
Friday, July 23, 2010

Jobless Unemployment Rate Is Closer To 25%

Misreading Americans' Anxiety

However, John Williams, founder of
Shadow Government Statistics, says when accounting for the long-term unemployed, the jobless rate runs up to as much as 22% currently. Williams's newsletter, which analyzes flaws in government economic data, points out that such a rate isn't that far from the 25% it hit during the Great Depression.

Both Celente and Ginsburg believe lawmakers' not-dire-enough view of unemployment is one reason why they didn't extend federal unemployment benefits. Of course,
party politics is another deterrent. Ginsburg says the Administration's decision to tackle the health care reform over unemployment reflects its lack of priority.

By taking his eye off one of the most fundamental issues affecting the country, President Obama has seen his popularity sink. The most recent 
Public Policy Polling survey says 45% of voters approve of the job he's doing, while 52% disapprove -- the first time Obama's disapproval ratings have exceeded 50% in this survey.

It's obvious that Americans view unemployment more urgently than either lawmakers or the president. And if pollsters like Mayur or economists like Ginsburg and Williams are right, it will take longer to fix this hole because it's already bigger than Washington thinks.

See full article from DailyFinance: Here


  1. What BS. Supoena the CEOs to testify in front of Congress about the jobs they shipped offshore. Let Tata Consulting Services of India audit the US IRS. Then let workers from each state self-identify if they believe their jobs were shipped offshore. Make the CEOs and corporations accountable for taking care of their former employees, then when they're bankrupt, Tata from India can easily step in and replace them. Only after all this should the US Government be responsible for unemployment checks.

  2. this unemployment rate has been 25% for a while now, in vegas all you see is homeless street people, whores, panhandlers at every on and off ramp and no jobs, we are in a depression and have been for a year at least. No matter what the news says, it is a lie.

  3. But, but the Dallas Morning News (sic) says the unemployment rate went down to 9.5%? And CNBC tells me the rate is 9.5%, they must be right.


  4. The main steam News will still being reporting 19% unemployement when it is 70% or more and obvious to everyone.

    ALL of the main steam News needs to be ignored and for it to go OUT OF BUSINESS.

  5. The "main stream" media to me is being ignored, I find them irrelevant, all they do is report the latest celebrity low downs and dribble the weather. They are so irrelevant it's almost a joke, why would people want to watch them? If they do it's because they want to be in dreamland. Turn the channel!

  6. The MSM are whores to the Corporations and gov't. They will say anything they are told to say.

  7. Everything Obama does is designed to destroy the middle class. Zimbabwe is his dream for america as he views himself as Mugabe.

  8. all presidunce want to destroy the middle class, w bush was one of the worst, he was the biggest dumbfuck pres we ever had

  9. I've had a weird theory for awhile being I read too many kooky things on too many kooky sites...So I read about ridiculous theories of 2012/Planet X/EMPs/Evil Cabal of NWO etc etc.

    Now at first it sounds ridiculous BUT every weird theory has a core of truth...What if everything is going to hell and the government really isn't stressing since the KNOW it's going to crash anyways?

    It's like when Louie the 16 XVI had basically ruined France, with deficit spending and useless wars and trying to expand it's colonies...Hmmm sounds kind of familiar...When Louis was told it was all about to collapse, he told his ministers to keep it going as long as they could or till he died.

    So back to point: Have you ever thought that at this point it's all a charade and there is no turning back? That even if Ron Paul/Shiff/Celeste were elected and allowed to try to turn the US economy with dictator powers it be too late?

    Are the rats just pilfering and looting everything before it crashes? Time will tell and please never say "This could never happen in the US" that's just a childish/wrong answer.

    People forget the US has defaulted on debt and has had 4 crashes in it's history...Technically the Nixon gold default of 1971 also counts...Where paper assets suddenly were priced as being comparable to gold holdings or payments.

    In the meantime, even if I'm wrong going to get me some more ammo, pop some popcorn and enjoy the show. :P

  10. With the United States now mired in mounting crushing debt and facing the worst unemployment crisis in its history, it just bogs my mind how the Washington politicians can then shift attention away from the immediate problems at hand and proceed to force through a national health care plan. This national health care plan is incidentally just another glorified revenue sharing plan that will force those with assets to subsidize health insurance to those without assets.

  11. Yep. Obama had is own Agenda...and he set forth to accomplish it. Even a year-long project like healthcare was relatively easy to do since he had a "Dictatorial 60" votes in the Senate.

    Unfortunately for him, the writer is correct, he took his eye off of all the other issues...the ARRA pot-hole patching recovery act was a joke - it just bailed out state highway projects - and so are the so-called 3 Million jobs 'saved or created' while 8 million jobs were eliminated or destroyed.

    He has done nothing for his constituency - the poor people of the country who get fired first and hired last - and the young people who voted for him in droves. 99 weeks of $345 per week in UI? EPIC FAIL!

  12. inherited epic fail, bush left him the titanic to rescue, a feat that could not be done.

  13. $345/wk is big big money to a dumbfuck community organizer like Obama. What else could you need to be happy? Besides, Obongo and his ilk are living the good life for you so you can enjoy it vicariously.

  14. Yeah, bush left dumbfuck the Titanic and as soon as obongo took the helm, he drove it straight into the biggest iceberg he could find.

    Great observation 12:08

  15. I cannot believe are still arguing who is worse Bush or Obama.

    I guess you still do not get it.
    Bush and Obama are on the same team.

    Noodles123 you might be more right then you know.

  16. 11:56 here -

    Hey 12:08, I agree with you that bush left him the Titanic - but don't agree that rescuing it couldn't be done. If Obama had started with a "jobs, jobs, jobs" program - we would have been seeing the results long before now. He had the good will of the entire world behind him and an adoring constituency plus the Congressional might in numbers to do whatever he wanted, and people would have loved him for it.

    Instead of fixing the kitchen table issue of jobs, he wasted all that tsunami of political capital on bailouts, stupid rebate programs like cash for clunkers and $8000 home purchase credits both of which got people into even *more debt* (!) to the robber baron banksters.

    Obama was supposed to bring Change, and unless he just totally mis-read the economic situation, he is turning out like every other lying, bought, politician.

    Either way, slow-learner or bought politician, that is the reason his poll ratings are almost as low as bush's. We don't want you stupid politicians to let us rot for 99 weeks - people need jobs -real ones they can feed a family with, not selling burgers or selling Iphones at the mall!

  17. 12:17, you are right, only a real dumbass would jump onto a sinking ship. In post Katrina style obozo figured he would loot the ship while the crowd rushed for safety.

  18. Bush + Obama = FAIL

  19. This national health care plan is incidentally just another glorified revenue sharing plan that will force those with assets to subsidize health insurance to those without assets.

    This is utter deceit. Don't let the Rethug Sheep own criticism of Obama. The Healthcare Reform was written by the Insurance Companies and Wall Street without opposition from Big Business because it is meant to further concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.

    So, the intent is the exact opposite of what this idiot american says it is.

  20. 1:38 is 100% correct.. when the one fails then the next one continues the failure + adds to it.. Then a reasonable mind must conclude their of the same team.. It's a no brainer..

  21. Yeah, Bush and Obama may be the same ilk and guilty of the same pathetic policies - but my question is -

    Suppose; just for an instant that we had access to Thomas Jefferson and his entire cabinet for 4 years.

    This country would turn on a Roosevelt fucking dime!

    Don't tell me it don't matter & your vote doesn't count - we have had AMPLE opportunity
    to elect people whom were knowledgeable and honest - what did we do? We voted for the sonofabitch who had the best haircut and told the biggest lies.

    Why? Because we're a buch of over diversified; self serving; mindless bigots that give new meaning to the word hypocrite.

    Only when we have a radical cleansing will we be able to heal and think like responsible citizenry instead of the entitlement whores we've become

    What a fucked up mess we've become - you can't make this shit up !

  22. 1:44, it's worse than that. There is competition among the elites to see who can destroy the nation first. It's a county club with two main families always trying top outdo one another. Bush came real close but Mr. Um um um is winning. If he can't get it done the other side will try again. The rest of you are just the pool boys and gardeners.

  23. mr um um w bush won, with his exacta of 911 and katrina he won hands down, he and his buddies made billions if not trillions off of those, especially vampire, murderer cheney.

  24. Ha! Dick Cheney is the samrtest sonofabitch to ever take the Vice Prez.

    The dude made hundreds of millions of dollars and is still taking advantage of the finest medical facilities in the world.

    At no cost !

    And you voted him in !

    Again !

    He is -- Da Man !

  25. Anonymous said...
    This national health care plan is incidentally just another glorified revenue sharing plan that will force those with assets to subsidize health insurance to those without assets.

    This is utter deceit. Don't let the Rethug Sheep own criticism of Obama. The Healthcare Reform was written by the Insurance Companies and Wall Street without opposition from Big Business because it is meant to further concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.

    So, the intent is the exact opposite of what this idiot american says it is.

    Hi. The name of this "idiot American" is Rick. Of course this national health care plan is just another glorified revenue sharing scheme that the Washington politicians have conjured up. What this means is that federal income taxes are going to shoot through the roof for those who are still working, for millions of retirees with pensions and for many who already have corporate or union provided health insurance since those sponsored insurance plans will be taxed at 40%. So those people with visible means of support ("the haves") will be forced to subsidize health insurance for those people without means of support ("the have-nots").

  26. Yeah, we need to stop arguing over Bush vs. Obama. But some people here need to get a brain. What is happening is capitalism run amok, not Marxism. Obama turned out to be a center right corporatist and certainly not the hope and change us Dems wanted. There is no Marxism or communism involved, just good ole corporate greed.

    It's the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. They control it all with the help of Republicans. It used to be that Democrat were for the average citizen, but they've gone over to the dark side too.

    Don't expect any rescue from this group of bozos. Save cash, buy second-hand, find a country place with water, start a garden, get a gun and ammo, and get a really big dog with huge fangs.

  27. You guys still don't see that there is NO right or left. It's ALL a big puppet show for you. Has anything changed? NO. It wont change without bloodshed. Its hard to imagine while you drive your leased BMW from interview to interview isn't it? You might have to get your shirt dirty on this one.

  28. Attica Attica! Revolt my brothers and sisters!

  29. Capitalism run amuck ?

    More like capitalism shot in the head ( with a very large caliber bazooka)

    No, I agree with the person who stated we are on a marxist course - when you start taking over private entities, controlling corporations, running the money supply into the stratosphere
    and taking from the top 50% of the USA and giving to the bottom 50% of the entire world ---

    I'd say that's pretty much Marxism.

    You did hear of the grand prize ( in U.S. Dollars
    that Hillary baby just GAVE to the Pakastanies did you not.

    Hey man - we be the sugar daddy to da world !

  30. Capitalism has been slowly strangled for the past 50 years. The Communists planted little bits of Socialism here and there in this country that now we are surrounded by it.

    Sharonsj Obama is a hardcore Marxist, if you still don't understand that then you clearly are emotionally attached to your belief (identifying yourself as a Democrat) and are in denial.

    The Democratic party was hijacked by the Communists, that was one of the 200+ goals they had to destroy the country (hijack a major party). You should just admit that you're a Socialist, or go hang out on the DemocraticUnderground forum with other closet Marxists who don't even realize what they are.

  31. OBAMA IS A FASCIST, NOT A COMMUNIST. Look what he handed to the insurance industry with his "health" care scam.

  32. Capitalism run amuck ?

    More like capitalism shot in the head ( with a very large caliber bazooka)

    No, I agree with the person who stated we are on a marxist course - when you start taking over private entities, controlling corporations, running the money supply into the stratosphere
    and taking from the top 50% of the USA and giving to the bottom 50% of the entire world ---

    I'd say that's pretty much Marxism."
    Right on !
    They got a "bazooka" all right!
    Treasurer Paulson said he owned it.

    You can see thats the truth that they are a bunch of "Marxists" just by looking at the results ,the rich get richer and the ordinary people get poorer since these socialists staged a coup in treasury for bailouts to socialise their losses .
    They first shot themselves in the foot as their capitalism turned the US into a Great Ponzi and then collapsed according to their devious marxist plan.
    Now these socialists led by Obama and Bernanke are pointing a bazooka gun at america for looting the treasury and desperately attempting to BLAME all other americans like for the costs of the unemployed and by increasing taxes on those that still have a job .
    The filthy rich are clearly Commie marxists that infiltrated wall st from russia israel and kenya.
    They now own America lock stock and barrel because after the coup they own the $ printing press of treasury in partnersdhip with the privately owned fed.
    And the filthy commies now ,after the bailout ,
    own most of the mortgages on the previously privately owned houses .
    The taxpayers only own the debts.
    "Marxism" of the rich for sure!

  33. Most of these comments read like bunch of Tea Party Right Wingers, who can't face the fact that the Regan Revolution, and the Republicans with the help of the Democrats have destroyed this country! When you were running around beating your chest and waving the flag, the country was being gutted by a bunch of corporate crooks. Now these crooks are moving there assets as fast out of America as they can. No one whats to be left holding the bag!


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