
Thursday, June 3, 2010

OIL Slick Catastrophe In Photos

A short entry - AP Photographer Charlie Riedel just filed the following images of seabirds caught in the oil slick on a beach on Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island. As BP engineers continue their efforts to cap the underwater flow of oil, landfall is becoming more frequent, and the effects more evident. (8 photos total)

A bird is mired in oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

A Brown Pelican sits in heavy oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #

A pair of Brown Pelicans, covered in oil, sit on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast, Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)#

A sea bird soaked in oil sits in the surf at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #

A brown pelican is seen on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #

A bird covered in oil flails in the surf at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #

A brown pelican is mired in heavy oil on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #

A brown pelican covered in oil sits on the beach at East Grand Terre Island along the Louisiana coast on Thursday, June 3, 2010. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) #


  1. I'm thinking I hate BP about now! Bastards!

  2. Where is Hollywood??? Environmental Groups???
    The tree huggers when we really need them. This is an outrage especially when it seems that those who could be screaming the loudest are almost completely silent.

  3. Everyone do something about this in your own place and time, Make BP pay for this, Hurt them in the Wallet!!

  4. This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

  5. Outrageous, shocking, heartwrenchingly sad.

    And horribly, just the tip of the iceberg, I fear.

  6. I can't put into words how much I hate these corporate scumbags. If this doesn't get the sheeple rallied, nothing will. This is happening deliberately, not by accident. All for billions upon billions, perhaps trillions in profits for these unbelieveable bastards.

    Love animals, so this is hard to take.

    Our sock puppet won't do anything about this, neither will our banker Congress.

    Really upsetting.

    Kick Criminal BP out of there and let the Iranians come in and fix it like they said they could.

  7. 4:50
    don't do that or don't get caught. the government will charge u with terrorism. i know this because one of my neighbor got charge with it.

  8. 4:40 - the tree huggers are too busy pimping the Global Warming Swindle. The enviromentalist's various movements were taken over by the elites long ago.

  9. solar panel farms in deserts + electric vehicles and you never, ever have to look at something like that again.

    It takes 2,000 square miles of panels to recharge the batteries of 200 million cars and small. light trucks. Average range: 50 miles. Double the panels if you want 100 miles.

    Average America drives less than 40 miles a day.

    Use electric-powered trains to ships goods, and electric box trucks to distribute those goods from train stations to factories, warehouses and retail outlets.

    Case closed.

  10. Those sonsofbitches.

  11. We need better research on how to hurt them in the pocket. They franchine their name to most of these Bp gas stations to independent owners for a fee. It's a start, but we need to really hurt THEM not a small business owner who chose the wrong franchise name years ago.

  12. so this is "drill baby drill" looks like.

  13. Remember, BP is currently expending 100x the efforts and financing for their PR CAMPAIGN then they are in fixing the gusher.

    They don't want it fixed. When the damage exceeds a trillion or two, then the corp slime will suddenly find a fix and start lining their pockets in the cleanup effort that will last many years at our expense. All financed by your tax dollars while BP and others continue to earn their billions in profit.

    If you live near the gulf get the hell out of there.

    If you could step in a time machine and go into the future twenty years, this issue will still be with us. Damage will be off the charts.

    They are really wanting to stir up some brutal hurricanes with HAARP and turn this into a cash cow that even WWIII couldn't compare with in terms of profit and increases in their power/authority over us.

  14. looks like a bunch of Mexicans to me.

  15. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 3, 2010 at 8:56 PM

    Buy a six pack of PBR from the franchisee
    If you are worried about him
    But get your gas elsewhere
    F BP

    W was a 3/4 tard
    Mostly retarded I mean
    So he actually did quite a bit with his life
    So to speak
    Being President and all
    Even if he broke the world
    Obooglar supposed to be super smart
    Super everything
    A true magic brutha
    But he's doing about as well as the 3/4 tard

  16. Don't take to vandalism. That sort of thing won't hurt the BP-type corporations at all and will only get you into big trouble if you are caught.

    The best way to fight back is Boycott all their goods and services.

    Perhaps the only good thing that may come out of this is the sheeple will see what a multi-national corp is all about - greed.

    Of course the largest corp with no morals at all is the USA, and I do not say that with glee, it is very sad. We are nothing but a British-owned corporation. Next time you laugh at the Queen, stop and think again. The Royal families own us.

    Our President, secretary, vice president, etc are all just PR/stage actors. The REAL power is back in the board room, ie the Oligarch Bankers that own us.

  17. The 98% simply don't care. They want to trust mommy government and the corporations that run our government (that's fascism, just fyi).

    The 98% are more concerned with the NBA playoffs and who will win America's Got Talent.

    We are the 2% and we do give a shit.

  18. The majority of jobs added of that 500,000 were census jobs and they are transitory.

    All the jobs added there including the census were shit paying and temporary.

    Alongside that there were actually more jobs lost overall, meaning the 500,000 reported is ultimately null.

    I'm sorry everyone, I love all of you very much.

  19. Why nothing from that Loser Palin drill baby Drill, no wonder she is and has always been a loser

  20. Any one who drives a car and or buys petroleum based products is an accomplice to the murder of those poor birds.

  21. No anyone who is a congressman or president is an accomplice to murder, we want clean energy, electric and solar cars ,but those murderers wont let us

  22. The 5:58/5:59/6:12 troll screwed himself on this time.

    What he is doing is hurting his cause because pimping corporate BS lies on a blog showing a pelican saturated in BP oil isn't probably the best strategy to say the least. This guy should be kicked off the payroll.

    He is showing himself to be a scumbag that will not only not convert anyone over to his bullshit, but he is a catalyst here for the opposite - truth. Let's all see how low a corporate shill can go.

  23. 6:16,

    Screw them!

    You can hire someone to convert a gasoline car to electric mode or do it yourself.

    The easiest thing to do is to buy a quality, used hybrid car, like a Toyota Prius, add a second battery pack, which you can buy on eBay for about $1,000, a charger and electric cord. This effectively gives you an all-electric, plug-in Prius for city driving.

    Here's a good starting point:

    Some people make poor decisions in choosing the right car to convert and don't properly configure it, but you don't have to make those mistakes. Ask the experts and read the right book, namely: Convert It.

    Bye bye BP. :-)

  24. You wait and watch. We will have a crazy hurricane season and it is no accident. The technology to start hurricanes has been around for decades, based on a perversion of Nicola Tesla's work.

    Research HAARP. Then when you see the hurricanes going absolutely apeshit this summer, carrying oil/slime inland and causing 100s of billions in damages, you will know all of this is NO ACCIDENT.

  25. Ignore the useless troll Please Stay on Topic!

  26. We will only have access to photos and information like this for a short while. BP is working 24/7 to stop press/independent coverage of the damage.

  27. And how was all of your “save the earth" goodies brought to you? Diesel fuel?

    Petroleum based tires on that hybrid?

    You probably idolize that moron Al Gore.

    Tree Hugger!


    BP gas stations

    BP Connect featuring Wild Bean Café (truck-stop line)

    BP Express

    Aral Store with Petit Bistro

    ARCO gas stations

    AMPM mini marts

    Tell anyone you know to do the same.

  29. 2June 3, 2010 4:40 PM
    Those tree huggers are not protecting anthing. They are there for milking you of every penny via taxes.

  30. BTW, I don't Idolize anyone at all.

  31. 6:29,

    32 states need to borrow money to in order to pay unemployment insurance benefits. How do you account for that?

    The U.S. Government's projected deficit is beyond $1.5 trillion. How do you account for that?

    750 banks are ready to go belly up. How do you account for that?

    All but one state (North Dakota) show no growth. How do you account for that?

    I could go on and on.

    Please provide answers to the foregoing or keep quiet.

  32. 6:49,

    I realise you're very angry. You have every right to be.

    Don't play their game. Just hit them with hard questions to answer instead.

    Let's keep this blog clean.


    (I'm not EA btw.)

  33. 636 Are you typing on your petroleum based keyboard?

    You can pull Al Gores dick out of your mouth now.

    Tree Hugger

  34. Great selection of anti-BP T-shirts on Ebay.

    They DO CARE about their appeal. Destroy it.

  35. The USA has gone to war directly for corporate profits dating back to the 50s in Guatemala.

    These criminal corporations that run our government have to go.

  36. In the summer of 2001 after the Taliban refused to let Unocal Oil run a gas pipeline across Afghanistan the propaganda began, and then the BS 9/11 story of a then near-death OBL bringing down the towers.

    We then made a former VP of Unocal the new President of Afghanistan.

    These scumbag oil companies don't only kill birds and fish they kill people for profit. They are no joke. Profit is everything to them with no bounds whatsoever.

  37. 6:59,

    That T-shirt design is an infringement on trademark rights. BP can sue the producer and seller.

  38. BP would like to hear from you. Give them a jingle!

    Do you have ideas to help us?:
    +1 281 366 5511

  39. 7:07,

    You're off topic. Besides, every informed person out there knows the markets are rigged. So, who cares?

    What are you going to do about the 750 banks that are about to die?

    How come the U.S. Government's projected deficit is more than all income taxes collected?

    You can't win. The facts are squarely on this blog's side.

    Also, what you fail (miserably I might add) to grasp is that factory production is still way less than it was before the onset of all this economic malaise. What you call "growth" is merely partial restock efforts. What do you think will happen when those 750 banks die and consumer credit is further culled?

    I'm sorry. The days of thinking positive to produce positive results are gone.

    The Governor of California also wants to cut off Welfare come October. That's way far from recovery.

    I mean, open your eyes!

  40. These Oil Companies are like legalized gangsters. There is no accountability, no real liability. The Oligarch bankers own them all, they are all NWO creeps.

    Research the crimes that these companies wiggle away from without getting prosecuted and you will be amazed. O.J. Simpson had America's full attention, but the oil companies do worse on a monthly basis.

    In the beginning of 1996, several human rights groups brought cases to hold Shell accountable for alleged human rights violations in Nigeria, including SUMMARY EXECUTIONS, crimes against humanity, TORTURE, inhumane treatment and arbitrary arrest and detention.

    In particular, Shell stood accused of ­collaborating in the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other leaders of the Ogoni tribe of southern Nigeria, who were hanged in 1995 by Nigeria's then military rulers.

    They objected to Shell's intrusions into their land and there were whistleblowers coming forward with information that Shell was paying off Nigeria's military to attack, torture, and kill those opposed to their corporate expansion.

    The lawsuits were brought against Royal Dutch Shell and Brian Anderson, the head of its Nigerian operation.

    In 2009, Shell agreed to pay $15.5m in a legal settlements. Shell has not accepted any liability over the allegations against it.

    In 2009, Shell was the the subject of an Amnesty International report into the deterioration of human rights as a consequence of Shell's activities in the Niger Delta.

    In particular, Amnesty was critical of the continuation of gas flaring and Shell's slow response to oil spills that were killing vast numbers of animals and tribes.

  41. EA,I beg you to PLEASE remove the unrelated and stupid comments, at least on this post. The few of us who care do NOT appreciate the off topic or troll comments.

    Thanks....from a long time supporter.

  42. Let's keep on topic. The topic is the oil gusher and the criminals who caused it, and want to continue to profit by it at your expense.

    Ignore the troll.

  43. 725 Just look in the mirror. They would not be drilling if people like you were not buying their product. Bird killer.

  44. BP shares rise despite news that the oil giant's stock has been downgraded by Fitch ratings agency as it continues its effort to curb the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

  45. 7:36,

    What a short-sighted, disparaging post on your part.

    Few people have a choice to avoid oil products, but would do so in a New York minute if they could and/or had a choice.

    Now what about the wildlife in the pictures? What do you think the Creator, Sustainer and real owner of these creatures thinks.

    You're treading on thin ice! This is no laughing matter.

  46. BP had a record of crimes, death and destruction way before the oil gusher. Business as usual for them.

    Not so funny that BP refused Iran's help in stopping the gusher. After all, BP was once called Anglo-Iranian Oil Inc. They helped install the US puppet, the Shah of Iran, who in turn enriched A-I/BP buy stealing the Iranians wealth away and giving it to the US Corps in exchange for his Presidency.

    A lot of history there. Criminals for a long time indeed.

  47. The Oligarch bankers that control the NWO mega-corps like BP could put an end to oil as the primary energy source tomorrow. They hoard free energy and other tech to empower themselves and deprive us. Fact.

  48. Geezus. These oil companies have toppled democratic governments and had people tortured and killed.

    I feel for the bird in the pic as much as the next guy but these bastards are much worse than bird killers.

  49. 7:46,


    The secret to mechanical free energy devices is understanding TORQUE. It's how you get more with less.

    The best way to break their grip is by demanding electric vehicles and/or converting gasoline/diesel models to electric mode without them.

    Transportation accounts for 75% or so of all oil consumption! Incredible when you think about it.

    Electric cars are out there. They can't stop them. Lead Acid batteries are installed in virtually every vehicle. They can't stop that technology either.

    If you don't have a big budget, begin by buying the components one-by-one. When you have everything, rip out the internal combustion engine and put in the right stuff.

    Again. The vast majority of Americans travels less than 40 miles a day.

  50. Free energy tech goes way, way beyond just an electric car. Nicola Tesla knew how to create a clean running electrical generator the size of a toast that would power your home, or your car, or your bowling alley 1000 miles from nowhere.

    JP Morgan squashed the technology because he knew it would set the people free.

    Oil hasn't been necessary for decades, but we are stuck with it only because the Oligarchs use it as an instrument of scarcity and control.

  51. Very very sad I'm from the North and own property on the gulf in Texas. It makes me sick to my stomach. I sure would like to see the sea turtles relocated fast to the Baja. They have killed such a beautiful ecosystem. Wait until the hurricanes come. Mother Nature will teach them a lesson.....The wrath of god will be felt.

  52. Who is in charge.
    BP or do nothing government that is entertaining Paul Mcartney and spending, printing money to the next next generation.

  53. The Second Trumpet
    Rev.8: 8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
    9: And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

  54. Wouldn't it be nice if something good resulted from this Gulf of Mexico oil disaster?

    Spread the word about electric vehicles. There are plenty of people who can afford them. They make an excellent choice as a second vehicle.

    Happy now BP???

  55. While the oil slick continues
    Obama's economic recovery plan? Up to 1400 jobs lost at each of the 33 wells shut down by White House
    Preliminary estimates show crippling job loss and significant economic impacts will result from the President's recent order to halt work on 33 exploratory wells in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico and institute a six-month moratorium on all drilling in water depths greater than 500 feet. "The immediate impacts of the order will be felt by the families of tens of thousands of offshore workers who...

    Gov. Jidal to Obama: Your ban will cost Louisiana 10,000 jobs within months

  56. This is what your government is busy doing..
    Obama Gives Benefits to Workers' Same-Sex Partners
    WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is extending child care, medical leave and other benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. Obama on Wednesday directed federal agencies to immediately begin allowing domestic partners and their children some of the same rights available to spouses and children of employees. That includes child-care services and subsidies, expanded family and medical leave and relocation and other benefits.

  57. Don't buy any BP Products! Here's a list of BP products/brands: BP, Amoco, ARCO, AM/PM stores, Castrol.

  58. Ahh, damn. Castrol WAS my favorite oil. Not anymore, will never use it again.

  59. From torque-derived free energy devices to HAARP and artificially created hurriances intended to destroy the coast lines... I think you guys are once again delving into la la land. Try to keep the focus on the reality: the negative effects of big oil and our un-ending thirsts for driving and convenience.

  60. we have a thirst for electric vehicles but w a hole bush made californians turn them in and they crushed them, it was the ev 1 and they were excellent, w bush saw to it that he the dealer of oil would keep us addicted forever.

  61. Arco usually the cheapest gasoline in Southern California. Thirfty Gas is also cheap too. I now usually go to G&H Gas. It is the cheapest of all gasoline station I have seen. I don't know where they get their gasoline.

  62. Drill baby drill and the Obama Tarbaby.

    "President Barack Obama showed he knew a thing or two about oil tar balls when he arrived last week on Fourchon Beach in Louisiana.
    “Either the boom soaks stuff up, or manually you can pick up these tar balls as they’re coming ashore,” he told a group of reporters.Spending about 15 minutes on a largely unsoiled beach is as close as Obama has come to the worst oil spill in U.S. history",.. A Bloomberg reporter says.
    Obama the experton tarballs looked like a Presidential Cat -In-In a Hat investigating in amazement a furball it had coughed up.
    He could not work it out at that time so he is heading back for another look
    But perhaps, the clever trickster now fears it might actualy be a Tar baby and he is Bre"r Rabbit not at all
    the Democrat donkey he appears to be, as certified on his "official CIA" birth certificate digital image.
    Wikipedia says "The Tar-Baby is a doll made of tar and turpentine used to entrap Br'er Rabbit in the second of the Uncle Remus stories. The more that Br'er Rabbit fights the Tar-Baby, the more entangled he becomes.
    In modern usage, "tar baby" refers to any "sticky situation" that is only aggravated by additional contact. The only way to solve such a situation is by separation.[1]
    This political "Separation" though is another problem. After all Obama is intimately tied to his election financiers the BP and Goldman Sasch of the Corporate State as much as any Republican.So he has to be nice to his masters.
    Additional contact with the tarballs or Tarbaby this time will only mean mumbling on about how He is not losing and that he is actualy on top of the Tarbaby problem .
    Not trapped at all ,and to bless and aplaud the B.P.pig , for its past efforts in saving him.
    But is the trickster and his Presidency actualy stuck inescapably on the B.P.Tarbaby ?

  63. The corporate thieves are pushing it too far and too fast. They had better sponsor some sports or reality shows so the sheeple run back to their TVs.

  64. I remember seeing the towers being demolished and thinking FINALLY they pushed it way too far. But the sheeple turned off their brains and rejoined the flock in bliss and apathy, believing a ridiculous fairy tale.

    As for the gusher, there will be anger and resentment over what they did and are doing at first. Then the sheeple will cower and even beg BP and the other criminal corporations for help.

    Let's face it. Americans are clueless authority worshippers.

    Nowadays government and corporations are pretty much the same thing. Corporate/banker interests run the government. Fascism took over America while you were asleep.

    They are continually testing how much they can get away with and up to now they pretty much can do whatever they please and the sheep will comply.

  65. I think this shows the effect that 4 people really do have on the environment. But trying to stick it to BP is just long term going to put up the price of the product supplied.The individuals responsible, need to be held accountable for what has transpired.Somewhere someone is responsible for making the team drill faster, someone is responsible for not checking or replacing the faulty valve. Someone is responsible for the valve being damaged. And someone has to take overall blame for what has transpired.
    I mean if it was all a huge success, who would be taking the credit for that,because the are also the same people that should be taking the responsibility now.

  66. Let's face it. It was sabotage, not a failure. Corporations had 100s of billions to gain. Do the math. That's how it works. No use sugar coating it. The rig was engineered to do the job. A massive explosion hits, kills all 11, no witnesses.

    Easy profit.

    No they let this gusher go for 2-3 years and 'clean up' - as in they make immeasurable fortunes.

  67. Simple math here.

    C4 = $50k

    Profit = probably a trillion dollars

    $50k not a big up front investment. Maybe Silverstein got in on this one.

  68. European stocks sank lower as the stock market is falling lower, full crash coming as unemployment now as high as during the great depression.

  69. and we all want more oil
    bigger cars who drive 2 mile a gallon
    heat our garden with heaters , to sit outside in the winter
    more plastic and pvc

  70. Driving a hybrid and using solar and wind is not an answer to the systemic crisis with which we are confronted. Our entire way of life needs to change. And that simply won't happen voluntarily or constructively.

    The Green Movement is just more Corporatism disguised. If you recollect, BP was running advertisements about being Green and investing in Green Technologies.

  71. "Blood On Your Hands"

    When the summer fails us
    and the rains it rains so hard oh...
    when the rivers overflow
    and a wave runs over prague oh..

    poison the waters so
    that only g.m. crops grow

    5 Corporations
    earn more than
    46 nations
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands
    Corruption at the highest levels
    Man made hell and a
    man made Devil
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands

    Behind a coat of arms and gilded lies
    the crown prepare the sacrifice
    and she prepares to die oh
    radiant and beautiful
    she's taken in her prime
    oh executioner Atone for
    all your crimes now

    send horrors thru your soul
    and when it happens then you'll know
    send horrors thru your soul
    and when it happens then you'll know

    5 Corporations
    earn more than
    46 nations
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands
    Corruption at the highest levels
    Man made hell and a
    man made Devil
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands

    Rulers seek the fossil fuel
    as the poor still eat their stools oh..
    and watch the thunderflash
    unleashed for oil and gas oh..
    send horrors thru your soul
    and when it happens then you'll know
    send horrors thru your soul
    and when it happens then you'll know

    5 Corporations
    earn more than
    46 nations
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands
    Corruption at the highest levels
    Man made hell and a
    man made Devil
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands

    Jacque De Molay
    Turns in his grave
    as Cecil Rhodes
    rides out again
    You've got blood on your hands
    You've got blood on your hands

    Song by Killing Joke

  72. I don't understand why they can't stick a drill rod down the hole about 10,000 feet with some C4 on it and blow it up? I think they still want the oil. Bastards!!!

  73. stock market falling badly, depression deepening as jobs losses pile up

  74. this oil leak is just a minor inconvenience. drill baby, drill.

  75. What are you guy honestly complaining about? If you live in the area, you have free frying oil, just go to the beach with a bottle and grab some. Free money. Also you can just grab some of the washed ashore wildlife and cook it with your free frying oil, again free food. This is just the kind of good fortune (free food) we needed. We should be celebrating this oil leak.

  76. These pictures turn my stomach. Not sure how much rescuing of birds etc. is going on, but I did read that the government used one of the emergency laws to allow BP to hire workers for below minimum wage. I read they are bringing in Mexicans to do the low-wage work, so they don't have to pay the locals any more than necessary.

    For those who yell "drill, baby, drill"--aside from the terrible destruction, the news leaves out the fact that these oil companies, who are taking our natural resources, do NOT have to sell us the oil. They will sell it on the open market to the highest bidder. So on top of destroying our property, they makes us pay to get what is ours in the first place. Why isn't our government doing something about that?

  77. British Petroleum is sending 11 cleanup crews to Pensacola Beach after a number of small balls of oil were spotted.

    Just wait until the end of the year. By then, the Florida eastern beaches will be a sewer. If you live anywhere near there, get out now.

  78. 10:23 people will stay and go down with the ship. Sort of like putting money in the banks or in the stock market. Our citizens enjoy casinos too, thats why we have them.

  79. I still say drill baby drill--if it wasn't for the enviro-morons companies like BP would be able to drill in much shallower water for more easily extractable oil, or in ANWAR where spilled oil just ends up on the ground.

  80. damn right, drill everything, suck the planet dry of all resources, suck it dry, dry dry, suck it dry because there are no intricate energy structures that you depend on for body health, etc, which you would know if you weren't a shallow religious moron and opened up a math or physics book.

  81. Many companies and individuals have come up with valid ways to stop the gusher, but BP really isn't interested in stopping the flow. Why? Because they are already way past their 75 million liability limit and any cleanup is all gravy! Pure cashola.

    This device was on the science channel and ten experts out of 12 said it would work. No one cares though.

  82. Those who are responsible for the neglect and the killing of innocent creatures should pay with their lives! Because they have no respect for the lives of others. Human or animal.

  83. 100+ comments on one subject.

  84. BP employees search and hide the bodies of the dead animals during the night to not deteriorate more their "image". The oil slick will go back up until Europe in august... And now, a great toxic cloud is waiting under the ocean, and is gradually raising... Some hurricanes, even strong winds can happen, and so the south-east of usa will be a high carcinogenic area. It's so SAD. Even in the 1980s, I thought I would never buy a car. resist.

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Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.