
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

72 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go Parabolic To Between $2,500 and $15,000!

Believe it or not but I have identified 72 economists, academics, gold analysts and market commentators who have developed sound rationale as to why gold could quite possibly go to a parabolic top of at least $2,500 an ounce to even as much as an unimaginable $15,000 before the bubble finally pops!

When I first began writing about such projections ( I was satisfied with identifying 10 individuals who were of the opinion that gold would attain a peak greater than $2,500. That list has grown to 72 (see below) of which 44 believe that $5,000 or more for gold is likely. I encourage you to check out their articles and their rationale for such high gold prices in the years (and in some cases just months) to come.
Please note: If, in checking out the list below, you find a name or two missing I would appreciate you sending me his/her name and the URL of the article in which the individual states his/her case so I can have the most comprehensive list available on the internet. To be included in the list only projections of gold achieving a parabolic top of at least $2,500 per ounce, accompanied by sound reasons, will be considered. I will provide an updated list at a later date if warranted. Send email to
Higher than $10,000
More Here..


  1. Muslims of Kelantan state in Malaysia , claiming also to be good Jeffersonians launched a silver coin currency on 12th August 2010 The coins are made by the World Islamic mint in Dubai.
    They say that creating this currency is a religious duty as part of the fight against Usury and the paper fiat currencies issued by the western banking central bank system , with the dollar hegemony at its heart.
    They hope that this will be the beginning of the end of the fiat dollar usury debt system that is a heavy burden not only on Third World peoples but on the amercan people too. They say:
    “A little historical flash-back on the US dollar history is worthwhile here.
    The founding fathers of USA knew very well about the danger of central banks and paper money that had caused inflation and economic instability in Europe, which is why after gaining independence from Britain they issued Coinage Act of 1792 which is worth to remember because:
    The Act defined one dollar as a specific weight of gold and silver minted by Congress;
    The Act invoked the death penalty for anyone found to be debasing money.
    The first American dollars were struck in 1793 - they were silver and gold coins. In the next 120 years (until 1913) inflation was practically zero, so was national debt; the economy grew steadily but at a natural pace. Then came 1913. Some of famous Americans called the year 1913 as The Year Of Great Treason…” .. “George Bush - who has been arguably rated as the worst president in the US history - increased the National Debt by 4 trillion dollars in 8 years, but Barack Obama in 1 year and 4 months of his presidency has already added 4 trillion dollars to the national debt thus making it in total almost 13 trillion which translates into staggering debt of 115,000 dollars per taxpayer or 40,000 dollars for every American including old, woman and child. Taking into account low federal revenue and chronic budget deficit - it was 1.4 trillion in 2009 and projected at 1.1 trillion in 2010 (although according to sober heads like Congressman Ron Paul it may easily hit 2 trillion as the government's revenue is unpredictable when the economy is in depression) - it is mathematically impossible for the US government to serve the interest on the national debt, let alone to ever pay off the principle amount. National Debt is actually a very confusing term, it should be called instead Political Debt since it is the government who makes it and the congress/parliament that approves it, hence it should be paid off by politicians and if they can't pay they must go to jail with their assets confiscated. But in Democracy politicians have privilege of freedom from responsibility.
    After tripling the deficit Obama immediately promised to cut it in half by the end of his term, what a ‘great' accomplishment to achieve. But even that ‘achievement' nobody can figure out how Obama is going to do as he committed to continue fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan (US military budget is 1 trillion a year) and just pushed through an expensive healthcare reform (which will require from the government trillions of dollars in the next several years). But even if Obama somehow reduces the deficit by the end of his term it only means less borrowing…”
    For most of their historical existance Christians too were opposed to Usury.

  2. As Gold and Silver go up and up then people realize something is wrong especially when their prices and taxes go up. Then gold and silver start moving up very quickly and the US Dollar may collapse and could possibly go to ZERO value.
    Of course other money may follow and go to ZERO.

    Irony that the Mayans Longcount calendar gets reset to YEAR ZERO in 2012.

  3. Remember when I spoke of May 24 at the turning day and be very watchful for the next 63 days. The down will go below 10,000 and will never return to that level. I can't provide you day by day details, but I do know that we are in serious trouble. We are in the 2 inning of a 9 innings depression. Each inning lasting approximately 2 years years each. Inning 1 started in 2007 and finished in late 2009. We are at bat in the 2 inning with 1 out and the bases are loaded. Stimulus is at bat trying to do a pinch hit to bring in a run. You know the rest of the story, now get the HELL OF DODGE BEFORE IT TOO LATE

  4. The DOW will go below 10,000

  5. How can I forget ?

    Today is the 20th & we have only eight more days left to live.

    On the 28th; when the sun comes up and the friggin DOW is still bumbling along at 10,345
    I'll give you a shout out

  6. 2:17 you got more than eight days, but your hunger will start and between 10 - 15 Aug 2010, you will finally see the picture


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