
Saturday, June 5, 2010

First Goldman Sachs,, Now..BP chief Tony Hayward Sold Shares Weeks Before Oil Spill And Paid Off His House

The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse.

Tony Hayward ( An Active member of the Biderberg Group ) cashed in about a third of his holding in the company one month before a well on the Deepwater Horizon rig burst, causing an environmental disaster.
Mr Hayward, whose pay package is £4 million a year, then paid off the mortgage on his family’s mansion in Kent, which is estimated to be valued at more than £1.2 million.


  1. Folks, come on now.

    It's pretty obvious but the sheeple will never accept the obvious truth. The platform suddenly blowing up was a staged, deliberate, planned event.

    ANYTIME hundred of billions of dollars are involved you can rest assured things are happening the way they were planned to happen.

  2. This blog reveals truth. Truth is always attacked. Those that are making hundreds of billions of dollars off deception and lies have no trouble raising a budget to attach a truth messenger.

  3. Don't take your granted your ability at this time to share REAL information and think outside the bubble. This type of freedom will be totally abolished down the road. Your children will be automatons.

    The goal of the elite is a Bank of the World (in progress) and a chipped/Id populace worldwide. There will be no freedom to act or think independently.

    Darpa and the Global Information Grid (GIG) will have processing power leaps beyond anything seen before. It will be online in late 2011. You won't be able to fart without big brother analyzing the discharge. It is all about the phony war on terror, which is nothing more than the war on you.

    A blog like this should be treasured like a water spring in the middle of a vast desert. This represents a freedom you are fortunate enough to have for a limited amount of time.

    When the elite lower the boom on the global economy and the USA transforms into a brutal police state overnight you will look back on these good times. In the future, anything you do that is outside the hive mentality will get you jailed or worse.

    Luckily, we lived most of our lives in a Clandestine Empire with fake 'liberties.' A matrix of lies no doubt, but the next generation are screwed 100%.

  4. Our corporation sock puppet speaks: "President Obama pledged Saturday to fight alongside the people of the Gulf Coast as they try to recover from the worst oil SPILL in U.S. history."

    Sure he will. He will do what his Oligarch banker handlers tell him to do which is to appease the masses while the potential for hundreds of billions of profits accumulate.

    If you live near the Gulf, get out of there anyway you can. There is absolute treachery being plotted for you as the hurricane season approaches.

    Our corporate government is looking for ways to profit from your suffering. They will not be helping you. They care about PR only.

  5. love this site
    things must be dire
    with all the personal atacks

    no jobs just bs
    buy gold

  6. I would not want to be this guy. I am a firm believer in what comes around goes around.

    You do not inflict this much pain on so many innocent, hard working people and merely walk into the sunset - Scot free.

    Call it what you want - he will get his just desserts - either in this life or the next

  7. Prepare for more BS:

    "Coast Guard: New oil capture cap working

    The Coast Guard says the cap over the Gulf oil LEAK has collected about 252,000 gallons of oil."

    They are not interested in stopping the GUSHER, but if they can collect up some of the oil when the profitable devastation continues, that would be fine!

  8. "Everyone is encourage to participate with comments! DUE TO THE MASSIVE ATTACK on this site. All COMMENTS will be MODERATED."

    I don't comment but I enjoy reading the comments and i'M very very pleased for this new feature

  9. buy silver lots of it asap

  10. Pffft, Martha Stewart did the same thing, as far as that goes (dumping stock before the big fall,) as well as the "big players" during the Great Depression 1. They have us financially, on every aspect of our lives now, 1) they are pumping up stock market with stimulus, they snicker as it plunges day by day, buy it in the morning for pennies, sell it in the afternoon for dollars, gathering my shares from big corporations, day after day, sadly we and our children, our childrens children ect will never ever have the ability to pay it all back, hence endgame thats when they start privatizing all of americas everything, industrials, metals, social programs, water, sewer, gas, oil, everything that we have of value, and we will be beside other countries on the list that has already been "duped" !! the IMF says "oh need to borrow some money?" "sure", 10 years later "what was that?, you can't pay it back, "would you like to refinance?" "sure", whoopsy "now you owe us 19 times what you borrowed "Well I reckon we now own everything you "used" to have.


    Water storage / filtering ect
    Shoot / load / sight in
    Plant / cultivate / harvest / protect
    Trap / skin / prepare
    Fish / scale / gut
    Realize "REAL" time not what the clock says what time it is.
    Decipher / read it all / use intuition not memorization

    Water, warmth, shelter, food, they "NEED" nothing else!!

  11. What did you all expect by electing someone with zero experience and no credibility to handle to highest job in the land?

    I guess it's capped good enough for the community organizer. Now he can back to important stuff like deciding what chef he'll fly in for next Wednesday's party night.

  12. Goldman Sachs sold 5 Million shares of BP on 3-31-10 just 20 days before the "event." Most likely got that tip from Tony Hayward who sold 1.5M of his shares on 3-17-10...Both Hayward and top GS executives are members of the Bilderberger Group...

    If you believe this rig explosion was an accident, you're disillusioned. Honestly, maybe that's a better way to live, as knowing the truth, and being powerless to do anything about it is not much better.

  13. Looks like some corporate veils need piercing!

    Attorneys General, get to work.

  14. Just whose idea was the oil spill?

  15. Those who would profit by it, of course.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.