
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

National Guard Training For Riot Control, Mass Detentions?

Further information made available after our report, much of which was published in the comment section by contributors who scoured the web for more information on the subject, suggests that the report was true and that national guard units had indeed been called up for training and possible deployment for domestic emergencies.
With the BP oil leak heating up (literally), there is a distinct possibility of noxious fumes and toxic hurricanes hitting our coasts over the coming months. Because there is minimal research on the subject available to the public, it is difficult to establish what is or is not a threat. Nonetheless, we advise those of our readers on or near the coast to remain aware of any developments regarding the possibility of emergencies or evacuations in their areas.
For those who may think we are overreacting to the possibility that the federal government would respond to an emergency, specifically mandatory evacuations on the gulf coast with the use of National Guard troops, we direct you to the article below, brought to our attention by Worldwide Wake Up Now and originally published at Public Intelligence.
In the event of a mass evacuation event, be it on the Gulf coast or as a result of an earthquake, chemical attack, biological attack, or other national emergency, we fully expect National Guard troops to be deployed. There will be mass chaos, violence, rioting, and looting, and local law enforcement simply will not have the capability to handle such a disaster.
The National Guard trains specifically for this, as depicted in the following article.


  1. A lot of the National Guard forces have run down equipment and are already Saving America In Iraq and Afghanistan with militarism arent they?
    Are there any competant well equiped functional State Militias still left?

  2. "There will be mass chaos, violence, rioting, and looting, and local law enforcement simply will not have the capability to handle such a disaster."
    Is not this what we heard ,the propaganda at Katrina time ,when they sent the tanks in ?

    Apart from a few food stores that were neccessarily looted by hungry desperate people in the absence of Fed help with food and water , is there evidence that all the above occurred?
    And just what did the National Guard actualy do to HELP the people, besides locking the people down in sport stadiums for many days?

  3. Been saying it for about 5 years FEMA took over certain state's departments for use in riots specifically California's CDC & R which is at least 30,000 members strong of prison cops...Actually been waiting for the day I get a call and being told I have to report and go to Houston/Chicago/Oakland/Los Angeles/Memphis/St. Louis/Atlanta/Detroit...Hmmmm? There seems to be a pattern to the worst cities.

  4. We should be educated as to what BP is doing right now with COREXIT and other dispersant chemicals. You know, the kind of thing you won't hear about on FAUX news:

  5. It won't be a good time to be a local cop. They will need to retreat back to the station and stay there like they did in the LA riots. They will be no help for you and the angry mobs will be using them for target practice.

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