
Sunday, June 13, 2010

NY Times: Gold Moving To Mainstream

It is the resurgent passion of the doomsday crowd, a bet that everything will go wrong. No matter what has you worried, they say, the answer is gold. Inflation, deflation, government borrowing or the plunging euro — you name it — the specter of these concerns has set off a dash to gold, driving the precious metal to new highs and illustrating how fears of economic turmoil have moved from the fringe to the mainstream.
And gold bugs, often dismissed as crackpots who hoard gold bars in the basement, are finally having their day.
“I just think you’re in a world where a lot of chickens are coming home to roost,” said John Hathaway, manager of the Tocqueville Gold fund. “Gold is an escape hatch.”
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  1. If Gold has gone mainstream, and I believe that it has, then you know, unequivocally, that it is now a fully manipulated BUBBLE.

    Liquidate your position now and put your money in something more profitable with a promising future revenue Human Trafficking.

  2. Bubblestupid: GOLD is nowhere near a bubble. Your comment should be removed for being stupid. Can't you read the section where 'scholars" are needed to post?

  3. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 13, 2010 at 12:50 PM

    On a Gulf Coast highway
    Crude oil in my hair
    Warm smell of Benzene
    Rising up through the air

    RELAX say FEMA
    We is programmed to receive

    Some BUY GOLD to remember
    Some BUY GOLD to forget

    (long cool solo truncated by EA)

  4. I'm hoping that if gold skyrockets, it's sister SILVER with follow. What do you guys think?

  5. LMAO @ 9:50:-)

    I really feel for the people down there who are exposed to this disaster, but we have to laugh to keep up good spirits.

  6. They are both very overbought, and I would wait until they both correct at least 40% or more to purchase any

  7. It is definitely a dangerous sign if gold goes mainstream. I was also wondering how to make sure gold is authentic, and where to store it. I'm sure you'd need to get a safe and keep it in your basement, and it would be a good idea to, as long as your region allows it, arm yourself. If your region won't legally allow it, it may behoove you to get weapons and ammunition on the black market, and keep it stored at home just in case.

    If gold does become mainstream the other comment is right in that it will be manipulated and its value may become lower, just like for pretty much every other mainstreamed form of currency right now. Gold should still be okay for awhile yet, but at some point it will become a problem. Looking into diversified, alternate forms is not a terrible idea. Silver and Platinum may be a good idea too, especially platinum right now which seems to be doing very well.

  8. sell all your belongings buy Silver the short squezze is coming very soon.


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