
Saturday, July 24, 2010

American Authorities Closing Blogs At Alarming Rates

After the U.S. Government took action against several sites connected to movie streaming recently, nerves are jangling over the possibility that this is just the beginning of a wider crackdown. Now it appears that a free blogging platform has been taken down by its hosting provider on orders from the U.S. authorities on grounds of “a history of abuse”. More than 73,000 blogs are out of action as a result.
Fears remain, however, that this action is only the beginning, and that more sites will be targeted as the months roll on. Indeed, TorrentFreak has already received information that other sites, so far unnamed in the media, are being monitored by the authorities on copyright grounds.
Now, according to the owner of a free WordPress platform which hosts more than 73,000 blogs, his network of sites has been completely shut down on the orders of the authorities.


  1. lololol

    and still the sheeple bray about how "free" they are compared to the rest of the world! hahahaha

  2. Reuters is going after Godlike Productions using copyright as the reason, when we know the real purpose is to destroy the alternative media. The MSM hates it that people are getting their news elsewhere. They can no longer find an audience for their lies.

    They will go after Rense, Infowars, Above Top Secret, What Really Happened, International Forecaster, Max Keiser. They will all be attacked in the next few years.

  3. I think this is happening because they are enforcing copyright laws, not because they are trying to silence bloggers (though that might be next). A lot of people don't understand copyright laws and reprint text taken from books and songs--which you can't do unless you have the author's permission.

  4. Sharon, not true. CNN stated that they should crackdown on bloggers too. There will many excuses to close a blog coming.

  5. I'd imagine blogs and alternative media hurt the whole array of fat cats; pharmaceutical whores, political environmentalists, bankers, and certain corporate or industrial businesses.

    Mainstream media spends 90% of their airing time advertising the above! Imagine no one watched T.V? The stupidity epidemic in this world would halt as people would start reclaiming their brains. They'd be forced to look at real life and feel the serenity of no television rambling. Reality Shows (unreality) will die out, children would no longer have ADHD, civility will strenghten, insecurities would decrease, and happiness would increase!

    Oh yeah and many crooks would go out of business...

  6. Sharon, there is a fair use exception. Actually that is how most of the mainstream news operates too.

    But as is usual, the sheeple, like you Sharon, will make excuses for the rich elite and hold them to a different set of rules, while holding your peers and the other non-elite to a harsher, far more strict set of rules, with additional moral requirements you don't ask of the elite.

    And the beat goes on, badum ba da badum.

  7. The US is a fascist country. I feel sorry for those American people who have to live under a dictatorship. I would never goto fasciat USA since it's not a free country. Do Americans hate freedom and democracy?

  8. I feel sorry for me too. Mostly I feel sorry for my kid.

  9. "Anonymous said...July 24, 2010 9:34 PM
    Do Americans hate freedom and democracy?"

    Actually, we hate "freedumb" and "de'mock'cracy".

  10. There is a concept in American called Fairuse and it has been the sediment inside the bedrock of our Free Speech as it is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission.

    These attacks are not because private companies care about the law, last time I check they cared about money hence the reason to have a corporation in the first place.

    if you want to join in the fight at


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