
Sunday, June 27, 2010

U.S. Government Panel Now Pushing "Vaccinations for All!" No Exceptions…

(NaturalNews) An advisory panel to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that every person be vaccinated for the seasonal flu yearly, except in a few cases where the vaccine is known to be unsafe.
"Now no one should say 'Should I or shouldn't I?'" said CDC flu specialist Anthony Fiore.

The H1N1 swine flu scare of the past year played a major role in the committee's about face, both because the disease killed many people falling outside the current recommended vaccine demographic and because it raised public awareness of and demand for vaccines.
More Here..


  1. This is inconsequential, there is no possible way they will ever be able to muster enough police or soldiers to forcibly vaccinate the American populous. Not to mention our soldiers would never go through with that regardless of what Alex Jones would have people think.

    They did such a thing in Canada for Hepatitis B but it was in one small city and most people were eager to get the shot because they were scared into it. There was one mom who refused to let her kid get the shot and the nurses had the police hold her back while they gave the child the vaccine... which was brain dead on their part.

    Now the other way they would try this is to make it similar to the draft in Vietnam. If your number was called it was mandatory that you go and see if you are to be inducted. Now just think of them doing this to 300 million people, are they really going to send police to arrest anyone who didn't show up to get their flu shot? That will be a lot of wasted energy for cops and an overflow of prisoners which the states can't even afford the current ones. Maybe they'll give fines? LOL!

    I don't get what this has to do with the economic meltdown we are facing anyways.

  2. "The H1N1 swine flu scare of the past year played a major role in the committee's about face, both because the disease killed many people falling outside the current recommended vaccine demographic and because it raised public awareness of and demand for vaccines."

    This is a joke post right?

    Is that all the predicted billions that were threatend by death by the coming H1N1 Epidemic?

    Its not so much the "demand" for vaccines they worry about ,but the oportunities and government contracts for supply .

    As we saw with corruption even in the WHO by big Pharma precisely with this H1N1 "deadly world pandemic" scam.

    Now, they are still claiming success in "saving many lives"with their vaccine !!!

    How come the billions in the third world who could not afford the vaccination arent all or mostly dead yet in the deadly H1n1 pandemic?

  3. I read the article. They aren't recommending forcing anyone... yet!

  4. Hey ! maybe they can take those 400,000 census workers; roll them over into a new Gov't role
    of home vacination nurse and the employment numbers for the next 2 years will be up as they add millions of "tracking agents" to find every Robert Smith in Amerika to shoot some made in Pakistan juice into everyones veins

    I love it !

  5. Vaccines and antibiotics are total crap.

    Ionic Silver Solution. Kills 650+ micro-organisms, including AIDS in lab tests!!

    Unlike antibiotics, which only deal with a select few bacteria strains, yet dumb-ass physicians continue to prescribe them for viruses, Ionic Silver Solution actually kill bacteria and viruses.

    Many cancers are caused by viruses. Ionic Silver Solution, with proper regime, kills them!!

  6. There is nothing in this that implies the government will mandate vaccinations for everyone. To make that claim is nothing more then scare mongering. If you believe vaccines are dnagerous then don't take them. Vaccines have saved millions and millions of lives and continue to save millions of lives. The anti-vaccine interests are "mostly" naive counter-culture activists who never learned history. Any medication and any new vaccine has risks. But in general the benefits outweigh the risks by 1000 to 1. Today there is a resurgence of whooping cough. This is a horrible and preventable disease and in my opinion any parent who chooses not to vaccinate their child against chidhood diseases like this should be prosecuted for child abuse if their children contract those diseases. There WILL be another flu pandemic and it will kill millions. The system is imperfect and the yearly vaccine may well not protect us (since they have to predict 9 months ahead of time). Do not jump on these imperfections as "proof" that the government or big business is out to get you. If you are an adult and want to skip the flu shot then do so but don't spread you fear-mongering to others.

  7. When you have Gov. controlled health care dictated by mandate you can force the populace to take vaccines and conform with their preventative health measures. We legalized abortion here to give women the freedom to choose. We legalized Obamacare to remove America's freedom to choose.

    What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is going on here?

  8. 908 is a fear monger, the h1 n1 pandemic was a complete hoax, I did not know 1 person who had it, I talked to many people they did not know anyone who had it, it was a complete scam to make billions for big pharma and it failed big time, the people know vaccines kill and cause more disease, that is why they talk of mandatory, because the people are awake and know it is a sham.

  9. "in my opinion any parent who chooses not to vaccinate their child against childhood diseases like this should be prosecuted for child abuse if their children contract those diseases."

    Wow. Interesting statement. Good luck finding a prosecutor who will be able to prove malicious intent to do harm to a child by not vaccinating them. In fact, people who choose not to vaccinate their kids do so out of love and believing (whether or not it's true) that they are doing the best thing for their kids.
    Your "child abuse" argument is a fallacy.

    Good thing people like you don't make our laws. Actually, more and more people who think like you ARE making our laws, or just issuing executive orders and bypassing the lawmaking process altogether.

    Yep, we're boned.

  10. "Only 33% of the population gets a yearly flu vaccine....leaving millions of doses to dispose of." That seems to be the real story, the money to make it, and then a population refusing to take it. What a waste of money for them, unless they can make it mandatory...and of course charge for it.

  11. I'm one of those that believes the governemnt will be so busy with food riots, pissed off regular citizens, bank lines with people trying to get their money out, and a whole host of other problems, that forcing millions to get a flu shot wii be unmanageable.
    Simply put, more and more people are finding out that the government is outright lying to them, and time has proven this idea correct. Who in their right mind believes the stimulus created any jobs?? Who believes we are being told the whole story of the gulf oil disaster??? Many of the elites selling their BP stock days before the "accident"???? come on now--that's toooo many coincidences. We all better get ready for what's coming, because they have big palns for the masses. The NWO agenda is getting ready to be started. You have been warned.!!!

  12. The Nice Bill Gates 'non-profit" foundation
    has moved into the vaccine business big time.
    Bill has been reported to have said words to the effect that:

    Vaccines are the best means of bringing about world population control reductions.
    (A billionars concern about of the lessor beings?)
    Now how does that work Bill?
    I thought the aim of the vaccines produced was to save lives from malaria and such in the third world?
    Not Eugenics?
    Targeted terminator Gene concoctions creating immuno ineficiencies as with Aids?
    Only a nutter, paranoid, conspiracy theorist worried about NWO order plots could even think that about nice 'monopoly profit" Bill, Melinda and uncle Buffet ,who always knows a good business deal.

  13. 9.08 "Vaccines have saved millions and millions of lives and continue to save millions of lives. The anti-vaccine interests are "mostly" naive counter-culture activists who never learned history. Any medication and any new vaccine has risks. But in general the benefits outweigh the risks by 1000 to 1.
    and blah blah blah on behalf of the good guys.

    Your religious type faith is a thing to behold.

    Some success indead appear to have been acheived by vaccines in the past decades and medical science can be proud of that.

    This appears to have happened vaccination against small pox .
    Vaccination against small pox was first discovered by Muslim medicine and then copied and developed by western European medicine , that now claims the credit.
    But now drug production and vaccine production is in the hands of Big Pharma .
    Billion dollar Corporations ,that have a proven track record of lying in recent years by making cooked up "peer reviwed" science to create billion dollar markets with fake patented cures for this and that.
    But you have full faith in these corporations to get the government to use compulsion despite 'imperfections".
    And say every body should support and get behind these noble corporations.
    They can even afford to pay billion dollar fines out of their multi billion profits,When or if they get caught out by die offs.
    A normal cost and hazard of Big Pharma business!
    Have faith in big Pharma compulsion and
    no questions need be asked!
    Nice lobbying !
    Concerned huminitarian?
    Or do you work for, or have shares in the drug or vaccine industry by any chance ,or just naive about modern day big Pharma business methods and corporate "science" and profits ?

  14. NWO new world order is a soon to be over distraction the heavens and the earth shaking/trapping/flaring and taking down even all the fighting and falsehoods on this planet isnt.

    Psalms ch 46 right early, pray for yer souls, your kingdoms on this planet are doomed. Its broom threshing floor time, increasing all the time.

    Everybody is about to be surprised as they were in the days of Noah and lot.

    The heavens and earth changes are about to go into turbo speed, against the fighting and the falsehoods as written thru and thru true.

    You know what right early means, real early.

    Oh and by the way the goverment/Kingdom with no end isnt on the shoulder of money, tech, fighting, falsehoods,theology,religon,politics etc etc,

    Its on the shoulder of him who created the heavens and earth as written thru and thru true.

  15. @ 8:59

    Says the man with no medical training.

  16. As most of the comment posters on this website are Americans and America is a most religious country I as a non American ,without religion , find all the large number of “Armageddon is certain soon” type posts most amusing . Strange and downright weird. “Only in America”!!
    “End of world” “The End is Nigh prophesiers in the rest of the world are usually limited to the odd few Jehovah witnesses and to small pockets of other American evangelistic sects. Yet a poll shows 59 percent of American respondents with no college experience believed Jesus is coming..soon And demonstate their depth of education by preaching it widely. This kind of weird fundamentalist Christian view is particularly widespread amongst these less educated American Christians, whose knowledge of comparative religions, is often limited to believing that other religions must be the “work of the devil” whose main purpose of existence is only to attack Christians ,america and Israel, that Jews wear funny little hats and Muslims are anti-american Asians who wear towels on their heads
    But, all the rest of the world knows that America is the homeland of the followers of Fundamentalist nutter preachers ,(all friends of the President ) whose every word of prophesy in translating the meaning of ‘gods Word‘on TV is lapped up by their simple minded supporters ,as reflections and evidence proof, of the true word of god ,and of their Gods special plans for America and israel
    “WASHINGTON, June 23 (UPI) -- More than four out of 10 U.S. citizens expect Jesus Christ to return to Earth during the next 40 years, a poll suggests.”
    The poll, which had a 3 percent margin of error, found 59 percent of respondents with no college experience believed Jesus is coming, while 35 percent with some college experience and 19 percent of college graduates agreed with the same statement.”
    What annoys me most , is the way these preaching “ true believer ”,American fundamentalists willingly employ their religious faith based views in the service of economic imperialism, for justifying wars of intervention and even illegal criminal pre-emptive wars at that , against other countries and other religions as part of gods plan.
    . For example wars against Muslim “Fundamentalists”.
    Religion is draped in” patriotic robes”.
    This leads to strange military alliances of Zionists Euro-settlers and “Christian-Zionists” to support the establishment and expansion of the State of Israel on Palestinian peoples lands , as necessary evidence for their end of the world scenarios . When Jesus the king of the Jews risen from the dead will return to occupied Palestine, now called “Israel” again, to rule the world from Jerusalem and the believers find the proof of all this, in interpreting the” word” of their American type Christian God !.
    Only in America ! Where the majority of people believe they have their own personal guardian angel too!
    That will sure help out in Armageddon time!



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