
Monday, June 14, 2010

What US Scientists Are Forbidden To Tell The Public About The Gulf

NOTE: Due to the controversy surrounding the writers beliefs, this article has been removed from the link.

It has been estimated by experts that the pressure which blows the oil into the Gulf waters is estimated to be between 20,000 and 70,000 PSI (pounds per square inch). Impossible to control.  

What US Scientists Are Forbidden To Tell The Public About The Gulf

What you are about to read, is what the scientists in the United States are not allowed to tell you in great fear of the Obama administration.

They are under the threat of severe repercussions to the max.. Scientists confirming these findings cannot be named due to the above, but what they believe, they want to be known by all.

Take a U. S. map, lay it flat and measure inland just the minimum 50 miles of total destruction all around the Gulf of Mexico as to what you will read below.

The carnage to the United States is so staggering, it will take your breathe away.

Should what the scientists who are trying to warn everyone about be even close to being true... all of Florida will be completely destroyed as will everyone and everything on it.

You decide!! Everyone has the right to read what I have just written in this article, as well as to what is written below by the scientists who the Obama administration and BP are trying to shut up.

Please share with as many as you can.

--Dr. James P. Wickstrom

Summary of What is Happening

The estimated super high pressure release of oil from under the earth's crust is between 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day.

The flow of oil and toxic gases is bringing up with it... rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow, as well as the drilled hole itself.
 As the well head becomes worn it enlarges the passageway allowing an ever-increasing flow. Even if some device could be placed onto the existing wellhead, it would not be able to shut off the flow, because what remains of the existing wellhead would not be able to contain the pressure.

The well head piping is originally about 2 inches thick. It is now likely to be less than 1 inch thick, and thinning by each passing moment. The oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the Oceanic current which is at least four times stronger than the current in the Gulf, which will carry it throughout the world within 18 months.

The oil along with the gasses, including benzene and many other toxins, is deleting the oxygen in the water. This is killing all life in the ocean. Along with the oil along the shores, there will be many dead fish, etc. that will have to be gathered and disposed of.

Summary of Expectations

At some point the drilled hole in the earth will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead to weaken the area the wellhead rests upon. The intense pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct unrestricted flow of oil, etc.

The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure within the massive cavity five miles beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalize.

Here is the Original Article from Dr. James Wickstrom's Site:


  1. I normally love reading this blog, but linking to this guy's site is a bit much. He's not a scientist from what I can see...his ranting about doom and gloom for the entire state of Florida is...well, it's crazy. A quick look around his website shows that he's a racist, ignorant, anti-Israel blowhard.

    In under two minutes of reading, I found this gem: "Telling it like it is. Not flinching, just telling the plain truth as to what he see's ahead in the United States. Remember it was the Esau-Edom Talmudic reading JEWS who put Comrade Obama in the White House. JEWS, like the billionaire George Soros and his billionaire JEW buddies." (Yeah, it's the joooos. Sure it is.)

    Passing on the rantings of people like this does not do this fine financial blog a service; it degrades all the other posts.

  2. His feelings on other matters doesn't make his current posting not true. Maybe there is some truth in his words and maybe someone could just take the truth and leave out the other stuff.

    I've found that lots of people and places all over have a bit of truth which, over time, adds up to the whole picture.

    A person's words shouldn't be entirely discredited based upon other things they may feel or say. Some people only see a small glimmer of the truth while still seeing a lot of the lie.

    Etc Etc...

  3. SO now , a well respected independant journalist site which publishes articles from many different sources, is 'this guys site and he's an anti-semite'.


    Meanwhile, BP is spraying the residents of Alabama bay with Corexit 9500 while they are sleeping and we have an oil volcano in the gulf which is possibly getting ready to blow.

    Sounds about right.

  4. 9:18 if I'm religious and liked chickens does that mean I build caves on Sundays only? That's how much sense you just made..

  5. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 15, 2010 at 1:40 AM

    Wickstrom is not worthy
    Of this ignoble dais

    Nobody bats 1,000 EA
    All is forgiven
    Nothing to answer for

    Mexicanos love some Morrissey

  6. If you don't think government successfully supresses scientist evidence and truth tell that to the hundreds of engineers and scientists who came forward at risk to their careers to expose the lies of 9/11.

  7. Our sock puppet will speak on the oil gusher crisis tomorrow night. What a joke.

  8. Good, truthful info on the end of times ... not religious mumbo jumbo; regarding the oil gusher ..

  9. Sorry, but this guy is a racist religious nut. He doesn't just pontificate about jews. He supports racial segregation and doesnt like blacks. I would take everything you read of his with a grain of salt, or better yet dont link to any of his articles...

  10. Get informed. Lindsey Williams on coast to coast said the same thing lastnight and on Alex Jones show. Check it out on youtube don't just bitch about our blog.The gulf gusher is bringing up some bad stuff ( valadium,mercury) and it can't be stopped.

  11. 12:50,

    By get informed through Coast to Coast and Alex Jones do you mean predictions that were made as far back as 1992, and each year several would be made about, "in October the global government will..."

    Haha. LOL!

  12. BP buys Google, Yahoo search words:Is it to keep people from real ...
    6 Jun 2010 ... In their most tenacious effort to control the 'spin' on the worst oil spill disaster in the history, BP has purchased top internet search ... - Cached

  13. Someone I pulling our leg here . Calling for EA to censor an article on the oil blow- for ‘anti –racist” and pro Israel reasons ! Why?
    This article from Global Research reprinted here talks ONLY about oil, rock strata etc and scientific possibilities of an environmental and human catrastrophe.
    Nowhere is their talk of race ,eugenics , or anti Semitism in that article . Personaly , I wouldn’t give a damn if such an article was written by an anti-Arab –Semite , colonialist Zionist Jew ,who believed he was a member of a superior chosen race by his g-d., who also perhaps wrote articles on Global Warming.
    So what!
    As long as he did not mix up his racist or religious views with the oil or global warming talk and had something relevant scientific to say about that I would be interested. Global Research and EA should continue to reprint such articles and resist calls to censorship in favor of one small tribal , racial, national , or classes views that claim a monopoly of truth.
    It is a favourite tactic by people with something to hide to brand ALL 9/11 “truthers” for example , as “anti-Semites” and therefore not to be listened too on the actual facts on 9/11..
    The critic should criticise the contents of the article itself , not other views the person is claimed to hold.
    Or EA for reposting this food for thought article here. EA posts many articles and comments with views that I am sure he does not believe in himself He says :” Note: I don't necessarily agree with all articles but post them for YOU to decide!” Thanks EA

  14. There is so much misinformation and outright censorship out there right now. It is difficult to know the truth through all this noise. I have a feeling that is deliberate as well.

  15. You don't have to be a scienttist to estimate these numbers:

    Look at this June 3rd video, after the pipe cut:

    That pipe is a 21" incshes diameter pipe, what means a 2 feet 3 inches tall "column" equals 1 barrel of oil. That height (amount) comes out every second for sure, resulting at least 86k barrels/day of oil gushing into the Gulf.

    It quite easy work ...

  16. 1115
    our sock puppet is president
    so show some respect for our nero fiddels as america is destroyed
    he should be saluted and throw roses at his feet
    they like that
    maybe hell fly and land on a aircraft carrier
    and tell us how lucky we are
    to be slaves wth no jobs

  17. Sorry but your source isn't very serious. Wickstrom's a swastika loving Aryan nation conspiration crackpot:

  18. I just tried to click on the article and it's no longer there. I'd like to read it for myself. Any idea where to find it?

  19. If this article and Lindsey were 100% true; then why the hell haven't people up and moved away from these coastal areas?? I'm not saying some or any of it is accurate; but since no "expert" can stop this gusher; it may well be a volcanic type gusher. But, these morons along the coast aren't smart enough to leave being exposed to chemicals day and night...duh. Why haven't people been warned to stay off the beaches as people are getting sick. Time will tell.

  20. "I just tried to click on the article and it's no longer there. I'd like to read it for myself. Any idea where to find it?"

    I believe this is the same info:

  21. Go to a site called The Oil Drum. They have a ton of scientists posting about the spill. There is a very long explanatory post about how the disaster is so much worse than we are told--and how it will get even worse! There is some scary talk about it being an extinction level event.

    The oil will kill so much sea life that you might never again eat fish that isn't farm raised. If you thought the economy was bad now, wait until millions of people go broke because they can't fish, the restaurants have no supplies, the hotels and guides and stores have no customers....

    You know, the Mayan "end of the world" stuff for 2012 is looking to come true.

  22. "If this article and Lindsey were 100% true; then why the hell haven't people up and moved away from these coastal areas??"

    Very simple- the sheeple believe what they are told by the MSM, and so far the magnitude and danger of this event is being vastly understated. President Soetoro's Oval Office speech tonite is meant to sooth the sheep back to their usual stupor, because some are just beginning to see reality and are panicking.

  23. ..."If this article and Lindsey were 100% true; then why the hell haven't people up and moved away from these coastal areas??"

    My daughter was living in Deland, Florida. Over the Memorial Day weekend, I joined her and we packed all her life's possessions into a 4x8 (very small) trailer and drove back to the west coast. I wanted her back in the west, where family and friends are. One person, one little trailer, one easy move. Now consider a "real" family, dad, mom, 4 kids, two dogs, enough stuff to fill a 2500 square foot home. How do you expect them to pack up and leave?

    Where will they go? Perhaps mom and dad still have jobs. Are they going to quit their jobs and move north west, where there may be no jobs waiting for them?

    People can be very possive sometimes. The people of Florida will stand firm in their homes till the oil rain starts stripping the paint off their cars and only then, with great reluctance, they will start packing.


    Dr.Riki Ott alleges BP engaged in massive cover-up to hide Gulf Disaster damage

  25. You drove her back to the West Coast? Are you nuts? The West Coast is going to fall into the ocean after the Earthquake of all Earthquakes hits. Your best bet is to move to Venezuela.....or Patagonia.

  26. 8:27

    Yes we drove back to the West Coast. As for 8:26, when we were driving throuh Texas, there were streaches of I-10 where we could drive 50+ miles and see NO CIVILIZATION for as far as the eye could see. It appears the country is over populated, only because people like to live squeezed together in big cities.

    I have lived in Southern California all my life and have "rocked and rolled" through the best of our earthquakes. Yes indeed an 8+ is going to happen eventually. What scares me are tornados! Little or no warning and poof, you and your house is GONE! We had a small tornado in my area a couple years ago, it picked up a locomotive and tossed it like a toy.

    I have commented many times to anyone who cares to listen, in the West, we will either die from:

    - Total collapse of the economy, leading to riots or civil war

    - A 10+ earthquake

    - Planet X passing by

    I would next joke about who's gonna get eliminated from Dancing with the Stars, but I don't even know if its still on the air. I truly do not watch TV anymore. Perviously, I would tune in World News Tonight, but now that I have zero confidence in the MSM, who needs a TV?

  27. The article was removed? Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

  28. If you type in "Dr. James P. Wickstrom" you can probably find his article somewhere.


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