
Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Two men shot earlier this week could be the result of the ongoing battle between Mexican drug cartels now spilling over deep into Arizona, officials say.
Pinal County investigators say an area known as the smuggling corridor now stretches from Mexico's border to metro Phoenix.
The area, once an area for family hiking and off road vehicles has government signs warning residents of the drug and human smugglers.
Night vision cameras have photographed cartel members with military arms delivering drugs to vehicles along Highway 8.
"We are three counties deep. How is it that you see pictures like these, not American with semi and fully automatic rifles. How is that okay?" asked Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu.
Babeu said he no longer has control over parts of his county.
"We are outgunned, we are out manned and we don't have the resources here locally to fight this," he said at a Friday news conference.
Five weeks ago Deputy Louie Puroll was ambushed and shot as he tracked six drug smugglers.

Sheriff Babeu said the ambush mirrored military tactics.

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  1. The Mexican/USA border could have been secured long, long ago EASILY if that is what our government wanted. That is NOT what they want at all.

    It is the Oligarch's desire to create the North American Union and blend Canada/USA/Mexico together. In the meantime, leaving a bunch of holes in the border opens the door to a bunch of crap stories like this one above.

    Lookie over here! Those darn Mexicans are at it again! Don't play attention to the real issues like the Oil Gusher fraud or the planned destruction of the USA via the Corporate banking elite.

  2. Everyone should get a shortwave radio; great deal right now at RS on this well rated product:

    When it is lights out, your cell phone is dead, no radio, no TV, and you are sitting there scratching your ass you'll wish you had one. SW will tell you what is going on, priceless.


    Obama and Co. is only the the installed public face and administrator. The Wonderful Wizard(s) of Oz.

    Second, shouldn't we have had national guardsmen around the perimeter of our nation to protect especially from foreign violent and murderous thugs such as these cartels, in the first place?

    We need a sniper team that goes hot whenever any of these thugs endanger lives on our land. Nip it in the bud early before a situation worsens...

  4. Why not give it 'back to mexico', as you phrase it? Then when we are done giving it back we can pay a handsome interest rate penalty on top of that. LOL.

  5. Obama, ALL of CONgress, State Department, DOD are globalists.........the whole thing is going into the toilet. Personally I believe that General from Russia was correct, States will begin to group together, involke 10th Amendment of States Rights and tell Washington to piss off!

    I hope Texas is the 1st and if Perry isn't willing through his ass out. The next session of the Texas Legislature will see a bill passed on immigration that will make Arizona's look very lax.

    All politicians and bankers should be pulled out of their homes, offices and hung by the neck until whatever!

  6. Obama is a coward. We have had nothing but evil power hungry greedy politicians for over 25 years. They are all psychopaths and would sell out their own mothers for power and money.

  7. The Mexican Drug Cartels are funded and loosely controlled by U.S. Intelligence Services. When are people going to wake up a realize that the most powerful people on earth create their own opposition, and would never let a threat to their power incubate let alone get off the ground. If the Mexican Drug Cartels have power, it's because U.S. Intelligence Services want them to have power.

    Also, these border patrol guys are faux patriotic doofs. Seriously, what a bunch of idiots. For an apt portrayal of the border predicament, I give you the following. It was Tommy Lee Jones directorial excellent movie, by the way.

  8. tea party!

    god help us becuase our goverment has failed.

  9. Right on, 11:55. Couldn't agree with you more.

  10. The government tells us we have the ability to occupy and control entire COUNTRIES, like Iraq and Afghanistan, yet we are still unable to control our own borders, and must close parts of US territory to US citizens for their own protection? Unbelieveable.

  11. 11:55 dumbest post here yet. Why create borders then ignore them? Why should "Americans" pay taxes to live here? If dinosaurs existed should we allow them into our land and homes? What's with a birth certificate? Why not crash the borders in Mex. its warmer there? Why hire border patrols? Why protect your property, just give it away! Why work hard then get it taken away by a foreign entity that hates Americans to begin with? Have you been to Mexico? Ever ask if Mexicans dislike Americans? The answer is YES, THEY HATE THEM! Now come over and live with people you hate. Its DOESN"T WORK!

  12. All this is by design, Folks....

    The PTB are purposely letting things get this bad so that the sheep will DEMAND the military come in to protect them. The Police State/ martial law will not be imposed on Americans- rather Americans will ask for it, and submit to it gratefully.

    Expect a repeat of this tactic throughout the US as urban areas deteriorate and are unable to be controlled by dwindling local police agencies. Military forces will be deployed to 'train' and 'assist' local law enforcemnt. But before long, heavily armed soldiers will become a regular feature in every city and town, quietly waiting for the final orders.

  13. All this County Sheriff needs to do is find a large number of intelligent, healthy, men and women (plenty of unemployed available), get them in an Arizona Militia uniform and then put them on point with a well equipted sniper rifle or keep them in the "rear with the gear". Keep them fed and happy and pay them some kind of stipend.

    They will protect their border.

  14. "Sheriff Babeu said the ambush mirrored military tactics"

    Hmmm, I wonder why this might be??? Who trained "Mexican drug smugglers" in military tactics??? Who provided their weaponry????


  15. Wow, one of the best read posts so far.

  16. 2:56 Hey Payday Loans, some day when America comes to her senses your business will be illegal. You freakin loan sharks prey on the low incomers. You bottom feeders will be over soon.

  17. 8:42 Let's see, should we let dinosaurs into the country? That is a very good question. Are you talking cartoon dinosaurs or the real deal? The last time I checked there were many dinosaurs in museums and probably still buried in dirt all around the cuontry. So, needless to say, no one today is really anti-dinosaur, or a dino-hater. Keep the good questions coming. We need this kind of inquisitive thinking.

    And most of the Mexicans I have met do not hate Americans, but a lot of them do hate ignorance. That might be something you should be weary of.

  18. Another sign that oilbama is destroying everything in sight along with his thugs. i've been praying everyday for God's help. we are dealing with evil something that cannot be changed at the ballot box. these people are wiping their feet on the american people and shredding the constitution right before our eyes.
    God help us.

  19. Can Bush be extradited from Paraguay?

  20. Yes!
    A good thing that america "your race and greatest country on the face of Gods Green earth" with only the best Euro- clever type race DNA shows no sign of corruption .

    Gods green earth seems to be Turning a bit black around its Gulf lately tho but, thankfuly its economy is run by non corrupt banksters .
    Its military/CIA manages the best and biggest opium fields in the world with one hand while fighting of terrorist with the other.Thats the proof of superior DNA
    All this, has nothing to do with corruption tho, thats only in third world puppet countries

  21. In the future, people will be running to the boarder, but only headed SOUTH. The USA will be the worst cesspool on the planet, all by design.

    You won't have to worry about Mexicans wanting to be here much longer.

  22. Declare a Federal State of emergency on the southern border, militarize a one mile deep section the length or the border move 1 Marine Division from CA to secure CA and Western AZ, 4th ID from Ft Carson to secure Eastern AZ, NM and part of Western TX. 1st Calvary to cover the rest of TX. Send in 2 Ranger Battalion to clear out insurgents in AZ "No Mans Land". While this is being done have the Army Corp of Engineers build a 3 tear fence the length of the border. Have the units deploy heavy armor with there optics every few meters with Infantry support. Issue a free fire order to allow troops to fire on drug and human traffickers. The money spent on social services for Mexican citizens in the U.S. to be redirected to the troops in the field to cover the price. Have the state National Guards activated to support the heavy divisions in the field also utilize all air and drone assets. Assign one Border patrol agent to every platoon in the field as an adviser. After a few fire fights with the drug runners and corrupt Mexican military and police. The problem will stop. Start mass deportations of all illegal’s in the U.S. after a case by case review and at the cost of there home country, seize all property of illegals in the U.S. and sell it to cover operational costs. Make being in the U.S. illegally a Federal offense and a felony.


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