
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is It Coming Completely Apart? The World Is Mad

More than 500 people have been arrested in connection with G20-related protests, amid a major police crackdown in two areas of downtown Toronto and further arrests at a protest outside a temporary detention centre.
The Toronto police force also announced it was setting up a team to investigate crimes at the G20 protests and track down the perpetrators, and asked for tips from the public.
About 70 people were arrested at a University of Toronto building near Russell Street and Spadina Avenue for wielding “street-type weaponry,” police said. Officers seized black clothing, bricks, bats, sharpened sticks and bottles containing fluid -- "items you don't need for a weekend in Toronto," Constable Rob McDonald said.
Police officers, with batons out, were searching bushes and trash cans, amid what Constable McDonald said it was the biggest series of arrests related to G20. At least two police buses were on the scene, along with more than 10 other police vehicles, mostly unmarked minivans. The raid was at the Bancroft Building, the Earth Science Centre and the Graduate Students Centre.
More Here..


  1. It's not coming apart and the World has not gone mad because of some thugs who break stuff at every G20 summit. Quit sensationalizing.

  2. look ma what ive aspired to become a certified moron.

  3. Let the government take advantage of the public, stay home, pay your bills, get in debt, listen to the elite. They know best. These are your orders.

  4. i do not like the violence but these g20 leaders are marching the world over a cliff with debt lies and a thirst for power them thugs but there has been a name calling for every revolution ....sad as it is there will be more of this when the goverment checks bounce and hungar rules the mind ....i will pray for all

  5. These thugs/anarchists want to make the world fall apart. Sadly they are simply destroying private property and harming workers who work for these small businesses. Hopefully the legal system will do more then just slap their wrists.

  6. Funny, the criminals are in the meetings, you know, the Madoff's elite who are robbing us blind.

    The one's on the street are protesting the elite criminals stealing us blind. Amazing how the sheeple have no clue. The sheeple have been trained to love these elites, and to do what they are told.

    The sheeples tv have trained the them to love the elite and to SHUT UP!

    What's on tv tonight?

  7. I'm listening for you to name me a time in current history ( Egyptians forward when this has not be the case ) Any culture; any continent.

    Perhaps YOU will change this ???

    Yeah; that's what I thought you'd say.

  8. 12:05,

    There is a big part of the world that is coming apart. The western world is in social entropy, in other words our way of life is falling apart. And no there aren't any countries rising in prosperity as a result of our destruction (slide into poverty and tyranny).


    There is the possibility that a new species will emerge one day (hopefully soon) with a DNA upgrade that fits the blueprint of the universe.

    The world is going mad actually. I take back my compromised statement to 12:05. This world is wrecked...

  9. Those protestors could burn 10 of those police cars and still not come close to the losses I've experienced at the hands of clean cut guys wearing suits and ties. Now multiply that a few million times. But you won't see that televised will you?


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