
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Glimpse Of The End Game

Anyone not blinded by greed can plainly see the sick cycle we’re in:
First, the government helps create a great asset bubble.
Next, the government-created bubble bursts under a dark cloud of hardship for millions of Americans, and …
Last, the government responds by creating still ANOTHER bubble, often far more dangerous than the previous.
A rare sequence of events? Hardly.
Just in the past dozen years, we’ve already seen three — the tech bubble and wreck … the housing bubble and bust … and now the sovereign debt explosion and implosion.
So by this time, millions of investors already know the drill. What they don’t know is the answer to the biggest question of all:
What’s the End Game?
Will the world’s money printing presses inevitably run amuck, trashing any remaining value in paper currencies?
Will major governments ultimately default on their debts, destroying the global credit system?
Will our entire civilization crumble?
My answer: The threats are certainly real. But the final outcome could be very different indeed.
In fact, no matter how many tricks governments may play and no matter how wild this 21st century roller-coaster ride may get, there will also be another possible end game:Austerity.
Austerity can come in many forms: Governments may impose austerity strictly in reaction to market-driven forces … or by pro-actively taking the lead. Austerity may come with wild inflation … or without. It could trigger deep social upheaval … or merely sporadic protests.
But regardless of how austerity finally arrives, it cannot happen without across-the-board cutbacks in government payrolls, severe reductions in unemployment benefits, massive cuts in pensions, big hits to social welfare programs, and invariably, NO MORE ECONOMIC STIMULUS!


  1. Government is just a tool, one of many, in the tool belt of the Oligarchs. By strictly blaming the crisis on the tool, rather than that which uses the tool, or the system that creates and perpetuates the use of such tools, you miss the point and any meaningful change and/or evolution cannot occur.

    Oh, by the way, the Fed is not the Government as this article intimates.

  2. Gerald Celente is probably right

    historically they use WAR

    the divert attention and keep people busy

    hopefully people will be smarter this time

    but probably not

  3. They will keep the markets up and the status quo will stay. Debt is ignored and will just keep running up forever.

    Don't stress.. Things will stay the same for many many years to come. No crash or collapse will come. I guarantee it.

  4. 8:42, thanks for that.....I needed it. My wife and I were thinking about postponing having another child, our fifth, but I feel reassured after your comment.

  5. I agree @8:42 the puppet masters will continue the show for as long as they want to. I am watching Kevin Trudeau book commercial for postive thinking much like the "Secret" (all bullshit) and even he admits in the ad he is part of a "brotherhood" who gave him secrets of the elite class to get to where he is now. I know I am scared as hell about 2012, economy, oil disaster, this is why prozac and other depression drugs are up so high. Im scared as hell I admit it. I hope it all works out but I think there is nothing we can do about it either way and the elite will do what they do. It sucks like the article says there WILL be cutbacks. It is gonna be a SHIT STORM people STOCK UP!!! Better safe than sorry yes?

  6. thier will not be cut backs
    wishfull thinking
    the people that brought us 2 wars and more
    and the gulf
    thats not even what could really go wrong
    a list to long

    any country in history that has wars that never end has been destroyed

    also the people in rule lack the morale judgemnet to do the right thing
    i compare this to the last seen in the bluemax war movie
    were stachel goes up and puts on a real show

    as the elites are late to lunch

    buy gold prepare becuase its already
    a nightmare scenerio

    only a fool would not prepare
    mentaly physicaly finnacialy
    and thier family

    and im a happy go lucky guy

    this is so great in its nature so complete
    in its destruction
    like patton i believe this is the work of god

    with that said .get ready because if you believe the goverment can save you
    your delusion has no bounds

  7. What is the end for the US?...Some sort of V for Vendetta society? A Mad Max Society?...How about a combo of both where as society and goods/food and fuel become scarse theres a push to centralize everything?

    Food/gas/goods to the government and necessary hubs...Everyone else off on their own...Until people start to rebel for alliances like some bad sci-fi novel and then like that Russian analyst (Igor Panarin) we break up into sections?

    What's so far fetched? ALL empires collapse...and the way we have ran ours since 1898 has been a steady run to have it go down in infamy...Seriously, I'm 39 and I remember a totally different America with smart, fit, shiny people who were involved in their neighborhoods and cared about issues...Where kids used to be clever not fat blobs...Where people worked and American Made ment something...Now?...We're a shell of what we were.

    Well I am an alpha male so I'll do well and the male compeition seems to be dwindling in this country but man we are the feet of iron and clay on that statue that Daniel saw...An empire so strong yet so weak that it was breath taking.

  8. Narrator: The United States of America: rich, diverse, well-fed, proud, free. The United States of America: poor, hungry, scared, oppressed. There are those who say the United States is an empire, a dictatorship possessing fascistic elements. There are others who insist it’s a democracy, or a representative republic: the realized dream of the founding fathers. Can both assessments be correct? How can the nation known as the United States of America be both? How can there be two totally different views of the same thing?

  9. 8:42,

    Things are not staying the same for many years to come, things are changing every week just about.

    20 years ago it would be legit to say, "things will be the same for another 10 years." Now only people who are blind would make such a statement, I can't even count all the changes from the past two years.

    Experienced entrepreneurs right now are terrified and unable to predict their business. Not to mention even if there won't be hyper-inflation (which there will be), we still have to contend with Cap and Trade and Financial Reform (death blows to freedom).

    8:47 I hope that was sarcasm.

    And 9:52, Kevin Trudeau is a con artist.

  10. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For
    the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation;
    he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. — Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar,
    Crassus, Pompey and the Roman Senate

  11. How many of you have survived on the streets?

    Some of you act as if eating bark is where its at:

    Assuming a partial breakdown (continuation of the 'frog in the pan method' for a good slow cooked society)

    I would suggest you always have a Plan B:

    Keep a tent large enough for everything, yet small enough to carry around anywhere.
    Keep a sharp pocket knife, as this is one of the most essential tools needed on the street.
    Use the system against itself, if the system is going down...make sure it is paying you on the way out.
    Possessians are a burden, minimize so that it can all fit into a storage if you need to shrink your living space to bare essentials. Also the amount it takes to live is alot less then you think.
    A cell phone, prepaid unlimited minutes is a necessity for street living. If your family wants to call and find out how the lifestyle is working for you then they have a way to say Hi.
    Just a few ideas, could go on all day... the idea is you must survive into the future by any means necessary...

  12. No more stimulus -
    I agree -
    Our economy has
    Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy!

    And it can't get help without a referral.

  13. This king hercules NUT is a friggin'hoot !

    A pocket knife and a cell phone !

    Oh brother are we ever in T-R-O-U-B-L-E

  14. 120
    thats what i was thinking about the last 4 presidents
    nafta gata and every other policy to destroy america
    couldnt have said it better myself

  15. 11:43 - "Well I am an alpha male so I'll do well and the male compeition seems to be dwindling in this country but man we are the feet of iron and clay on that statue that Daniel saw."


    I'm a 90 lb teenage girl and I just shot you in the head from behind for your spare gas in the garage.

    Stupid F.

  16. 10:02 Been shot AND stabbed already...Still here...How about you princess?

  17. You can't blame everything on the government. The politicians are just doing the bidding of the multi-national corporations. It's the super-rich power brokers who can buy and sell just about anything they want who are to blame.

    Regulations were in place to keep the oil spill from happening. BP bypassed most of them--there is plenty of documentation to show they had a history of doing whatever they damn wanted--including bribing the agency that was supposed to be keeping an eye on them.

    The main reason this country is fucked is big business--the government just goes along with whatever big business wants. That includes all the wars we're fighting, and all the banksters we bailed out. If I had a choice, I'd burn down Wall Street before I marched on Washington.


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