
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Massive BP Coverup

June 3 Oil Pics HERE..
Here's what President Obama didn't see when he visited the Gulf Coast: a dead dolphin rotting in the shore weeds.

"When we found this dolphin it was filled with oil. Oil was just pouring out of it. It was the saddest darn thing to look at," said a BP contract worker who took the Daily News on a surreptitious tour of the wildlife disaster unfolding in Louisiana.

His motive: simple outrage.
"There is a lot of coverup for BP. They specifically informed us that they don't want these pictures of the dead animals. They know the ocean will wipe away most of the evidence. It's important to me that people know the truth about what's going on here," the contractor said.

"The things I've seen: They just aren't right. All the life out here is just full of oil. I'm going to show you what BP never showed the President."
The day was 85 degrees, the blue sky almost white with sunshine, the air fresh with salt tang.
After checking that he was unobserved, he motored out to Queen Bess barrier island, known to the locals as Bird Island.
The grasses by the shore were littered with tarred marine life, some dead and others struggling under a thick coating of crude.
"When you see some of the things I've seen, it would make you sick," the contractor said. "No living creature should endure that kind of suffering."

Read more:

Sickness, Lawsuits Surge: Don't Go Near The Beach

Even walking on the beach can be a hazard, said Lisa Lougue, 47, who works at Sarah's Diner in Grand Isle. She took a stroll and then "couldn't stop coughing."
"I couldn't breathe. I had chest pains and my blood pressure went up," Lougue said. "The doctors said stay away. Whatever you do, don't go near the beach."
More Here..


  1. Not just BP, which is to be expected, but the MSM seem complicit in the coverup as well. I've been expecting to see lots of coverage of dead/ dying wildlife, pelicans being cleaned of oil by workers, etc. but there so far very little. unlike Katrina, MSM coverage of this disaster just seems way to 'sanitized' and carefully managed.

  2. The propaganda Main stream news media is part of this conspiracy, not showing much on this catastrophe while focusing the news on Hollywood, just as they do NOT honestly report on the depression or the financial news. The govt and news media are all the same now. TURN OFF YOUR TV NOW!

    I'm sure BP will end up in court and not paying for this horrendous crime, just wait, they will get away with it. And the sheeple slaves have no clue, they enjoy their servitude.

  3. msm media doesnt tell you
    your free free to die
    now be a good germen american and
    die quietly
    so our country can destroy the world
    print money buy crap from china
    follow our fearless leader

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. BP is obviously going to LIE.

    They do not care about anything except money.


    Watch this powerful video of Seneca Chief Oren Lyons speaking to Big Oil before the oil spill in the gulf.


    If the Oil companies like BP do not care about their own children and grandchildren why do you think they would care about you?

  6. The sheeple will huff and puff then turn on their propaganda 52" LCD screens and go back into LALA land.

    This is all about profit. A gazillion dead or suffering animals mean nothing.

    The volcano was started deliberately and it will continue on the same way.

    Look to the companies getting the multi-billion no-bid contracts and you will find the criminals behind it all. Unfortunately, the MSM will not be mentioning their names.

  7. I wish I could take a boat
    and go rescue the dolphins

    and take them to a safer place.


    All my life I dreamed
    of lying on the pure white sands
    of the Gulf enjoying the breeze
    under the palm trees
    with my big black boots
    and my old suitcase
    a sad reject from the human race

  8. Blame it on Bush said..

    938 At least the "sad reject from the human race" part of your dream came true.

  9. As with anything, the truth rests somewhere in between the two extremes; those extremes being:

    1) This oil gusher is an Extinction Level Event and we're all going to die.

    2) This is no big deal, it's business as usual, so what if a few birds, fish and wetlands die.

  10. This article is closer to the truth than the extremes being posited.

    From the article:

    By the time the oil hits the beach, "all that's left are the oil slick -- a thin layer of some of the oily compounds -- and the tar balls, almost like asphalt," said White, who is not letting the spill keep her from a vacation later this month in Orange Beach, Ala.

    The black globs on the beach are "nasty," she said, "but just being on the beach with them is not going to cause people problems. If we're thinking about human health, the concentration that would get to shore is infinitesimal."

    Because they are academic scientists, Diaz, White and their colleagues are busy devising projects that will let them take advantage of the situation.

    "There's a tremendous amount of research to be done, because we're finding out how much we don't know," White said.

  11. It is MUCH WORSE than anything posted. A gigantic mass of oil waiting to be whipped up by the hurricane season.

    10:10 how you can side with such ridiculous made-up statements as they oil on the beach isn't that bad is astounding. Maybe not such a surprise since you are probably a paid shill for BP trolling blogs, or you are an idiot, take your pick.

  12. If just hope the corporations out to make their billions off of this are identified and scorned by consumers, forever.

  13. 10:10: I read the article you linked. Was that article written by BP? Sure, go to the beach with oil on it, won't hurt you any. Learn to love the beach oil slick, picnic with it, hell, eat it, after all, the article says there's no harm as it's just an oil slick.

    Have fun on your beach vacation with oil on the beach, sounds fun to me!

    The sheeple slaves believe anything.

  14. Just like with 9/11, the area is being blocked off from prying eyes. The criminal corps don't want people seeing how bad it really is so they are successfully restricting the airspace around the gusher as well as the worse-affected beaches.

    You see, the BP types don't care about the reality of the situation. It is all money and profit to them. They do care about image though, so the PR is far more important to them as is any real ACTION/solution.

    The gusher will still be blowing out millions of gallons of oil a year from now until every beach and inlet is saturated with oil. The Iranians could fix this gusher in less than two weeks. They have told BP that twice now.

    But no way pal, there is $$$$ to be made from this disaster! My guess is in the TRILLIONS before it is all done. Then the cleanup will last decades, long after the former USA is long gone.

  15. All of this is proof positive that we need to go back to the time where corporations did not have more rights than an individual. We need to stop this corporate madness. Nadar was right, that is why the man has been scorned and marginalized his entire life.

  16. When the USA is broke and gone, a distant memory in some text book, the Chinese will still be cleaning this up.

  17. Reality:

    Goldman Sachs' Sock Puppet toured the site of the BP 'spill'. Since he has been bought and paid for by the same corporations out to make 100s of billions on the disaster, he will gladly pay lip service to how he is going to get tough with the corporations involved. Of course behind closed doors he will be briefed on how to make the criminals eventually come out smelled like a rose, not like a dead dolphin carcass.

  18. BP tells cops and US coast guards what to do. Money talks. LOL.

  19. Maybe there is truth to the tale that there is another much larger leak coming from the sea bed a few miles to the west of the well.

    Strange seismic activity going on in central Florida (Disney Wildlife Preserve) for the past couple of weeks.

    Compare with the other seismic earth stations:

  20. Sorry shill, but no one is taking the bait and changing the discussion to your cartoon.

    Just disgusting when you really see how these corporation really operate. They are showing their true colors now.

  21. Don't worry, President Soetoro is getting very angry now! He's starting a criminal investigation. The guilty parties will be put in jail very soon! And US taxpayers will not pay one penny for any of this....

  22. The total disregard for the health of clean up workers and the residence is nothing new. BP care only about PROFITS, not PEOPLE. Part of the NWO, BP will continue to operate in the Gulf and will get away with the literal murder of hundreds if not thousands that will get sick and die from this mess.

    Fines will be small and the clean up costs will be passed on to us. Obama and Congress are bought and paid for by these criminals and we all know that nothing will be done. Lip service only by our elected gangsters is all we will get.

  23. 12:36 pm could very well be the shill trying to keep the seismic data from getting around.

    A well like that doesn't blow 500,000 barrels a day without some stuff under the earth moving around.

  24. Barry is very concerned about all this -------

    Let's see in the last 45 days he has ------------

    Been on Vacation 7.5 days

    Been golfing on 7 occasions

    And Playing basketball

    Oh yeah - he's really on top of it

    What a loser this dude is

  25. He is not doing a good job, But I dont remember you saying this when bush was on vacation, more than any other president in history, many of you are hypocrites!

  26. Clarke and Dawe on the US oil spill.

    For those that enjoyed their explanation of the economics of the Euro bailout .

    World collapse explaned in three minutes

    Now a video explanation of the B.P.view on the cause and solution of the gulf oil blowout is available here @

  27. As with anything, the truth rests somewhere in between the two extremes; those extremes being:
    Thats a funny way of finding "truth" Pure American pragmatism .

    Objective truth ,scientific knowledge
    is found by investigating facts in the objective world and making judgements using reason and logic based on those facts.

    Not by sliding in between two existing opinions to find an average comfortable mean in your mind.

  28. @5:29

    You forgot mention the private White House concert a few days ago where "Sir" Paul Mccartney serenaded the Obamas. The happy couple literally beamed with smug self-importance, not a care in the world, while countless families along the coast are losing everything.

    It made me want to vomit....

  29. mccartney is a nwo lackey moron, nothing more, the beatles would have been nothing without lennon and harrison


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