
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Plans to Evacuate Tampa Bay Area Are in Place

As FEMA and other government agencies prepare for what is now being called the worst oil spill disaster in  history, plans to evacuate the Tampa Bay area are in place.
The plans would be announed in the event of a controlled burn of surface oil in the Gulf of Mexico, or if wind or other conditions are expected to take toxic fumes through Tampa Bay.
This practice has been used by the US Forestry service, when fire and smoke threaten the health and well being of people.
The elderly and those with respiratory problems would be more susceptible to health risks, in the event of a controlled burn.


  1. LOL "controlled burn" , a fukkin ocean of raw oil, nat gas, ect, welcome to Revelations "lake of fire" people!

  2. This disaster is indeed of Biblical proportions. But, it's just the beginning of many more to come. Stay tuned. Pop some popcorn.

  3. If I was near one of the beaches I would buy a HAZMAT suit and wear it around with the words GET OUT OF DODGE! written on the back.

  4. When does the corporate sock puppet speak tonight? I have never listened to one of his bullshit sessions yet, but I'll tune into this one. It is going to be a humdinger of a 'lie your ass off' session. Only the most gullible of the sheep will believe it.

  5. No one cares about the sock puppet the playoffs are on ABC!

  6. Hmmm......seems like this would make a good practice run for marshall
    martial law.

    Very plausible given all the drills they run all the time with other "events" and this would be a good time to see, if in fact there are as many foreign forces in the US as some say, how the sheeple react when told to do something by an outsider

  7. 4:41,

    That's almost funny!

  8. "The Gulf will be restored to even cleaner (of humans) than it was before"

  9. I have wondered from the begining WHY Tampa?...I got my answer yesterday; Tampa has the countries largest delaslinization plant and if the filters get oil in them, they system goes down and there will be no water for the people. Tampa also has a nuke plant that needs clean water for the cooling plant, and if that gets oil in it, the area would be out of power.
    It was (sort of) nice to know WHY instead of thinking about all the conspiracy theories on this issue.

  10. Delaslinization is cool but you meant Desalinization.

    We have nuke plants north and south of miami on the Atlantic side that also need clean water to run. Wonder what happens when oil gets in the cooling system. Let's find out! (cue creepy horror music!)

    Prolly yall won't have to worry about all this too much cuz that oil volcano thing in the gulf is gonna blow and the North American continent will be gone along with all your problems.


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