
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Texas On The Verge Of Collapse: Budget Gap 18 Billion

The state of Texas was already facing a grim financial situation for the next legislative session: A budget gap that could reach $18-billion. If you were looking for a silver lining, you’ll want to ignore latest business tax numbers.
RJ DeSilva with the State Comptroller’s Office says new figures show a ten percent decline from last year.
“September through May for fiscal 2009, we’d collected about $4-billion,” DeSilva said. “And for the same time for this fiscal year, it’s been about $3.6-billion.”
There are a lot of people who could say “I told you so” about this. One of them is Dick Lavine. He’s at a progressive think tank called the Center for Public Policy Priorities. Lavine has been harping for years about how the taxes created in 2006 to fund a property tax cut weren’t big enough to cover the difference.
“The problem was, even at the time, they knew that the change in the franchise tax plus the increase in the cigarette tax wasn’t going to cover the revenue lost by school districts,” Lavine said. “They had cash on hand at the time and they’ve been trying to plug the hole ever since.”
The comptroller’s office is trying to make up the shortfall in part by paying more visits to businesses. The associate deputy comptroller told the House Ways and Means Committee last week that all of the largest taxpayers will be subject to audits.


  1. Well, as they say "things are bigger in Texas"

    Of course their preferred solution is to stick it to business, thus stifling job growth, instead of realigning expenses with current tax revenues.

  2. And, how much of the school districts' "shortfall" is caused by the need to educate the children of undocumented/illegal workers, who themselves frequently pay no taxes?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. We could stop this in it's path, stop paying all the living, education and health expenses for the 10+ million illegals in this state. Not to worry, that will never happen, Gay Governor Rick "Hairspray" Perry will bring in new taxes, raise current taxes and fees, you can count on it!

    The sheeple slaves will beg for higher taxes as they love their Big Brother govt that takes care of them. Count on it!

  5. Hmmm, 8:46 I fail to see where your little gangsta-rap ditty addresses the issue of Texas's budget woes. Could you perhaps clarify your position in standard English?

  6. 8:46 Can't explain his little gangsta-rap. He is SOS (stuck on stupid)

  7. congres are guilty of treason
    til they are held reasponsebile
    we are doomed
    guess what we are doomed
    nafta gata bs
    one day 5000 dow and no rebound

  8. Everybody Photocopy MoneyJune 3, 2010 at 1:21 PM

    Budget gaps can be $18 gazillion and still not collapse because it's all numbers on computer screen.

  9. Just a drop in the Bucket...Taxifornia only has 600 billion in unfunded liabilities.

    as long as they keep paying the Public pensions every retired public union member in these states are Fat and Happy

  10. "Budget gaps can be $18 gazillion and still not collapse because it's all numbers on computer screen."

    You're right! There is really no need for government to collect taxes at all. Just add some zeros to a computer screen, and use that to pay for government workers and services.

    Brilliant idea!

    Maybe we can subtract some zeros and erase the National Debt and international trade imbalances while we are at it....

  11. Oh, please. Illegal immigrants pay plenty of taxes in Texas, which relies mainly on sales and property taxes that can't be avoided (no state income tax). Sales taxes are paid on most purchases, and property taxes are paid by the landlord, who passes it on in higher rents. And since they are not eligible for most services (other than public education, which the U.S. Supreme Court says states must provide, regardless of citizenship or immigration status), Texas actually comes out ahead on the immigrants living here illegally.

  12. "Businesses are already reluctant to hire here in TX because they know there is a Radical Socialist President in the White House who would like to, and is taking over everything."

    That is a ridiculous statement. Businesses could care less about who is in power. They are still concerned about the bottom line. What we are seeing is a state that is further away from the edge of the cliff than most of the others, but that is not exactly a reassuring thought either. And imagine when some of them really start to go it will be like a domino effect for the others.

  13. 2:0 --->Illegal immigrants use doctors service, emergencies, hospitals in DROVES.You mean the cost of them paying taxes outweigh a FREE hospital stay.. of say... a week, times a million? Are you an illegal immigrant writing such nonsense?

  14. Texas needs to secceed, us Arizonans will join you, then we can add Utah, maybe New Mexico and possibly Nevada. The Big Five will do great as we rid our new country (The Final Days of America) of illegals, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and dishonest leaders.

    I can't wait as I ride a horse for the first time and shoot for the first time as well, not knowing what the hell I'm doing it will be great just being irresponsible because of how cool it will make me feel. I'll be making a difference in my country. It is about what I can do for my country and not what my country can do for me. Whatever.

  15. In droves, are you sure about that? How many hospitals have you been in in Texas? What percentage of them are mexican or even illegal? The problem with being illegal and not having ID is you risk getting deported. The are only two hospitals in texas that dont ask for documentation to provide non-emergency service. I think you would find it normal that any country would provide emergency care regardless. People get much cheaper healthcare in Mexico so thats where they sometimes go to get it.

  16. In droves, are you sure about that? Illegal immigrants don't go to the doctor, they run to Mexico then come back.. my apologies..duh

  17. Oversimplification of what I said, Einstein. Do you think individuals never cross back to visit their families?

  18. Most solutions turn out to be amazingly simple once you get rid of the deadwood.

    Deny ALL entitlement programs

    Build a wall that will make China enviable

    Stock said wall with 4,652 marine grunts @ $22.50
    Per hour on a 8 hour rotation with stricy orders to shoot anything that moves.

    Problem solved in 2 weeks

    NEXT !

  19. 540 will never happen, congress bought and paid for, nuff said

  20. hey, 2:10 speak for yourself. My family owns small businesses and we can't wait to get rid of these crazy socialists who want to regulate and tax you to death and make it unaffordable and/or impossible to operate. Other small business owners we know are also pessimistic about the future Obama's bringing. So yeah, we do care who's in power and it does stifle productivity.

  21. 4:23 yes they run back when the illegal immigrant is having a heart attack for some tacos..dumb hick

  22. Is President Obama really "Curious George" ??? They sure look alike and both are USELESS !!!

  23. Money is not the root of all evil, but "THE LOVE OF MONEY" is !! Why is it that all matters 'serious and not so serious' always revolve around the almighty dollar ?? If you do not learn from past history, then you will be doomed to repeat it. The 'fear of God' is the beginning of Wisdom and yet few trully fear God.

  24. forget About Fema Camps and Trains another one of your fellow Kooks by the Name of Alex Jones is going to pick you up and take you to Planet Gun. No Need to worry about Your Guns. You get to take them with you. Your Mission will be to destroy all the Astroids,before they hit the Planet.

  25. Send A Card to Glen Beck and tell him you love Him!


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