
Saturday, July 24, 2010

1.5 Million Businesses Have Closed

This recession was particularly ravaging to many businesses. ~1.5 million businesses have already closed their doors. Here is a more in depth look at where businesses are closing and why:
More Here..

Click on links below:
Thousand Show up at Tulsa Food Pantry Friday

When will Unemployment Checks be Mailed? Not Soon

Schools Plan Layoffs, Now That Much of Stimulus Aid is Gone

Phoenix Area Wages Below National Average

Mass Layoffs up in June

Boston Area Bankruptcy Filings Surge 

20% of Americans Hit By Major Economic Loss  


  1. Im glad they are closing down, I am helping many others to close down as we boycott, walmart, bp, arco, castrol, kaiser health, blue cross, all cigarette, alcohol, firearm manufactures, all who sell poison aspartame, fluoride and all poisons, everyone should do the same and starve the beast so they go away. We also do not fly, hopefully many airlines are struggling as I heard they are.

  2. On the link "When will unemployment checks be mailed out...", they interview a homeless former professional guy who says "There's nothing I can do about it. I've learned to deal with it." This is the prevailing attitude about almost anything. In other words, just shove it up my ass and I will learn to deal with it.

    This is why we have become sheeple slave units. No one will deal with anything. When the bombing begins in Iran, no one will say or do anything, when the dollar collapses, no one will do anything....

    Just look at the gulf catastrophe, NO ONE HAS DONE ANYTHING, except BP. And now you see the results, a DEAD sea, DEAD animals and soon more DEAD humans, and no one will do anything, they will learn to deal with it, right?

    This is why we are where we are now folks, and its going to get much much worse very soon.

    "There's nothing I can do about it. I've learned to deal with it."


  3. I worked for the same company as a machinist for almost 24 years.

    A little over 2 years ago they started losing contracts here and there & whereas before when they would replace these lost contracts with new ones - this time around they could not & long story short I was at the very top of the payscale.

    To anybody who has never gone thru it - damn! it's hell! And then bad shit starts happening; the rotten job interviews where they treat you like a piece of meat, the whole unemployment thing - not much fun.

    Then my wife came home from the grocery store one night with a pint of blueberries that were

    I said to myself ---- self; this is me.

    Today I have 145 blueberry bushes of various ages & business is booming & I ship them all over the place. I'll never get rich at it - but damn if it ain't satisfying to crash & burn & then come up with a plan and make it work.

    If I can do it - anybody can

  4. 2:39-How can we get hold of you to order some blueberry bushes?

  5. i think somebody should give a copy of zeitgeist, endgame, esoteric agenda to some "nasty" us based groups, let bilderbu$@#ers have a little taste @ their next "meeting"! maybe the elite need to cower and look over their shoulders for a while

  6. The blueberry recovery!
    anyone can do it .
    but what pertcentage of the american people can or will live making a living in agriculture and
    horticulture without cheap labour 'illegals" picking the fruit ?
    just asking.

  7. I don't know, but this guys point is well taken. You don't have to be rich or have a degree fromPrinceton to make a go of it.

    Doesn't necessarily have to be blueberries; although I took some time to do a little research into the subject. They prefer acid soil and last 25 years and longer and the start up costs are mainly labor as the bushes are realatively inexpensive.

    Why can't you pick the fruit yourself? I've picked blueberries before - it is not exactly running a jackhammer.

    I do believe we need alot more of that can do attitude instead of woe is me shit

  8. “Long live free money for banksters” says.
    The “recovery” is excellent!
    Figures show ,that the looting of the remaining asset wealth of americans is going very well after the financial coup to own the governments future tax revenues, in order to continue to socialise the losses of the Great Ponzi bubble system.
    With the collapse of the Great Ponzi bubbles and as profitable industry has been exported ,there is after all no profits to be got from employing overpaid American workers . So only looting remains now as a temporary source of profits until the looting reaches it end..
    Most of the dud debts have now been passed to the Fed and with a bit of mark to fantasy creative accounting and handouts to banksters continuing in place
    profits are being announced and bonuses are still running at high levels .
    Despite noise from congress about regulating the flows to banksters bonuses and banks it is only noise its still business as usual. The lobbyists are doing great work with these Congressmen and senators.
    The idealogical war on the American sheeeple and dividing the patriotic labour aristocracy of American redneck baboons of different skin colours ,to fight amongst themselves behind ‘different” political parties, is therefore going nicely, as both major parties have delivered bi-partisan support for the coup but now only differ on the details on how to enforce austerity, so the Treasury can continue afford to hand over more future handouts to banksters and all treasury bondholders including patriotic military deficit bondholder profiteers that also Include Chinese Treasury bondholders.
    True, while many of the ordinary losers are becoming unemployed they have been properly conditioned by the MSM to believe that “Recovery” is not not just for the rich and banksters and to beg for austerity pension and benefit cuts so the government can properly continue with its patriotic tasks of saving the banks and America for this free enterprise as the recovery for the rich proceeds on track.
    And indeed its Free ! After all the corporate banksters now own Treasury in partnership with the privately owned Federal bank sector of the banksters financial system.
    The American government has been able to avoid national default and bankruptcy by creating the biggest bubble scam in history - US treasury bonds - while managing official internal inflation somewhat .
    What a heroic job the Fed has done !A true “Democrat”Fuhrer led Corporate State!
    Trillions have been spent to rescue banksters from their debts and to provide capital reserves for the banks. Up till now big inflation has been avoided as this bailout money does not actually circulate in the economy, as the banks are not so stupid to actually loan its capital to ordinary Americans or small business in a dead Ponzi economy. So, best of all the Fed hands out free interest paid for by taxpayers on the handouts held as bank reserves parked back unused at the FED.
    As the Fed needs to appear solvent by selling Treasury bonds, while not appearing to buy its own bonds , a nice little carry trade has been created whereby any bailout money held by the banks can be used to buy treasury bonds to be counted as
    held by banks as reserves at and even higher free rate of interest.
    This money printing will continue as long as the dollar hegemony in world can be held together peacefully but the option for a full war economy is still held in reserve There are plenty of creative marketing possibilities here though for war and ‘liberty” “anti terrorist” bonds, as Obama is doing now by expanding wars in the “Islamic parts of the third world ” (bless his soul) and as the confrontation maniac American supporters of the banksters system and profits currently threaten wars for peace
    against not only Nth Korea (China ?) Iran and other enemies of the dollar hegemony system. Save the system from bankruptcy- WW3 next!


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