Weimar Germany hyperinflation prices of gold and silver in Marks from 1919 - 1923 by month. Charts are also presented to visually depict the speed and magnitude of the change. Remember these are months not years. Consider the human story behind the numbers. How did people survive?
Weimar Germany Gold & Silver Prices
Jan 1919 | 12 | 170 |
May 1919 | 17 | 267 |
Sept 1919 | 31 | 499 |
Jan 1920 | 84 | 1,340 |
May 1920 | 60 | 966 |
Sept 1921 | 80 | 2,175 |
Jan 1922 | 249 | 3,976 |
May 1922 | 375 | 6,012 |
Sept 1922 | 1,899 | 30,381 |
Jan 1923 | 23,277 | 372,447 |
May 1923 | 44,397 | 710,355 |
June 5, 1923 | 80,953 | 1,295,256 |
July 3, 1923 | 207,239 | 3,315,831 |
Aug 7, 1923 | 4,273,874 | 68,382,000 |
Sept 4, 1923 | 16,839,937 | 269,429,000 |
Oct 2, 1923 | 414,484,000 | 6,631,749,000 |
Oct 9, 1923 | 1,554,309,000 | 24,868,950,000 |
Oct 16, 1923 | 5,319,567,000 | 84,969,072,000 |
Oct 23, 1923 | 7,253,460,000 | 1,160,552,662,000 |
Oct 30, 1923 | 8,419,200,000 | 1,347,070,000,000 |
Nov 5, 1923 | 54,375,000,000 | 8,700,000,000,000 |
Nov 13, 1923 | 108,750,000,000 | 17,400,000,000,000 |
Nov 30, 1923 | 543,750,000,000 | 87,000,000,000,000 |

According to this chart you can clearly see the real risk of owning gold, as the price PLUNGED between January 1920 and May 1920 from 1340 to 966. No doubt many who invested in gold during this time had lost considerable gains had they put the money into fiat currency, stocks, annuities, etc. As T Rowe Price says it: "Follow Goals, Not Trends". Had these investors simply trusted their govenment and their financial advisors at the time, they would not have taken this loss. And remember: Past performance cannot guarentee future results.
ReplyDelete-- Praise be to our King, The Holy One, Our Lord and Benevolent Dear Leader Obama.
9;00 spoken from a true gov't shill or pure stupid investor
ReplyDeleteJan. 1920 and May 1920. gold price plunged.
we are talking about preserving wealth and long term investment. we are not talking about week to week or month to month trading. those are daily trading noise. there is a difference between trading and investing. trading deals with daily up and down market while investing is goal of getting profit.
u don't understand this concept.
when gold does go up it will be overnight
it will go up 2 3 5 thousand dollars
thats where technoligy has gotten us
i would trust goverment like i trust walking down the street in the bronx at 3 am
the crash will come quickly so many will be caught off guard
if you where to pay off all usa debt with gold it would be 36 thousand an ounce
so you be the judge its your family
20 30 thousand in gold right know is peanuts if tshtf
or some silver
jan 1920 silver was worth 84 dollars
ReplyDeletegold 1340
in u s terms
threw this you can see the price of silver is being manipulated in the usa
its at 20 dollars tops
germany was acting in a free market
today threw front running theres so much coruption who knows what is worth what
thats the bigger problom with the market
like i said when it comes apart it will happen quickly
hell ive been buying lots of toilet paper
lol i dont want to selll my silver for bare things
I'll keep my gold and silver.
ReplyDeleteI have about 2 months worth of fiat money, everything else is PM.
9:00 Did you even look at the rest of the chart?
ReplyDeleteThe people who keep paper money were later either:
burning it to keep warm
putting it into a wheelbarrow to buy a load of bread.
900 is a loser, a shill, hopefully any money that bag guy has is in a bank or the stock market, both will crash no later than october so keep shilling loser, I will be driving by watching you sleep on some cardboard with your suitcase(shopping cart) soon.
ReplyDeleteThe ridiculous arguments put forth by the shills make me laugh at this point. I knew when I saw a positive story on PM ownership a shill would come running with some nutty premise as to why Fiat currency is better, and he didn't disappoint! Funny as hell.
ReplyDeleteTo those who understand that PM ownership is just about the only way to survive what is coming I salute you.
Add to all of this the revelation that must come out at some point. That Fort Knox was looted long ago and is near empty.
ReplyDeleteadd to this that there is more paper gold and silver that cannot be obtained and the price on these pm's will soar, people who have them will be rich, the fiat holders not so much!
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine had $50k in paper ETF gold until I set her straight that paper held gold will be just as worthless as fiat toilet paper. She is now getting them converted to physical gold. You can do that right now. You won't be able to do that a year from now that is for sure.
ReplyDeletePaper ETFs. A cruel hoax.
Every adult should own at least 500 oz of silver at a minimum. Silver dimes, quarters, halves and silver dollars. Always barter in small increment with silver dimes and go forward. Never barter from a small increment to a much higher increment. Always in tiny increments.
ReplyDelete11:56 true but the reality of the situation is only 2% of Americans own bullion (and a lot less than 500ozs of silver on average) so the 98% are more concerning with what Brittany Spears twittered this morning.
ReplyDelete500 ounces of silver is $10k right now. The average 20-something twit if given $10k to spend would put five 100oz silver bars, ounce coins, etc at the very lowest on their shopping list. Way, way down on the list.
Buy something to just hide it away and not wear or drive it? No way Jose.
The 98% are all about instant gratification in the here and now. $10k! I could get new wood floors installed in the kitchen!
It would be nice if the twittering twits could set aside just $400 for a roll of coins, but that won't happen either.
Chinese citizens, on the other hand, are a little smarter right now. Their horrible, police-state, communist-government decided to be more honest about the situation with PMs vs the Yuan. In our open 'free country' - what a joke - the government is like a 24/7 propaganda machine.
ReplyDeletethe Gold to Silver ratio in this chart tells you that Gold is king. watch how silver loses 10 times its value to gold during this hyper inflationary run
ReplyDeletesilver gold g/s ratio
12 170 14.17
17 267 15.71
31 499 16.10
84 1,340 15.95
60 966 16.10
80 2,175 27.19
249 3,976 15.97
375 6,012 16.03
1,899 30,381 16.00
23,277 372,447 16.00
44,398 710,355 16.00
80,953 1,295,256 16.00
207,239 3,315,831 16.00
4,273,874 68,382,000 16.00
16,839,937 269,429,000 16.00
414,484,000 6,631,749,000 16.00
1,554,309,000 24,868,950,000 16.00
5,319,567,000 84,969,072,000 15.97
7,253,460,000 1,160,552,662,000 160.00
8,419,200,000 1,347,070,000,000 160.00
54,375,000,000 8,700,000,000,000 160.00
108,750,000,000 17,400,000,000,000 160.00
543,750,000,000 87,000,000,000,000 160.00
Well according to this article Silver
ReplyDeleteMay 1919 17
Nov 1923 543,750,000,000
May 2007 US$13.20
Nov 2011 US$ ???
If history repeats then the US Dollar will be worth less then toilet paper. Of course a roll of toilet paper might cost 1 oz of silver.
easier to see the ratio like this
0900: You're a friggin' moron. Your beloved Obama, the Man Boy Marxist President, will take you and the rest of the country right over Niagra Falls. Like smart Germans, smart Americans who invest in gold and silver will survive the coming collapse just fine, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing a documentary where people in the USSR were waiting in lines for ten hours for a roll of toilet paper, so yes, real TP will be worth a lot, while worthless TP (fiat notes) will not.
ReplyDeleteSilver is my choice in a PM. Nothing against Gold at all, but silver is a metal that is needed in manufacturing and applications. So you can have it both ways. Silver can greatly increase in value in 'great times' or SHTF scenarios.
A silver coin is such a wonderful piece of art. Nothing is more beautiful than the Panda coins. Ampex actually had some near melt value about six months ago. Just missed out on them, a heartbreaker.
My favorite cheap silver coin are the Buffalos.
I got one of those flat orange push carts at Costco and filled it up high with TP. The looks I got at the checkout made the trip worth it. About 50% of the TP that Costco had in stock.
ReplyDeleteWhy not? It isn't like I won't use it all eventually! LOL Food is not all we will need after SHTF.
If you can't afford Gold and want to be able to trade for survival items, do the same as the above. If you are really short on money, store lots of water. Water = nearly free now, near priceless later.
When SHTF the first things to get cleared out of the store shelves will be medicines, canned foods, and TP.
ReplyDeleteGold of course can be traded for these items, but the premium will be very high. Better to have Gold + all the other goodies like food, water, ammo, fuel.
Exactly. If you have $1300 to invest (only) use it to buy canned food and essentials not a gold coin. Essentials first, PMs second.
ReplyDeleteI got but this
ReplyDeleteOne body
And but this
One life
But unlike Sally Field
Boniva won't help me
My bone density problems
Will be permanent
And final
Con gusto
Mi amor
Courtesy of Bloodthirsy Billionaires
Feeding they notches
I am unimpressed with this shoddy
Wake me up when somebody invents
Super Hyperinflation
Like Oprah say
Cheers vatos
Is this data correct at the tail end? Why would the ratio go from 16:1 to 160:1 unless someone forgot a few zeros in the data set?
ReplyDeleteCharts are helpful for understanding the risk.
ReplyDeleteIt Makes Good Cents To Save Nickels;
ReplyDeleteA way to survive hyperinflation.
Junk Silver
For the specific purpose of making small purchases on the black market during a period of hyperinflation, “junk silver” coins are ideal because they provide small uniform amounts of silver that can be used for bartering. Junk silver coins are U.S. coins that were minted before 1965. These coins contain 90% silver. Because of this silver content, a dime minted prior to 1965 is currently worth more than two dollars and a pre-1965 quarter is worth more than five dollars. (You can check the current daily values of these coins at CoinFlation.com.)
if you buy junk silver from a private party, bring a digital scale with you in order to weigh the coins to make sure they are not counterfeit. After visually comparing the diameter and thickness to a genuine dime or quarter, weigh the coin. A quarter should weigh 6.25 grams (.22 ounces, .014 lbs.), and a dime should weigh 2.5 grams (.088 ounces, .006 lbs.). (You can buy a good mini digital pocket scale from Amazon for under $20. I purchased an American Weigh Black Blade digital pocket scale for $12 and a 500 gram calibration weight for $9.)
The 7 Cent Nickel
Unfortunately, nowadays it is a fact of life that the average person lives paycheck to paycheck and doesn't have extra money to invest in gold and silver. However, there is something anyone can afford to buy that will enable them to prepare for the economic catastrophe of hyperinflation. The item they can buy is nickels. That's right, the lowly Jefferson five cent piece currently in circulation.
The reason is that nickels contain 75% copper and, based on the present value of copper, nickels are currently worth more than 7 cents each. In light of the inflation we can expect, copper prices are not likely to go down. If anything, they will go up. But even if copper prices were to go down, a nickel would still be worth five cents or one twentieth of a dollar. And, if the economy goes into hyperinflation, the price of copper will skyrocket along with everything else. It’s been said that silver is the poor man's gold. Well, it turns out that copper is the even poorer man’s silver.
As I write this, the melt value of nickels is 7.3 cents. Therefore, buying them for 5 cents gives you an immediate profit of almost 50%. And, as inflation pushes the price of copper higher, your nickels will become more valuable. Although you will have to wait until the government stops using copper to make nickels in order to sell your nickels at a profit, your nickels will never be worth less than five cents while you are waiting for this to happen.
Begin Trading your silver for either gold or real estate when it goes between 10:1 and 1:1 with gold.. we are still a long way from the old 15:1 ratio and gold's looking to make a new move up yet again soon once this consolidation phase is over.
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