dont you think it would be easier to have made 95% of the population infertile, if this had been the mater plan all along? Why go through with such infantile and imprecise tricks such as chem trail spraying, supposedly, which affects entire cities and beyond. Why not make it public policy? Why not stop indefinite economic growth rather than propound it. Why? Because population extermination is not a policy. And if it was you would have to do much better than quote Ted Turner or the President of the World Wildlife Fund. Hell, I even agree with him. We need to return to the village style life, at least to the extent we are consuming less and not destroying the world at the global level. How does that NOT make sense, particularly in lieu of the reality of peak oil?

  26. 5:18 allow me to answer that. There is money to be made slowly killing people. Cancer, heart disease, lung disease, chemical spills etc. all make M O N E Y! Why make the pop. infertile? War and disease is profitable, then we turn on ourselves! Much easier and more fun for the elite to watch..

  27. 5:09 I delete the comments when people put strange and demeaning comments about the "messenger"..who by the way, DID NOT write the article!

  28. Hey 4:29, you make a lotta sense!

  29. Jesus is just a personification of the SUN of god; a many times repeated myth, same stories, characters have different names, that is all. This is an Economic Depression forum, the Jimmy Swaggart forum is that a way >>

  30. Here's the Solution:

    Hire professional assassins to take out specific family members of the Rockefeller cartel then repeat for other cartels like Rothchild, Bill Gates, Bilderberg Cartels..

    I am not advocating murder. I'm advocating justifiable self defense. Before their policies cause your death professional hitters cause their deaths to stop them...

    I guarantee you that people will cheer from the roof tops.

  31. @10:07 PM

    If someone comes to my home to kill me I will kill them first so I agree with that 100%

    Kudos! :)

  32. NO its not bullshit. You are just being stubborn which is rooted in your egoism. Your friend that you hang out with is your familiy. Your dentist is your family. I'm your family. Some random dude in Japan is your family. Everyone is your family. You have such a shallow mentality and will probably be forced to learn the hard was through deprivation. Those that can't think, must feel.

    Stop blaming "elites". The very fact that you had to build apartment buildings is proof of overpopulation. The very fact that you have to "conserve" resources is proof of overpopulation. The very fact that the air is unfit to breathe is proof of overpopulation. The very fact that you are forced to spur food production on the same piece of land rather then giving it a rest for years on end to feed your criminally escalating overpopulation and thus having shit, bland tasting, unfit food, is again proof of overpopulation. ETc, etc, etc.

    Weird child mentality animal, just like you know how to listen to 1 inverse genital target, so you can acquire some genital stimulation (being that youare a fucking ape evolved animal), you ought to also know how listen to those that are wiser and know better - even if theres no cock sucking involved, what a concept. You along with many others like you will bring the planet to its knees all because you have a sick mental quirk of making more and more minis to compensate for your own insecurities.

    Weird childish mentality animal, you are so far from perfecting your mentality that you think being stacked 1 on top of another, surrounded by concrete rather then forests, water, etc and living in un optimal places is fantastic.

    Ultimately all you are saying is that you are incredibly selfish, but rest assured you will be made to experience the consequences of your sick egoist mentality by being born in a wasteland rather than in optimal conditions.

    And the root of all this is that in your sick egoism you are uncapable of thinking globally and wanting to adhere to a streamlined universal order, but rather you can only maintain order with 1 inverse genital target, and thats it. And like you there are billions. But idiot newbs, the planet which is finite on purpose to train you to not be a psychopath will teach you the hard way, and these lessons have already begun and will continue to proliferate until finally everything deteriorates completely unless you enact strict birth bans to lower your criminal (selfish, egoist) overpopulation.

    (For your info, I have 0 kids, will never have kids, and don't have a need or want to be (alive) here (on earth) and am not part of the "elite".)

  33. What I'm going to say sounds crazy...I have a feeling that some of the comments here are being flagged by some douchebag federal department...I have a feeling that sometimes those that yell the loudest are doing it to see who yells along with them.

    Kinda how Hal Turner was yelling about the feds but secretly he was working with them getting names for them...So to all...BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY.

    Do what you need/prep and keep low...The storm only affects those that make themselves a target.

  34. Dear 5:27

    Do you know what the current population of the ENTIRE state of Montana is ?

    Do you know what the population of the entire city of Pgh. Pa. is ?

    There goes your little theroy whoosh up in smog uhh I mean smoke

  35. EA, in other words you took it personally that I said the article was rubbish and anyone who eats it up are not being critical-minded enough to question it or look beyond for truer, more sound answers, which is something we need in this increasingly doomed world.

    The other writer who discussed population was on target: the fatal disease I see in the thuoght of the fellow conspiracy minded is this notion that energy is endless and should be free. Even if this were true, it would merely be a free ticket to run the earth into a truly burnt out run dopwn cess-pit of waste. But the truth is that the earth is a sensitive living sphere that needs balance and harmony in order for life to thrive upon it. I know that there are some who scoff at this notion. These types care more about the economics of, say, the current cost of gasoline and whether they will be able to continue living like zombies in one giant shopping mart.


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