
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It Is Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare

OK let's get real about the GOM oil flow. There doesn't really seem to be much info on TOD that furthers more complete understanding of what's really happening in the GOM.
As you have probably seen and maybe feel yourselves, there are several things that do not appear to make sense regarding the actions of attack against the well. Don't feel bad, there is much that doesn't make sense even to professionals unless you take into account some important variables that we are not being told about. There seems to me to be a reluctance to face what cannot be termed anything less than grim circumstances in my opinion. There certainly is a reluctance to inform us regular people and all we have really gotten is a few dots here and there...
First of all...set aside all your thoughts of plugging the well and stopping it from blowing out oil using any method from the top down. Plugs, big valves to just shut it off, pinching the pipe closed, installing a new bop or lmrp, shooting any epoxy in it, top kills with mud etc etc etc....forget that, it won't be's done and over. In fact actually opening up the well at the subsea source and allowing it to gush more is not only exactly what has happened, it was probably necessary, or so they think anyway.
So you have to ask WHY? Why make it worse?...there really can only be one answer and that answer does not bode well for all of us. It's really an inescapable conclusion at this point, unless you want to believe that every Oil and Gas professional involved suddenly just forgot everything they know or woke up one morning and drank a few big cups of stupid and got assigned to directing the response to this catastrophe. Nothing makes sense unless you take this into account, but after you will see the "sense" behind what has happened and what is happening. That conclusion is this:
The well bore structure is compromised "Down hole".
That is something which is a "Worst nightmare" conclusion to reach.

The system will collapse or fail substantially before we reach the finish line ahead of the well and the worst is yet to come.


  1. So much fear-mongering!

    Just watch President Obama's Oval Office spreech tonite- I'm sure he'll plainly explicate all the facts and lay out how the government will force BP to fix the problem and pay for the cleanup. There's really nothing at all to worry about.

    Move along folks, nothing to see here....

  2. Herpes on the other thread said he's not going to evacuate. The creoles and cajuns are tough cookies. Something like cancer and suffocation isn't going to stop them from bouncing back and drilling some more.

  3. This is totally nuts.

  4. 9:06 believes in his leader..way way too funny! He'll give you the facts

  5. How many additional rigs are in the Gulf? I have read there might be hundreds more, can you imagine if this happens again on another rig? I realize this peticular rig was special in that it was a deep deep well something they new the risks of doing. What a tragedy. They've busted a main vein alright!! We're doomed!!! DO NOT patronize BP, Arco, or any of their companies this is totally fucked!!!! Fossil fuel is a lie! This is the lube of the earths crust man. As the talking heads joke and giggle through this apocalyptic event. I wish oil/corexit rain would splash their skin.

  6. BP is mirroring what the criminals at the EPA did during 9/11. Lying to clean up crews about the safety.

    Those people that are foolishly working on those beaches without respirators should have a chat with the hundreds of 9/11 responders that our government screwed over. The majority are dead or dying.

    Our corp government, aligned with BP, doesn't give a rat's ass about people.

    Anyone who works or lives anywhere near there should leave if at all possible. The damage will be severe, possibly millions dead in the next year. No joke.

  7. People will not leave. Obama will come on tonight and tell the slaves that everything will be OK and to continue living as you are. Eat the food , breathe the air, nothing is wrong, it will all be cleaned up. You watch!

  8. If you want to be sprayed with toxic poisons in the middle of the night, if you want to wait for hurricanes to lift up millions of barrels of oil/poisons and drop it on your head, stick around.

    The hospitals will be able to help you if you have your Obamacard and are willing to wait a few weeks.

    Incredible that people still trust government talking heads and our Goldman Sachs sock puppet.

    It goes to show what pre-programmed lemmings people really are, no doubt about it.

  9. I think I am going to vomit!!! I am amazed that some politicians are upset that jobs are being lost for drillers. F you. If the sea bed collapses and the entire deposit spits up. Our way of life is over.

  10. You have to be kidding me. Surfers are still out there? Are they crazy? Nothing like paddling around in toxic chemicals. Come on you Spikolis get a grip.

  11. 11:12 I believe that is exactly what will happen. Out of desperation a couple of years from now they will try a nuke. It will collapse the sea bed and then within 1.5 - 2 years all the worlds oceans will be a poisonous sewer.

    The greedy bankers really did it to us this time.

    Our only hope at the point is the Oligarchs have the technology to fix it and are willing to reveal that tech. They keep us in the stone ages via their hording of all types of tech. We would be like the Jetsons by now if it were not for them, and that is no joke.

  12. My little Sally just had her 4th birthday. I hope she has the chance to see her 12th.

  13. 11:23 you mean 5th?

  14. Sorry typo. I meant 5th.

  15. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 15, 2010 at 3:22 PM

    Mayor Vaughn
    Is pleased y happy to announce
    That the beaches of
    A M I T Y
    Will be open for business
    This 4th of July weekend
    Stay thirsty my friends

  16. I am a scientist by birth, having always had the scientific inclination to seek the truth in whatever matter presents itself in a logical
    manner informed with knowledge.

    Here, as the facts present themselves we come to understand that

    1. They drilled into a deposit with substantially higher pressures than they had anticipated or been ready to handle.

    2. The local geology of the gulf strongly suggests extreme danger in drilling because of the composition of the rock and sediment layers atop these deposits.

    3. We now have the very worst case scenario upon us: A well drilled into a deposit of extreme pressure we have no technology to deal with and it's going to get worse. Much worse.

    4. Ultimately, the option to either
    A. wait it out and see if a sea floor collapse miraculously seals the well
    B. Try a small nuclear weapon to crush the bore shut and glass cap it.

    I strongly suggest that boring relief wells is a bad idea as they also will blow out and make matters worse.

  17. The article says there are around 2-2.5 billion barrels of oil in the 4 reservoirs that are flowing and most likely will NOT ever be stopped. At 2.5 billion barrels, that is 105 billion gallons of crude that will flow into the GOM.

    What about the millions of homeowners who abandon their homes and mortgages in the gulf states when they are evacuated? Remember, 105 billion gallons of crude will flow in the GOM.

    Look for Barry Soetoro tonight to push "Cap & Trade", that's what this is all about. Unfortunately, TPTB totally fucked up by allowing this oilcano to happen. This will be the biggest catastrophe ever in the history or the world. The entire North, Central and South American continents may have to be abandoned. This may destroy ALL of the oceans of the

    Not to mention the oilcano may cause huge earthquakes.

    Sheeple, we are looking at the "End of the World Scenario".

  18. Let me address the fear mongering accusations:

    The people who are living life in fear are those who ignore reality because they are too scared to look at the dark.

    Those who read fear mongering material aren't fearful, you don't go to a horror movie if you are going to be scared out of your mind.

    Fear comes from ignorance... yet, ignorance is bliss. You either want to remain drunk on a ship and bury your personal problems with alcohol, or you'll sober up when someone is telling you the ship is on fire and you need to evacuate.

    I don't know what to think of this oil gusher, but the problems this world is up against right now... children would be better not being born. Shame on any parents right now selfish (and stupid) enough to having children at this time.

  19. Shame on anyone thinking to play God, 1:28PM.

    For all you know, the child someone doesn't have is the one that would redeem humanity.

    Life is a good thing. Anyone talking like 1:28pm is in complete self backwardation or secretely planning to mass populate the earth with their lying progeny.

    Some species don't exist anymore because they self terminated. We are not of that ilk.

  20. I recently read a story which suggested that Obama is going to use this disaster to RAM THROUGH climate legislation which will CRIPPLE THE U.S. ECONOMY. (think: insanely high taxes on gasoline, oil, natural gas, etc., as well as the infamous Cap and Trade scam). This entire scenario is most likely a theater play run by the Illuminati which is trying to destroy America and dominate the entire world.

  21. So the destroyer in chief said the seafood is safe to eat, I say,"for once in your life LEAD and be the first to eat a plate of shrimp." Just rinse off all that nasty oil add a little salt and shove it in your big fat mouth.

  22. I hope that if Obama believes the seafood from the Gulf Coast is safe to eat that he will prove it by feeding it to his girls one meal a day for the next six months. Watcha say Obama? Just do it, big man.

  23. So, the truth is that this crisis is much worse than we are being told. I would put my property up for sale and get my wife and kids off that coast now. I would rather be homeless than let my children become permanently ill from my own person need to maintain the SUV and check book. But hey, I love my kids more than stuff. If it were just my wife and I, we might consider just staying and riding this out, but never and I MEAN NEVER WOULD I PUT MY KIDS AT RISK.

  24. It is never as bad as you think it is and it is never as good. In the end, you will be dead, so why worry? Grab a margarita and relax.

  25. 2:18 I was raised to be a survivor. I was programed by my parents to figure out how to live. In crisis situations there are always some people who will just drink a margarita and wait for the tidal wave to crush them and then there are others that when they learn it may come they get ready for it. And if it doesn't come, no one really gets hurt by the calm preparation. Or you could just jack in a shell, that also seems to be a popular approach for quitters.

  26. Just watch President Obama's speech tonite, and you will see all this hysteria was for nothing. He has his best scientists working on the solution and BP will pay for everything.

    Our real worry should be all those terrorists in the Middle East....

  27. You know, I suggested electric cars as a solution a while back (and they are just that), and the best response I got was from a fool who insisted they wouldn't work in North America. Great. I will now LAUGH at that fool from the safety of my location.

    For the record. GM produced an EV called Impact. It's top speed was 75 mph and it had a range of 120 miles. This is PERFECT for most Americans who travel less than 40 miles a day, even in winter! Now some will say, "Well I commute more than 50 miles each way to work." Okay buddy, MOVE!!! Your lifestyle is not sustainable.

    Do not get me wrong. This isn't funny at all. I'm actually ANGRY at the utter STUPIDITY of most people.

    Been to those lower states affected by the BP numnuts. Damn shame.

    Big Oil has had a good run. It's time to end it.

    If Britain switched its fleet of petroleum-powered vehicles to electric, it would only need to generate an additional 20% of electricity. This can easily be done by a combination of wind, solar and wave power. Comes to worst, place solar panels in a desert and convey the power to the U.K. via transformers and high tension lines.

    In the case of America, it would only required 4,000 square miles of wall-to-wall solar panels in, say in Arizona, to do the job.

    HELLO!! Anybody home???

  28. 12:49,

    They can't fix it. The oil has to continue to gush out until the pressure wanes. There is far too much of it to deal with.

    Florida is absolutely SCREWED and ruined. 24+ million people need a new home. Well, I guess that's a good way to tighten up foreclosures in other states. However, the reality is far more stark than that. It means at some point all oil drilling and oil extraction in the Gulf will have to cease. With few electric vehicles on the road, a good swath of people around the world will have their economic lives permanently wrecked.

    America is too far down the road of sin to recover without a scratch.

    The Gulf will make Chernobyl look like a walk in the park.

  29. if there is a planet x and the fault line splits then all 1000+ oil wells will open up, have fun dreaming or i should say sleeping

  30. 2:25. Take a deep breath. It will be okay.

  31. 2:48- Yes, people with brains are home. Solar is not a viable solution. I've heard the progressive "4000 square miles of solar panels in Az" for years. There are several problems with that. 1) The panels would need to be cleaned monthly (desert- dust- sand) and the water requirements are 4-5 times the current water usage in the southwest, which already has a horrible water shortage. Getting the power to where it's needed would require more copper, iron, and steel than is in the ground and would be a worse environmental disaster than the oilcano. A typical example is Wisconsin, where environmentalists made the state spend $400 M on windmills in the midwest, another environmental group blocked the building of transmission lines to get the power back to the state. Every country that has tried 'green jobs' and alternate energy has experiences the following: over a 40% increase in utility rates, 2.6 jobs lost for every job 'created', having to run an alternate power source, such as coal or nuclear, next to the 'alternative energy'. The sun doesn't always shine, the wind doesn't always blow, and we're years away from battery technology to meet this demand. Face it, we're on oil for another couple decades. It's a good thing oil isn't really from decaying dinosaur corpses, not a 'peak energy source', and readily available. Now, if you environmentalist nuts choking off this country would get out of the way and let us drill on land, build nuclear (like all your socialist dream countries are doing), and use our resources, we might have a chance of saving this country.


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