
Friday, July 23, 2010

Are Most Things Rigged, Fraudulent And Deceitful?

How many times have you, your loved one, friend or relative been defrauded over your lifetime? I bet not one reader of this, or any blog, has gone through a time when they have not lost money on a "deal". Perhaps you have lent out money or bought a lemon vehicle that you couldn't get your money back. You may have lent a few bucks to your own sweet trusting relative or friend and he/she ensured you, that it will be paid back. Have you ever been promised a lunch and they didn't pay? Maybe you applied for a job and your credentials were much more adequate, your better looking, better educated and trusting, with an app to prove it, but the purple haired gum chewing twirp got the gig instead. You know you should have got the job. But why didn't you?

This brings us to the Government. How many times have you heard a politician claim he won't raise the taxes or cut a service, then does exactly that? You voted for this creep and he stepped on you. He lied, cheated and deceived you as a voter. Many, perhaps, have seen this video, showing how voting is rigged. Why keep voting? Does it make you feel good? Do you enjoy watching the media ads telling you to get out and vote? For what? A criminal? You know what's going to happen! Its a given, he will lie, cheat and steal from you, me and your kids!
Then you have banks extorting billions of dollars off the public in the form of swipe or overdraft fees. They've been doing it for years and you keep paying them, why? You keep your money in the banks  and get  .01% interest as they lend it out and get 4%, 5% and up. Are you sick and tired of being scammed, slammed, railroaded and cheated while making the elite richer? Probably, but you do nothing about it. You don't boycott, you don't stop buying, you don't stop going into debt, obtaining credit or buying junk you don't need. Instead, we sit, read the papers, watch CNN, then complain.. at parties, starbucks and hair salons.
Everything's rigged to screw us, like the casino and stock market and they keep getting away with it. How long will you allow them?

So tell us your beef....
to be continued..By Simon Castilla 


  1. It hits the nail on the head. These politicos know that fully 50% of the populace won't vote.

    The remaining 50% are screened finer than gold dust.

    Then they play us like the mind numbed robots we've become.

    We cannot get rid of these bastards! You watch - fucking Charlie Rangel will get his 26th term - you watch ! The only reason we got rid of fucking Byrd was the old fucker died! The stupid sheep would vote that cocksucker back in if he had alzheimers and was 105 !

    Everybody here takes their best shots at banks, corps, elitests etc. etc. it's none of them - for without the lowly sheeple; they do not exist


    It is OUR collective fault - for we fail to do what the founders of this country called on us to do & the reason we fail is that 65% of "us"
    come from somewhere "other" than 13 colony USA.

    We are no longer farmers and herders and woodsmen and women. We are now a nation of service people with backgrounds so diverse that we cannot even agree on something as simple as
    immigration. Yet we pretend to the world that we are this forward thinking nation of diversity and law.

    Pigshit brother ! We have transformed into a nation of faceless servicers. Gone are the days of black and white - right and wrong. Everything we now do is somehow " gray "

  2. Actually, the majority of the people want border security, but the federal government won't enforce its own laws.

    I have moved my money to a credit union. I do not invest in the stock market. I try to recycle; I buy second-hand. And I read constantly so I can stay informed.

    However, most Americans are idiots. We keep sending the same people back to Congress. I've tried voting for other parties and even writing in names. But we have been outmaneuvered by the Republicans and the Democrats. You cannot run for office unless you are very rich and you have rich friends. Do you see protests? No.

    We are fighting two unnecessary wars. Do you see protests? The media barely shows any. In fact there are world-wide protests about the G-7, G-20, Bilderburgs, IMF--a very long list and the media only shows you the few anarchists committing mayhem.

    So we have a combination of a stupified citizenry and a corporate media. No wonder everyone is too busy watching American Idol.

  3. Research Leftist Revolts (French Revolution)
    You do not want be rich if there is class warfare.
    Does the Right think the left is unarmed?

  4. A piece of advice for everyone who's read this article. Rent a movie called "They Live". It'll explain everything.

  5. That's exactly why me and others quit voting decades ago when we learned the major corporations and central banks control the politician scum (lower than roaches). The lobbies are also run by corp. scum. Most all patriot groups have sincere people, but the leaders are shills. Patriot groups have been around since the late 50's and now more than ever in number, yet none produce any results, incl talk radio. So Amazing! Live for self/family, prep. and hunker down keep a low profile. There are so few patriots (many have died off this past decade)this country has no hope unless Oath keepers can stop it; no one else can.

  6. i just choose not to participate. i dont make an effort to interact with gov/banks. you dont understand how easy it is to do. i laugh when i think of they tried to force me into a debt slave. it was hard the 1st 5 years, but that was 10 years ago. i adapted i learned. i still have not paid any paper. i use the bank to pay my bills. i do not save in the bank. there are remnants of a day gone by when i had hoped to build my fico score. but now i dont care how my score is. the banks only care about your fico. they want debt let em have debt. ill settle for the bullion.

  7. This write has it right 100%. We must decide to boycott buying and go on strike together. Only if we do it together can we make real meaningful change.

    Imagine, if people around the world united with a single purpose?

  8. Do any of you guys or gals out there remember the 70's? Man, I wish I could have one more day in the summer of 1976 back.

  9. I played the game for many years. Small businessman that started with nothing. No bankroll from daddy. Just hard work 7 days a week, sacrifice, dedication and the belief that I could give my family a secure future. After losing leases because of the phoney real estate boom, "loan calls" from the bank on business loans and credit lines after NEVER missing a payment in 25+ years, phoney shell game misinformation from the white shoe boys on Wall Street..etc, etc. Taking a full time job on top of a full time business to the tune of 80 hours a week for 4 years.I have pretty much lost it all. I am tired, depressed, and PISSED OFF. I have found a new, liberating way to feel a little bit better, and that is to fuck the Banks, the Government, The Insurance Cos. to the best of my ability as much as humnly possible.These are the greedy pigs that have paved the way to this Depression. It feels wonderful to tell the banks Fuck You..I Don't Care! about my fucking FICO score. I have found different stratigies to walk away from bank debt,in a safe way, and other methods to stick it to the powers that be. Small victories, but victories none he less. Americans can be very, very creative when backed up against the wall and I will stop at nothing to grab any small win that I can get. These bastards have been cheating, lying and stealing from us for a long time. It's time for some payback. Will I thrive, no, BUT the satisfaction is still sweet when you enact your little bit of revenge. Someday my hope is that the people that have been screwed the most, the hard working middle class of this country stand up to these sub humans from Wall Street and the Beltway and scare them enough to straigten up or leave the country, but I am not counting on that. So in the meantime I will do what I have to do to survive, like many other Americans.


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