
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nobody Wants To Get Stuck With The "Bill"

The global financial crisis is playing out like a slow-moving, highly predicable stage play. In the current scene, Western governments are caught between the demands of entitled welfare beneficiaries and the anxiety of bondholders who fear they will be stuck with the bill.
There is fresh evidence that time is running out for the dollar-centric global monetary order. In fact, central banks outside the US are already making swift and discrete preparation for a post-dollar era.
To begin, the People's Bank of China has just this week decided to permit a wider trading range between the yuan and the dollar. This is the first step toward ending the infernal yuan-dollar peg. While the impetus behind this abrupt change remains a mystery, I have a sneaking suspicion that, as my colleague Neeraj Chaudhary explained in his commentary last week, the nationwide labor strikes were a prime motivator.
In response to the 2008 credit crunch, the Fed printed so many dollars that the People's Bank of China was forced to drive Chinese inflation into double digits to maintain the peg. The pain has fallen on China's workers, who have seen their wages stagnate while prices for everything from milk to apartments have skyrocketed. This week's move indicates that, regardless of its own policy motives, the Communist Party can no longer afford to keep pace with the dollar's devaluation. The result will be a shift in wealth from America to China, which may trigger a long-anticipated run on the dollar, while creating investment opportunities in China.

Just days before China's announcement, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev rattled his monetary sabre by telling the press of his intention to lead the world toward a new monetary order based on a broad basket of currencies. Giving strength to his claim, the Central Bank of Russia announced that it would be adding Canadian and Australian dollars to its reserves for the first time. Analysts suggest that the IMF may follow suit. While Russia floats in the limbo between hopeless kleptocracy and emerging economy, it does possess vast natural resources and a toe-hold in both Europe and Asia. In other words, it will be a strategically important partner for China as it tries to cast off dollar hegemony.
More here..


  1. Dollar? I think we see that the dollar is only a means to steal your labor and make you think you are being compensated. You are not.
    Look at the goods and services you pay for, is the quality the same? If your experience is anything like mine than no it is not. Why? Because non skilled low wage often illegal labor is cheaper. Or it can be made in China. Do the Chinese care about you? No. Why should they?
    Take the toilet paper they pay you with and send it all back to them and refuse to work for any kind of fiat money ever again. As soon as you do this whole charade will collapse and be replaced with something real. Want to make a difference, then do it. Stop wanting to and do it.

  2. The Chinese are right to asset its independence and break any connection in tying the Yuan up with the dollar value.
    Countries like Russia and China have had enough of the Dollar Hegenomy system and US dictate!
    The US Dollar value is the most manipulated currency in the world ,the US government spends and prints by deficit spending on militarism and wars alone ,nearly a trillion dollars every year .
    Like Greece ,the US has been for many years a serial multi-year deficit spending offender, unable to balance its budget or rein in its spending. And like Greece the US government lies ,hides and conceals the full extent of its borrowings and debts. Like the Greeks the US currency and Government bond markets may be bought to book soon and its currency savagely devalued in relation to other currencies like the Yuan.
    On top of that government debt, private or household debts, for mortgages and credit cards are at record many trillion levels. Some debts ,like many “underwater “ mortgage debts are considered un- payable for many.
    The US as a whole , is a debt burdened failed Ponzi economy that sensibly could face up to reality. But addicted to debt to finance its lifestyle , instead, the US simply tries to print more paper in order to madly solve a debt problem by creating more debt !.
    The US currency has therefore has lost its stable appearance. and its value is no longer trusted internationally.
    After a financial coup ,wherby takeover of Treasury by Goldman Sach and other banksters in a congressional/ senate arrangement facilitated by Bush/Obama/McCain in bi- partisan support for trillions of dollar printing to bail out Wall St. and government backed entities like Fannie and Freddie .
    The Coup handed complete of its currency and its economy to its private company bankers acting as dictators of policy and money printing. So, the US government is no longer even seen as even still in nominal control. Of the economy.
    Desperation reigns at the Central bank as the US attempts to hold together its failed financial sector and system with money printing and now even bigger deficits than before in bailouts , socialising the losses of the insolvant banking sector , in order to save a dying empire built on debt .
    "Quantative Easing", counterfeit money printing ,is now considered 'normal" and another bigger round of QE is expected soon.Sooner or later inflation must break out big time.
    Some financial analysists believe that the US Fed is itself secretly purchasing Treasury Bonds to try and prop up the appearance of strong dollar value and the Treasury bond markets and the private bank resists any audits or accountability of its actions as ‘commercial secrets” .
    A coming of a bad end for the once mighty Dollar value is viewed as inevitable as this madness of bankster control continues .
    This wild deficit spending for bailouts of bondholders and losers in capitalism has created a bankrupt government in hock to the treasury bondholders that now cries “poverty” . The government seeks to share the burden and pain of this poverty fairly, especially with those unable to find work .
    .This is the very democratic economics of the government in the American tradition.
    In addition under Casino Capitalism the middle class is fast loosing, or being looted of the value of its assets and pension savings and their impoverishment is growing too.
    All this means , that the US paper and the old Dollar Hegemony in world trade and finance is only seen by many countries in the rest of the world as a dying dog.
    As we can see at the G20 meeting .
    Or to put it in a Chinese way:
    The once really strong tiger dollar ,is turning into a toothless paper tiger ,third world like currency of the Zimbabwe, Weimer , type.

  3. We in America had it so great. We had a great standard of living. But unfortunately, We did ourselves in. We just had to have big cars, bug suv's, large houses with three or more bathrooms that we couldn't afford, etc...

    Now look at the end result? It's not so great and when we see this second part of the economic downturn and this time the government and the Fed have run out of bullets; WATCH OUT BELOW!!!

  4. This expected collapse, coming soon to your neighborhood, will see the credit pinched yuppies crying out for help, the average citizens moving into tent cities (or FEMA camps?) while the elite & foreigners buy everything they can get their hands on for a penny on the dollar.

    Now have you figured it out yet? Its not a democrat or republican issue or cause, you see they work together, there is no difference in the fake political parties.

    Good luck to you all!

    Remember, it's all by design!

  5. We did not all do ourselves in. Some did with the help of Barry Frank and his ilk as irresponsible people took out home loans they had no business with. However, the vast majority of the middle class did their part and paid for what they could afford driving the economy forward.

    Fascism, our government of multinational businesses created NAFTA and allowed the flood of parasitic illegal aliens that destroyed the economy and sucked in the responsible. It is cancer of our economic system. Was it planned? Hardly, it was the quest of these businesses to become larger each year, at any cost.

    Cancer does not plan on the destruction of the host body because it will lead to it's own death. But cancer like parasites need a host, and we are it.

    Complacency is at fault as much as greed as elections returned greedy corporate sell outs term after term. This all unfolded in plain view but nobody voted the bums out. Then along comes Hope & Change, another useful idiot to drive the final nails in the coffin.

  6. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 27, 2010 at 12:24 PM

    Si, casas y SUVs
    But mas
    So much more
    We took our eye off the ball
    Let our tails be wagged by pettiness
    Gun control
    Affirmative Action
    Blue parking spaces
    We became the equivalent of a tv lifestyle channel
    Like what happened to MTV
    Rather than something focused on two simple things:
    Freedom y prosperity
    And if you think about it
    Without freedom y prosperity
    Does your SUV
    3500 sq McMansion
    Concerns over abortion
    Or praying
    Or making things sweet for the lil brown ones
    Does any of it really matter?

    See you in the next republic, suckas

    ... If there is one

    If not, you can gripe about my awesome posting style
    While we wile away the hours
    At Campo del FEMA

  7. Fellow TCD blog readers: Let's start a campaign to get BrianWilliamDoty3 off this blog. Personally, I think he's deranged if his writing style is any indication of his mental state. BWD3 may think readers like or understand his "haiku" or whatever the hell he is writing and trying to say, but we do not. Please e-mail EA to ban his posts.

  8. BWD3: Is this you? I think I've made my case're a nut job.

    Doty, Brian W (M/W) of Santa Rosa
    Reported On: 06/23/10 in Sonoma County
    For: Assault

    Did you have a nice night in jail?

  9. 7:47

    I've tried to say that ---------------------

    Acouple times !

    Well said, Thank YOU

  10. BWD3: What happened? Your big plans for the suntan sprinkler mattress didn't work out? LOL...what a wack job. Should I go on?

  11. BWD3: And that's just from a Google search; wait until I get into the state and federal criminal databases. Remember, Uncle is watching you!!!

  12. Yeah - that;s him allright; this fruitcake has a rap sheet ! B&E , Assault & theft by unlawful


  13. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 27, 2010 at 3:48 PM

    I'm a business man
    Dude was makin cocktail waitresses
    Two at a time
    Customers couldn't get a drink
    I gotta kick a lil ass sometimes
    To get things done
    It is a man's world, vato

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 27, 2010 at 5:20 PM

    It wasn't assault
    It was assault with a deadly weapon
    Not my first either, vato
    Caca pasa
    C'mon over and talk to me about it sometime
    Mi address on the reporto

    Anonymous "gotcha"
    To kill what you don't like on the net
    How very 1996

    But seriouso
    C'mon over, mi Uncle
    Say hi

  15. Remember what the comedian George Carlin said - "We have bigger houses and smaller families."

    We need to take a long hard look at our values.

    I am glad this country is becoming more Hispanic because they put family first.

    Once family is first, everything else falls into line.

  16. "Cancer does not plan on the destruction of the host body because it will lead to it's own death. But cancer like parasites need a host, and we are it."

    The real US cancer the unproductive labour aristocracy is whininig loudly here and feeling sorry for itself and pretending to be the victimised Host. What a joke!

    Many other countries, particularly in the third world, beleive the real "cancer"in the world economy ,(production and international wealth distribution ) was the US Dollar Hegenomy and its unproductive for capital worker labour aristocracy economy dominance in world trade and finance .
    Its "free trade" cheap third world labor and Saudi puppet managed cheap oil system ,backed up and imposed by military force and wars on the world host.
    In order to suck in cheap oil and labour created value commodities paid for by issuing debt paper , $ and bonds to finance its parasitical lifestles on debt.
    In the end the US was exporting debts that became unpayable and delivered no real returns on the foreign capital invested , like subprime bonds and Freddie and Fannie bonds as the US attempted exporting the cost of its internal debt crisis to the rest of the world in counterfeit value.
    The world host is saying to the US cancer "Enough!"
    "We cannot afford to finance the cost of your debts with vendor finance any longer . You cannot even pay the interest and dividends you promised.
    Your economy is pure Ponzi and parasitical, its peoples militaristic "Joe sixpack SUV culture" ideologies is pure redneck american"
    "Its banksters and people think like a cancer,that the world host owes them a living and a continuing free ride.
    Enough! Eat Shit !
    Eat up your foodstamps American whining parasite and stop kidding youself that you and the US are a productive economy for capital.
    Your once productive industry has been exported for the free trade profits of its owners.Your president boast says at the G20 that america will export its way out of trouble .
    Whith what industries parasites ?
    Wealth destroying tax paid for bombs?
    Even your foodtamps and endless wars are financed by Ponzi deficit spending ,by wildly printing more counterfiet paper".

  17. I consider as an english speaking non-american -non spanish reader ,that Brians posts in a mix of english and spanish are also very hard to understand for me .
    That may not be the case for many Americans where Spanish is a major language that has been used for hundreds of years in colonialised occupied areas of old Mexico?
    Attempts to impose English as the sole language on this site here may only stem from the hostility of a particlar type or the "race" prejiduces of a white settler American to Spanish?

    Its easy for people who do not themselves post in their own real name to launch personal attacks on people that do use their real name .
    The advantage of posting anonomously here is that the ideas themselves that are posted and not the 'respectability" or "race"of the poster may be considered.
    Even I a non-american post here.
    But the fact that Brian makes patent aplications shows that he is trying to be a productive American with an inventive spirit.Something most Americans would applaud!
    The sucsess or failure of a patent in todays america may depend not on the usefulness of the invention but on finding a Chinese manufacturer as American commodity manufacturing is now pretty well non existant.So why shit on him for trying respectable smarty !

    This pool apparatus functions as a floating platform on the pool that a person can relax or recreated with or set on a solid area to lounge on. The main functions are the timed or manually controlled sprinkler mechanism that is intended to cool a person off while they are relaxing on it, a speaker system that will enable a user to hear sound such as music, optional maneuverability through manual or remote control."

    I could use a Mexican beer ,or a "German" type American Badweiser beer on that pool -shower platform. What a cool blast!
    Where is your own American patent application clever ,superior, anonomous?

  18. 8:04 - You're a knucklehead. Brian William Doty is a white guy, not a Hispanic. This has NOTHING to do with RACE (or language) although progressives and liberals like yourself ALWAYS want to make it about RACE. This has to do with an individual who continuously makes inappropriate and highly graphic, sexualized comments on this blog. It doesn't help that his posts are also incoherent ramblings of a defective mental state. I could carry less about a person's skin color, ethnicity, or nationality. I want him to show common respect for his fellow bloggers--that's all. In the meantime, he got arrested on June 23, 2010 for assault with a deadly weapon. I wish him well during his upcoming stint in San Quentin.

  19. Oh boy... 4:32,

    First off the old America did put family first. One of the major goals of the Communists was to degrade the family unit by making people think the father was unessential and kids should do what they wanted. It worked well considering the amount of drugs that goes around schools and the amount of pregnant teenage girls with no future but welfare because they let boys use them sexually due to a lack of self worth because they felt neglected by their fathers. Most kids today sit on youtube or text message and do nothing else in life; destroy the youth to destroy a nation's future, destroy the family to destroy the youth.

    The Mexicans you speak of aren't here to put family first, they are to help spread drugs into our schools and flood the system. The Mexicans that come here don't have the hospitality that they have in Mexico.

    And 7:06,

    Third world countries don't have anything because they don't strive for a better government that would allow them to strive for things.

    We allowed our system to become this bad, well, they allow theirs to remain as such.

  20. I do not like the difficult to understand mixed language comments of Brian nor your undercover "policeman" type practices as a cover for demanding censorship.

    "Brian William Doty is a white guy"
    Who cares?
    But, did a race ckeck ,too ,did tou?

    How do we know your own mother was not an Hispanic spanish speaker ?
    "Race" is of no concern to me .
    I merely made the point that White colonialist settlers had an interest in promoting the idea that all "americans" should speak correct English .That Spanish was a "foreign" language that was "unacceptable". This language view had little to do with "race" but a lot to do with colonisation and class ."Race" is just the appearance a way of making further differences with spanish speaking usualy poorer american people as the "other".
    But,Thank you "anonymous" for digging up all the dirt including police reports on this guy, who was silly enough to use his own real name and have a political opinion not acceptable to the language style police.

    Now that we have the dirt online his opininions can be dismissed by "respectable" upstanding anonomymous citizens like ourselves ?

    Now that you have shown us the process of how digging up dirt is done on the internet ,we perhaps can look forward to you using your real name so that we can do the same criminality check on you?
    Got any skeletons in your own closet Mr Undercover Respectable Anonymous ?
    Known sexual deviances in the public domain, or criminal records?
    Even your own "race" ?
    what have you got to hide?
    Personaly ,I think or suspect you may be the secret son of the closet "sexual deviate"J.Edgar Hoover, or perhaps joe McCarhy , with an inherited penchant for collecting the dirt on everybody else while posing as american 'respectability"personified.

  21. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 29, 2010 at 1:02 AM

    Right on, homes
    But I wonder if Super Sleuth Anonymous
    Didn't look here before his
    Might Google search
    Cuz he might have found
    Ya boy BWD3
    Was posting on the day of my
    For all those horrible things
    Now that's a trick, eh?
    Or maybe it's just a name I made up
    And the honorable anonymous slob
    Trashed some poor guy what had the same name
    To exert his will on poor EA's blog comments
    ... but maybe I did whup somebody
    With a deadly weapon
    Like he said
    And just have super connections
    So I can post from jail
    And get out of jail real fast
    For some serous charges
    Way to pick your battles
    People talk about letting unemployed humans starve
    Here, on this forum
    But somebody doing a Razor Ramon
    Make a guy go wild
    Esta loco, mang
    But it happens on every two-bit board
    All over the webs

    Hey Chico
    Muy macho!

  22. BWD3, you're a thug, an idiot, and an illiterate. Plain and simple. (Who the heck uses their real name on ANY blog? Only dopes like you.) You got bailed out quickly because your father is an attorney in Santa Rosa. Yeah, I found that out doing a Google search too. Either way, the prosecutor is going to throw the book at you. Hope you enjoy your view of the Bay from SQ.

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