
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nasa Warns Solar Flares from 'Huge Space Storm' Will Cause Devastation

In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security unless precautions are taken.
Scientists believe it could damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs.
Due to humans’ heavy reliance on electronic devices, which are sensitive to magnetic energy, the storm could leave a multi-billion pound damage bill and “potentially devastating” problems for governments.
More Here..

BP says fire broke out today on their Discoverer Enterprise ship shut down their oil collection
Via Twitter Here.


  1. Oh Judas Priest man ! As if I don;t have enough to worry about.

    I'll worry about this one when it arrives.

    Not a second before

  2. Well gee, put this on your plate as another crunch bite for human kind. Of course if it does happen in the extreme, this most likely will be the worst outcome for much of the country, as the electrical grid is very old and at best unstable most of the time. Which is only one reason of many, I am putting in a manual water pump on my water well. Lose electricity out in the desert enough with normal outages, without this happening, but means NASA is explaining the possibility, will make sure I have that well pump placed in time. The website for the well pump is

  3. They will use this an an excuse for more clamp down. Everything from here on out will be an excuse for more clamp down. Pretty soon, we will all be relegated to the status of those workers pretending to clean up the gulf oil spill......slave labor for the wealthy.

    Oh goodie......eyes gonna gets me a haz mat suit. Yeh!!!!

  4. Yes people could find out just how fragile and interconnected everything is ... making our civilization very vulnerable so solar flares, CME's, and worse. The movie "KNOWING" is not an

  5. Isn this like the book - The Coming Superstorm.

  6. Incredibly Smart ScholarJune 15, 2010 at 7:15 PM

    The sock puppet will tell us how mommy government will take care of everything, so go back to sleep. How he is going to really give it to BP really good! Maybe a spanking.

    Of course it is all a stage show. Government and mega corps are all one in the same. Both owned and operated by the Oligarch bankers.

    Smoke and mirrors my friends, smoke and mirrors.

  7. Good on ya.... Us old geezers told you wise-ass tecchie unibrows when you were designing this computerized mess to leave on a manual override (read: HANDCRANK-in case of automatic failure) Now you can take your places in line like the rest of us poor saps to pick up your supply of candles/Coleman stoves

  8. Super Duper Smart ScholarJune 16, 2010 at 3:12 AM

    They'll probably use HAARP then blame it on the Sun. NASA/NAZI is just a bunch of criminal lowlife. Unfortunately, ignorant Americans still cling to the manned moon landing lie. Pathetic. A trip to the moon by MEN (not craft, many craft have been there) is impossible at our level of technology now, let alone the crude tech in the 60s.

    So sad that nationalism and pride steers the sheeple into such ignorance. Don't pay attention to the fact that every moon landing Astro-NOT is a 33-degree Mason that swore on a death oath to never reveal that they are frauds and scumbags.

  9. NASA was populated by the Nazis that were brought over after WWII from Germany. We didn't defeat the military strategists and top scientists, we can moved them here.

    Their man moon landing hoax was top notch at the time, but now anyone with an open mind to the evidence should know they were all faked.

    NASA decided to conduct an
    experiment to determine the effect of a longer
    space flight. So on 29 June 1969 NASA sent a
    monkey into orbit around the earth for 30 days.
    Unfortunately, after a few days the monkey's
    health began deteriorating, and by the ninth day
    NASA decided to bring the spacecraft down. The
    monkey died eight hours after the spacecraft was
    Would you get onto a spacecraft that is heading to
    the moon after watching a monkey die after only
    nine days in Earth orbit? Well, a week after that
    monkey died, Apollo 11 (supposed) took off for the moon.


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