
Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Coming 5 Years of “Mainstream” Finance Hell

So what can we expect to see in the U.S. over the next half-decade?
First off, get ready for a paradigm shift. Cycles take 70 years or so to run their course, so you really can’t blame anyone for believing that real estate values and stock market indices will “always go up in the long run.” Well, since 1932 (the beginning of this long-term cycle) they have, with occasional dips along the way. But when the 70-year cycle ends and investment bubbles mark the climax, a deflationary period ensues, knocking values back to levels we’ll all find almost impossible to fathom. Our generation will be the one to discover that not only can post-bubble-bubble-bubble values head the other way; they can decline by upwards of 90%. Printing money or not, it’ll be no different this time around.
Stocks will fall out of favor. Remaining rallies are nothing more than selling opportunities; any lasting reward is not worth the risk. The coming downside should be breathtaking. The good news is that if you keep what stock market value you have right now, you’ll come out the winner, as the buying power of that money will be factors greater come 2015-2016 when we start fishing around for a market bottom (below Dow 1500).
Another unforeseen, massive decline in the U.S. stock market (and worldwide) will devastate market psychology, and that will quickly affect pretty much everything economic — from consumer confidence to consumer spending to corporate earnings to employment, clear through to the housing market. Lenders will pull in their horns even further and few will be in the mood to borrow. Deflationary forces will be fully in play and those forces will continue to feed on each other as the value of virtually every asset class heads down yet again. Those not ready for this reversal will wonder how in heaven’s name we went from placid waters to perfect storm in such a short period of time.
Meanwhile, there’s substantially more pain to come in real estate. As the Realtors proclaim on their TV commercials, “Every market’s different,” which is their slimy way of saying, “Sure, prices are falling everywhere else; just not in your neighborhood!”
Oh, those wacky Realtors.
On the housing front — and despite the fact we’ve seen positive price activity in scattered markets in the U.S. in recent months — values are about to begin another descent as the global credit crisis/implosion enters its hair-raising stage, the stock market gets bludgeoned and another fifteen million foreclosures (including the existing, massive shadow inventory and what will become a growing wave of “strategic defaults”) are brought to market over the next few years. When home values are cut in half after a 75 year run, is it possible they can be cut in half again? With ever-greater numbers of foreclosures, an even more intense economic recession and what will no doubt be eroding demand feeding the deflationary monster, bank on that rate of decline and more.


  1. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 3, 2010 at 4:50 PM

    Do humans still pay real estate agents? Always seemed like the most needless of services.

  2. YAWN..This is not new news to those of us living in reality, now the sheeple have no clue, they keep their stocks and their tv's tell them everything is looking good. With more fake govt stats coming out tomorrow, watch the sheeple spend spend spend.

    Meanwhile, gold & silver is the place to be.

  3. only 5 years of hell?
    i see it more like 20 years of hell. we were partying since 1990s with cheap money, borrowing, spending and shifting our manufacturing capacity to foreign lands. we are stuck with paper craps from Wall Street financial firms which do not produce anything but promises and debts.
    not the bills are come due. someone has to pay for it.

  4. Gold and Silver is NOT the place to be right now according to him.

    They will both experience major corrections.

    The place to be over the next few years ?


    According to him.

  5. cash will crash, it will be devalued by at least 50% by the end of this year, China and smart countries are buying gold, gold and silver it is, cash is almost dead

  6. 5:16 he said to be in SILVER because GOLD will be taxed.

  7. Yes - EA -

    AFTER a major correction in ALL " Assets "

    Who wants to buy silver at 20 bucks an Oz. on the open market and watch in go back down to 5 bucks for the next 3 years while the greenback is
    King ??

    All these scenarios are great of your sitting on 10 million dollars - you can allocate across a broad spectrum and therefore minimize your exposeure to any one specific class.

    If your a working peon and have to settle on ONE

    Wow ! I sure as hell hope your Irish !

  8. ill take the risk on gold and silver
    the dollar will be worthless
    sorry but thiers no other choice

    and also if golds at 10 thousand
    i would have made my money
    for you that have worthless dollars tax it with a wheel barrow

    also gold is not money just a stock asset
    as so money point out

    like diamonds
    a wealth preaserver
    so ill keep my gold and buy more
    please dont buy leave it cheap for me.

    this is no game
    gold will go up
    only the srong hearted will survive

    ive said before i see 50 percent uenployed
    thats right

    many who walk these united states are in thier own world

    youve been sold into slavery
    look at katrina the gulf the wars
    no jobs the morons who are presidents and the leaders
    would you follow barney frank into combat
    we are screwed
    so yes ill keep my gold

  9. thiers alot of little boys who post on here
    and have no clue whats coming to america

    haveing gold will be the least of your probloms

    gold in 1933 was bought at 20 a coin and fliped to 35 a year later after fdr said he would not do it

    so sell at worth then flip to silver
    or platnium
    this game is easy

    play it like a man and you will win
    good luck

  10. in his article
    like others i have read
    oh sell know
    never been a fan
    gold is barbaric,but ill buy at last minute
    when is that last minute ?

    ive made over 50 grand on gold
    oh wait yea i will make even more money
    buy and hold
    my motto works for me
    go gamble with your money
    the goverment taxes everything duhhh

  11. im still holding stock
    from loch industries another company
    that sec havnt seen the coruption
    and is worth zero
    gold i have and how sweet it is
    i laugh at the morons that will be holding cash
    and loseing it
    and the goverment reasponse
    obama flew over the capitol today couldnt land because of riots
    maria bartolioma
    said nobody expected that
    currencey collapse and china droping the dollar


    wow never would have thought
    printing trillions and now america collapsed

    congress is in secret meetings

    and yes gold 10 thousand

    gee davy
    ahhhh wilbur

    see gold the least of your probloms

  12. also timetable
    5 years
    how about arms due
    sept 2012
    thats when all hell breaks loose

  13. LOOK, if you think gold and silver are bad investments, then PLEASE DO NOT BUY GOLD AND SILVER! There will be a shortage soon, and if you people (?) think cash is better, then stock up on all the cash you can. Wishing you sheeple all the best, please do NOT buy gold and silver and keep your cash or debt notes, no doubt they will increase in value....

    ME=Au OR Ag

  14. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 3, 2010 at 10:58 PM

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  15. This is nice info about Finance if you want more visit

  16. Do not buy certificates that say some company is holding the real thing for you--it's a scam. If you can buy physical gold below value, then do it. Jewelry is always good; you can barter with it or sell it when you need cash.

    I've always preferred owning a physical object of value than playing the gambling casino they call the stock market. We are in for a long, long period of no jobs or bad-paying jobs while prices of the things you need keep going up. Forget the argument of inflation/deflation--we have both happening at once. Your home and car are worth a lot less, and credit is very tight so you can't borrow. And despite the supermaket sales, the cost of living is going up along with the electric rates.

    Everything I read says that people just aren't spending money except to eat and live. So it impossible for the economy to recover.

  17. People don't have the money to do anything except eat and live, and barely at that.

    You're finally going to see the family structure return, the family unit has been eroded for the past 30 years but with daddy government not paying benefits anymore, it'll go back to that.

    It's all well and good to hold onto gold and silver, but where would you keep it? Make sure you are armed and lock things up well, and have somebody watch at all times. Don't let random strangers into your home and be very wary when you're out and about.

    It will take at least 20 years for this thing to run its cycle. The bottom should drop out within the next 5 however.

    On the other hand, things are about to get exciting as well, in a perverse way. History repeats itself, there will be a lot of expansion and movement soon.

  18. As the world turns - and spins toward an imminent financial collapse, advertisers remind us daily that Gold at $1240.00 an ounce is the only safe haven to protect us from the coming cataclysms. But why would ANYONE pay $1240.00 for an ounce of ANYTHING ??? Julius Caeser only knew "Gold" as Prime Wealth, but if he were able to come back to life in this modern world, you can be sure that his first choice would not be Gold but a "State of the Art Printing Press" with Gold being a close second. When there are riots and supermarkets are looted of their food, remember that you CANNOT EAT GOLD. But you can store freeze dried foods, that in times of crises will be more valuable than Gold !!!


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