
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama's Speech Bad, Lame, Nothing New

I agree with much of the instant TV commentary: Obama's address was surprisingly bad. He and his people made such a big deal of it--Oval Office and all--then when it arrived there was no there there. Nothing new. Hard facts were sparse, and in every case already well-known. I expected some new information. I expected at least a detailed, authoritative account of what was being done, and who was in charge of what. I thought there would be a more precise statement of what was being demanded of BP. He gave us none of this.
Then it got worse, with a lame, formulaic, campaign-style call for a clean energy policy. Perhaps that might have some traction after the emergency in the Gulf has been dealt with. Even then, I doubt it. But for now, with the oil still leaking and the problems with the clean-up anything but resolved, it is simply beside the point. I cannot think that this is what the country wanted to hear from Obama this week.
Now is the moment for this generation to embark on a national mission to unleash American innovation and seize control of our own destiny.
Now is the moment for such grand thoughts? Now is the moment for effective crisis management. Later, perhaps, is the moment for embarking on a national mission to reinvent the economy.
As we speak, old factories are reopening to produce wind turbines, people are going back to work installing energy-efficient windows, and small businesses are making solar panels.
No, as we speak, the oil is still pouring into the Gulf. What on earth were they thinking? This part of the speech blended grandiosity and complacency: as though he were saying, "Having dealt with the immediate crisis, I'd like to move on to the bigger issue of which this is just a part." The immediate crisis hasn't been dealt with; it is still getting worse.
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Housing Starts Plunge
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  1. I think people are starting to realize Obama is NOT A LEADER but a teleprompter reader and has no ability to lead and even his speaking skills are now questionable because his actions and words do not match. People want someone who is going to DO SOMETHING not just talk a bunch of BS that we expect from BP not Obama. But maybe they have the same owners.

  2. I keep waiting for the obamaton kool-aid drinkers to rush to his defense. Come on guys. Where are you? Let me hear how he is the greatest president of ALL time and how he is going to change the World!!!!

  3. On the PGA Tour, caddies have a term for amature players who have the "right" clubs and clothes, know the lingo and the rules...and everything "looks" good overall - but flat out suck at golf. They call such a player a "Ben Affleck."

    I realize that President Obama was given quite a mess when he took office, and although he MAY be better than Bush, he is a Ben Affleck.

  4. I did not watch Barry Soetoro on tv last night, of course I don't watch tv, I refuse to be mind controlled and I dislike watching the "play" the actors are portraying to the sheeple slaves.

    Barry is just an actor working for specific groups such as the bankers, military industrial complex and others. He is not a leader. We have no leaders, just actors.

    Its all by design, figure it out!

  5. Uh I voted for Obama cuz I didn't want the creepy nutjob with the Pen clicking rage affliction and the past involving the death of 100's of his fellow shipmates on a ship in Vietnam to be president.

    Course, that's how they do it. You either vote for Stalin or you vote for Hitler, but you do get a vote and your vote counts a lot cuz you're special.

  6. I'm getting tired of reading all about the "oil crisis" on this blog. This blog is losing its focus. Yes, the oil problem could potentially have an effect but let's not lose focus of what this blog is about; the econonmy.

  7. I am not proud to say I voted for Obama, he has not gone far enough on anything of substance; he is all talk and no real action. He is just another politician supporting his cause (big business special interest). We all should have known he would be no different, after all how else could he have risen to the top so quick. Obama has many favors to return to big business and special interest that gave allot more to his campaign then us individual donors. The sad thing about it is that after Obama is voted out of office in 2012 we will have to deal with another several years of Republicans (probably a rich tea bagger politician, scary thought) and all their special favors to their business friends and the average American being screwed, which again includes many tea baggers.

  8. 12:23 WHAT DO you think the First Great Depression had? A drought! This oil spill is part of the plan to create the GREAT DEPRESSION 2.

  9. I am proud to say I voted for Obama, Here is why, can you imagine when old duck mclame passed away in office? Sarah the quitter from wasiller would be pres, and nothing I can imagine would be scarier than that, not only is she stupid, but would do what ever anyone told her to do, she is after all an oil moron like w bush and would be drilling in the gulf now and making the problems worse, Nothing can be worse than mclame palin, Nothing, that is why Im proud I voted for Obama, he is not doing to good a job, but anything would be better than mclame and loser quitter palin.

  10. It doesn't matter who is in 'office.' A 12-year old could do it. You just take your orders and repeat them to a sheeple audience. Our sock puppets decide nothing.


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