
Saturday, June 5, 2010

This Is Worse Than A Depression

How We Get Inflation
Our government is bankrupt many times over (see Spiraling to Bankruptcy) as are the democratic socialist states of Europe (see Welfare States – R. I. P.) are in the same condition. For political reasons, none of these countries is either willing to cut back on their spending or accept a recession.  Mish provided a description of both the US and Europe (my emphasis):
For Europe, $1 trillion is not enough, nor would $10 trillion. There is no plan that can possibly work. But that will not stop politicians from trying. Politicians do not care about math or logic, or the fact that piling on more debt cannot possibly be the cure for a problem of too much debt with no possible way to pay it back.
We are witnessing the death of democratic socialism. No politician wants it to happen, but none can prevent it. We are at the point where the Ponzi concept of “extend and pretend” has been extended beyond social commitments and banking systems to entire economies. We are approaching what Ludwig von Mises described as “the crack-up boom”:
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit [debt] expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.
Political cowards around the world have chosen Mises’ second outcome – “a total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”
None of the countries have the resources to continue to fund current programs. As their economies deteriorate, they will “print money” in order to continue meeting obligations and stimulating. At some point, the money supply will explode vis a vis the goods available.
We have seen many “impossibles” in the last couple of years. Be prepared for the next — a hyperinflationary depression. It is not impossible, it is not an oxymoron and it should surprise no thinking economist. It is nearly upon us.
Your lifestyle will depend on how prepared you are to meet this newest, biggest and most horrific Black Swan. This beast will destroy economies, overthrow some governments, and alter the nature of the world.
Wake up people! Your politicians have no intention of heading this off.
This post originally appeared on American Thinker.

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  1. You feel the way you want to, I'll do the same. This website saves me the time and trouble of finding these articles myself. That's value. You must be an awfully unhappy person.

  2. hahahahah
    like people cant think

    i have confidence in my goverment the ussa

    we will destroy the world

    i beleive the ploticans are and doing a great job at doing this

    so 931 be postive

    buy gold now!
    soon will be to late.

  3. If you don't send EA money nor purchase anything from the links on the right, EA isn't getting a penny from you. Everyone who comes here has a CHOICE. Stop complaining and make your choice whether you choose to donate or not.

    The news here is good. Far better than anything you will get from MSM.

    Plus, I'm assuming EA is a person and not a robot. He/she has a living to make and maybe this is on way he/she makes a living. We all need to make a living.

    I can't believe the amount of stupid I read on this blog each day. Half the people that post here are proof that we won't survive what's coming.

  4. those posts are from the same person
    now stop living in mommys basement

    and stop playing with computer

    great place for truth
    love this site
    the shills are getting mad

    getting to you boy
    cant handle the truth
    wait until
    your mowing my lawn for a silver dime boy!
    the collapse is here now run and hide boy

  5. your right im donateing today

    thanks ea

  6. just donated 25 bucks i feel good

    also ive just bought more good s for the collaps

    buy gold prepare

    also 10 14

    seeing you have no money heres a dime mow my lawn

    im buying more silver too

    it feels great being prepared

    ill be buying a new car for a gold coin soon

    obama will save you schill buwahahah
    like he saved the gulf
    and bush too saved katrina
    dont worry be happy

  7. get those blue chips for soon theyll buy buffalo chips

    and your wife will want the guy with gold and silver

    dont worry or be sad living in mommys basement
    well proably start a war with korea and youll be drafted.

    dont read the articles

    ok ill just be stupid and post moronic things like you.

  8. just remmeber 1014

    i have gold and you dont
    im laughing at you
    and when your on the streets rioting ill be laughing even harder

    off to the fema camps
    obviousley your a terroist
    and dont want hope change.

  9. 10 33

    i feel great
    the sun is out and i have a golden tan.

    is everything ok?

  10. This site is great
    why is this guy attacking it.

  11. Easy on the cocaine there, friend.


  12. I cannot believe the ignorance, ungrateful , stupid, unthinking fools who are making comments re. this site . This site is saving a lot of people timeresearching the state of the economy etc.. Go to another blog and let those of uswho are grateful have our say.Please mods remove these blogs. these idiots dont want to hear THE TRUTH.

  13. num 2 10 38
    people are scared and shills
    they cant face the truth and try to argue stupid facts

    thats why i laugh at num 1 1038
    he has no money now is panicing calling everyone
    a drugy
    wait until hes rioting.
    im still laughing at his dum posts.

  14. no really im donateing myself

    thanks ea
    i think ill give 50 dollars this time
    thats good he makes money
    try it sometime 1043
    of coarse youd have to move out mommys basement

  15. @10:46

    You should definitely ease back off the drugs, you're starting to embarrass yourself.

  16. I don't know what's going to happen, but it's a good idea to have some food stored, even in the best of times. The days of having no food in the house are over for me.

  17. Damn, am I the first person here who is different from the above 18 posts?

    What the hell? The blog owner needs to erase the first half and a few other comments of this article, it is all by the same person just about. What a freak.

    Anyways this is indeed going to be far worse than a depression, but at the same time it will give humanity the ability to cultivate consciousness more so than other period in history. If they want it and don't continue listening to authorities spiritually, intellectually, or politically. Have no doubt, we will have the New World after much destruction of what is currently formed mixed in with integration of essential energies such as philosophies, technologies, writings, art, etc.

    We will also see the divine/evolved human.

  18. buyyyyyyyyyyyyy gold!

  19. The money supply is contracting. How do you get inflation with a contracting money supply and weak credit getting weaker? They value of stocks and real estate are getting ready to drop again also, so I don't see how inflation enters the picture.

  20. this place is great
    i love donateing

  21. Take a long hard look at that 100 trillion Zimbabwe note. In the late 80s our US dollar was worth the same as theirs; wake up to the possibility that in the not too distance future the dollar will be destroyed also.

  22. There will be no divine or evolved human. What the New Age peddles is no more true than any other religion. It hooks people the same as all the others and it leaves you with nothing.

    Also, David Spangler, one of the founding fathers of the New Age movement states that in order to join the New Age, you have to have a Luciferic initiation or, in other words, you have to sell out to Lucifer.

    Sounds like a real religion to me LOL!

  23. Yeah, Right there ole buddy

    This evolution is complete and this is where it got us

    End of story

  24. It is really sad.

    People want paradise, but don't realise the only way to get it is to have the Creator and Sustainer of all to take over and call all the shots.

    The Illuminists will try to do the same, but selfishness, ignorance and general human frailty will make that impossible. And as much as they don't like to admit it, the folks ruled by these Elite are not better. Out-of-control breeding and finite resources will take their toll.

    Be of cheer, though. The nightmare of human leadership over this planet is just about over.

    Human beings are the problem.

    What's going to happen to America is nothing short of spectacular and horrible. Picture a land with little or no safety net, gang and private army warfare and looting, coast-to-coast vendetta against judges, media personnel and politicians, kidnappings of significant corporate leaders, total breakdown of the chain of supply, including food delivery, little or no law and order, and more.

    Without money and free flow of goods and services, there is not enough moral fibre in America to keep it together through tough times. what's more, there is only enough "law enforcement" to guard small segments of cities and towns. Already many police departments are being cut to the bone. All unprotected areas will become toilet, war zones.

    Overall, the U.S. Army will not fire on Americans. If the Elite believe otherwise, their will shocking wake up call in this regard.

    Anyhow, this is where all this economic malaise is going. And if a war erupts in the Middle East, it will only hasten events.

    Incidentally, the foregoing is precisely why the Fed is lending emergency money under the table to states and municipalities to keep their social programs in place. Without it, everything collapses. The current Federal deficit is more than all income taxes collected; it is not sustainable. Something has to give to right the ship.

  25. Keep up the great work EA ! This is a very useful site. I appreciate the effort you go to each day.

  26. America and the rest of the industrialized world is in a depression from which we will not escape. In past decades Governments were able to recover because it was not 'the time' to devestate the economies of the world and form a 'one world government', but that time is now here ! ^The fact that there are 'NO EXPERTS LEFT' anywhere in the world should speak volumes and alarm and alert all that the worst is yet to come !!!


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