
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Societal Collapse Due to Peak Oil ‘Inevitable,’ According to Researcher

In a new article, an Oxford researcher has examined what will happen when peak oil hits. According to Jörg Friedrichs, the outlook is not good. In his article Friedrichs doesn’t attempt to answer the question when peak oil will happen (or if it already has). Instead he imagines that it has happened and the world has to deal with it.
His conclusions: the world will have a “slow and painful” adjustment to peak oil lasting a century or more with the inevitable collapse of industrial society and the disintegration of free trade. How cheerful.
In his research, Friedrichs used three historical examples to guide his thought process of how the world’s different governments will deal with being energy constrained: North Korea, Cuba and Japan.

North Korea and Totalitarian Retrenchment

In the 1990’s North Korea entered a period of time that is akin to what the world might face when confronted with peak oil. As the Soviets stopped delivering subsidized oil to its comrades, North Korea was faced with a severe oil shortage. To deal with the catastrophe, the North Korean government “basically screwed its own population,” said Friedrichs in an interview with Miller McCune. “Elite privileges were preserved, while hundreds of thousands of ordinary people starved.” This type of governmental response  to an oil chortage Friedrichs has labeled as “totalitarian retrenchment.”

Cuba and Mobilization of Local Resilience

Due to the same pullback that North Korea faced from the Soviets, Cuba also entered a period of severe oil shortages in the 1990’s. But, instead of enacting more totalitarian control tactics, Cuba — with its history of grassroots communist organization and reliance on friends and family — fell back into what Friedrichs calls “mobilization of local resilience.” In other words, people being a community. “People helped each other at the neighbourhood level, and the wastelands of Havana and other cities were utilized for urban gardening,” said Friedrichs. “As a result, Cuba did not experience mass starvation despite considerable hardship in the 1990s.”

Japan and Predatory Militarism

From 1940-1945, Japan was on the brink of entering the war. For decades Japan had sought to expand its influence in China and secure energy resources — long considered its major growth restraint, having virtually none of its own. At the time, Japan was almost completely dependent on oil imports from California to fuel its growth. Given that Japan had its sights on a pre-emptory invasion of Pearl Harbor, they decided to invade the East Indies to secure their oil supply. This kind of response to an oil shortage Friedrichs calls “predatory militarism” — that is, using military might to steal resources from other areas.

How will the Various Governments of the World React to Peak Oil?

According to Friedrichs, all countries of the world that are wholly dependent on an oil economy will react to peak oil in one of the above 3 methods. “Countries prone to military solutions may follow a Japanese-style strategy of predatory militarism,” he said. “Countries with a strong authoritarian tradition may follow a North Korean path of totalitarian retrenchment. Countries with a strong community ethos may embark on a Cuban-style mobilization of local resilience, relying on their people to mitigate the effects of peak oil.”


  1. This guy has a few spurious beliefs.

    Japan was in the war before anyone, since 1933 they were in Manchuria killing the Chinese. They weren't on the brink of entering the war between 1940 to 1945. What's that about?

    Japan didn't start the Asian theatre of WW2 because it was deprived of oil or resources. Many people don't know this, in fact there is an interesting history here that 99% of people never knew which I'll touch slightly.

    Japan was a warrior culture, these cultures like others; Celts, Spartans (not other Greeks), Huns, and Feudal Japan (which was what they were still in WW2), are actually distinct from nations that use "soldiers". Warriors are not soldiers, there is a difference, and likewise soldiers are not warriors.

    Soldiers follow the Martial Arts, which is not the scams we get today that rob people of money making them think they'll fight ninjas off. Martial Arts was originally the soldier training which included a wide range of teachings that barely had to do with hand to hand fighting. Warriors on the other were centered around who could be the first to a fight and the last to leave - thereby gaining the most glory and taking whatever he could to gain power.

    These kinds of cultures, while their combatants will always be extreme fanatics, obsessed with fighting, and fearless of death, never end well. The Spartans mocked intellectuals and as a result were the only Greek nation who couldn't stop a plague that broke out and caused a huge portion of their population to die, while other Greeks were able to figure out a way to make it sequestered before it spread.

    The Japanese were nasty, NASTY "soldiers", they would rape every woman they could get their hands on, butcher small babies, and of course to prove their manliness kill themselves instead of surrender.

    Soldiers on the other hand disregard the individual and focus on the whole unit, following a respectable officer - these cultures always thrive more; Romans, Vikings, Americans... get it?

    There is no reason as to why any other country that is poor then wouldn't feel like starting a massive war to get what they don't have. My neigbors have more than me so I should go steal from him?

    The human brain is very mysterious and complicated, imagine now millions of brains working against millions of other brains.

  2. When the affects of peak oil really begin to show in our country, the USA I think will be doing all three agendas, “...military solutions...follow a North Korean path of totalitarian retrenchment, ...embark on a Cuban-style mobilization of local resilience, relying on their people to mitigate the effects of peak oil".

    The wars in Iraq, etc, are a start on the military solutions, but when it really gets to be noticed, the US will clamp down hard on its peoole, so the military will get whatever oil based products it needs. Many areas of the country will most likely resort to living like Cuba, trying to combat the affects of peak oil, as only a community can. In my area, neighbors helping neighbors now, with gardens etc. What ever it leads to.........will be terrible on the population.

  3. The "Peak OIL" theory is predicated on the false science of "fossil fuels". It was created to manipulate the price and cast a shadow of alarm on its supply. The earth makes oil from the heat and pressure throughout the center. There's an unlimited supply of oil available; man just has to know where, how deep, and how to extract it.

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh a marshmellow, with a creamy center spilling for all time,,,,sweet oil for the masses. Obviously you should look up what Peak Oil means. It does not mean the end of oil, it means the end of CHEAP EASILY ACCESSIBLE OIL, and that is one reason gulf deep oil drilling is taking place. 8:22 where do you get your information that there is an unlimited supply. Every resource has its limits.

  5. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJune 5, 2010 at 11:54 PM

    EA you're a good egg
    We love you
    It's true
    Don't taze us bro

    The funny posts r about as insightful
    As the "seriouso" ones
    Seriouso, bro

    Chins up, old boy

  6. Does this mean I will not be able to fly around the world on inexpensive airfare?
    Or that I won't be able to live in luxury through the exploitation of others?

    This sucks!

  7. Abiological origin of oil
    Anonymous said...
    but is Peak oil propaganda by the oil companies
    Kicked into the eyes of the public to stop them seing how huge monopoly oil rents are extracted and justified by artificialy created scarcity, requiring wars for the cheapest oil.

  8. "Peak oil" is B.S.! There is an abundance of untapped oil. WHY did the oil company cap the Gull Island find? (read Lindsey Williams' book) The only "peak oil crisis" will be manufactured when the supply is contracted by the oil companies to jack up the price.

  9. There is no such thing as peak oil. When "easy oil" was accessed it was pumped out at tens or hundred of barrels a day (1800 and early to mid 1900). Today oil is deeper and is pumped out at tens of thousands per barrels per day. There are also more rigs pumping it. There is still oil accessed at very shallow depths and on land, despite what oil companies want you to believe.f

    Peak oil theory is as false as global warming, created to drive a profit for refiners and oil related entities (think BP and T Boone Pickens). Oil has historically been thirty to forty bucks a barrel inflation adjusted since the 40's. It will go back there and when it does it will correct with the coming market correction and probably overshoot for a while (think teens or twenties per barrel).

    Massive head and shoulders developing on this chart...

    TPTB are doing everything they can to ensure that the inflation occurs but the deflationary depression will wipe values from commodities back to the mean. Everything reverts to the mean.

    Every time the market was going to correct they bring out Buffett (town hall meeting, railroad investment, recently in front of CONgress). Now T. Boone is coming out trying to drive fear into the markets of $400 oil. Get real. This guy is hoping and praying it goes above $100 so he can dump his crappy wind farm project. When oil hits $30 he will have spent and wasted millions on a worthless wind farm.

    So are you going with historical facts and averages or going to base your decision on fear from TPTB?

    There is more oil on planet Earth than we will ever be able to use. It was here before us and will be here long after us.

  10. Peak Oil is a myth fairy tale they tell little school children to scare them!

    It's a lie.

  11. I agree with Gary 8:50pm; demands in China, India,etc make this even more serious. We need high speed and light rail; get most the semi's off the roads; make electric cars. Natural gas can be used for buses, trucks. The U.S. is dragging their butt on these issues and needs to get crackin. Peak oil happened in the last decade when production declined over demand. This is why we're in the middle east fighting for B.P. interests mainly.

  12. Good Lord!! I can only say that everyone needs to start buying canned food and ammo. They make scary movies about these kind of things.

  13. I follow this wonderful site zealously... When the conflagration begins, I don't care who I blow away or why. For their food, for their vehicle, for their teenage daughter, or for their can of oil. No difference at all in my eyes. My only problem is that I am sick of all this waiting and talking! Let's have at it!

  14. It is amazing at the lack of education as it comes to science,,,that many on this blog state. Sad the state of the USA educational system. You can tell ones that have not studied or read about peak oil on here. Clueless

  15. I don't know if Peak Oil is real, but what if gasoline and all forms of energy become too expensive for the average person? We already see people cutting back on driving cars and looking for ways to save on heating. There's still a lot of noise about adding taxes to gasoline to help with the deficit, and that will slow the economy even more.

    America has so much open land that most people can go back to growing their own food. We're headed in that direction anyway.

  16. 8:54..... I hope that while you are running thru the woods to blow someone away, you trip, your rifle fires into the air and hits a 30 pound goose that falls and hits you in the head leaving you paralyzed. That would be a fitting end to a freak like you.

  17. During the 1974 oil crisis at that time (which was a political one), I parked my car across from the fire station where where was employed to make sure I could have a full tank during the day. There were many measures put in place across the country to lessen the amount of fuel a person could get or use, odd/even days, max of 55 mph across the country on federal highways, talk of fuel rationing, etc. Then the crisis went away, and everyone went back to the gas guzzlers, fast speed, and expansion. During that time the US only imported about 30% of it oil, and today it is close to 70% and still not a federal policy of fuel savings, etc. The people will scream, but measures should of been started 30 years ago,,,now me thinks we have all run out of time.

  18. Can you folks who say peak oil is a myth, lie etc show some proof, i mean it is a natrual resource, and peak oil is the peak of cheap easy to find/drill oil. You would have to be ignorant to think that its an unlimited resource, every civilization comes to an end doesn't mean its the end of humans..look to history to show you the future.

  19. Yep Gary, I do believe you are right. But if nothing else this idiotic government ought to be working hastily to implement measures to anticipate the coming problems. I remember as a kid during the late 70's oil shock having to wait in the car in huge lines just to fill up on gas. One time this line stretched for what seemed several blocks.

    this brings back some memories:


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