
Friday, July 23, 2010

More Currency Controls On The Way‏

This house bill that is being proposed by  democratic congressman Pete Stark. The currency exchange tax will help with everything from global warming to HIV and child care. This should make the U.S. dollar even more competitive. Sign me up! Read the whole lame mess here.
The name:
Investing in Our Future Act of 2010
Why we need it;
Findings- Congress finds the following:
(1) While Wall Street continues to reap massive profits, the 2008 global economic crisis they helped cause has destabilized economies and impacted the budgets of the United States and impoverished nations, compromising the ability of governments to address pressing needs.
(2) Currency speculation has destabilizing impacts on the real economy and can contribute to financial crises.
(3) Millions of people around the world have been pushed into poverty because of the global financial crisis, through no fault of their own.
(4) The impacts of climate change, disease, and ill health undermine the economies of developing nations and their ability to contribute to a secure, stable world.
(5) Predictable, adequate, sustainable, long-term funding to address global health and climate change in developing countries at the scale needed does not currently exist.
(6) The United States has been a world leader in fighting against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and new science has shown that success against these major killers is possible within a generation, yet a greater commitment of resources is needed to save more lives.

More Here..


  1. Okaaay, so should I get ready for to be taxed on the size of my poo because I ate some bread with my dandelion salad?

  2. 9:52 Oh, absolutely! That would be relegated to the Dept. of Weights and Measures. However, you can bet your bloop chute that the slimeball operating it is gonna have his thumb on the scale much like the old time butchers...the greedy buggers are gonna make damn sure their not getting shorted on any fecal offerings.

  3. Looks like they are desperate and will try to tax anything and everything they can to get money. This could be just one of the many signs indicating a failing system and collapse of a fiat money system.

  4. In a fiat money system; they do not need your money as they have constant access to the press that prints all they want.

    They want your production

    Without the worker bees - the colony collapses

    Now shut the hell up and you, your spouse and 3 kids ALL go work a 14 hour shift for Uncle sugar


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