
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Re-Training For A New Job? Forget It

In what was beginning to feel like a previous life, Israel Valle had earned $18 an hour as an executive assistant to a designer at a prominent fashion label. Now, he was jobless and struggling to find work. He decided to invest in upgrading his skills.
It was February 2009, and the city work force center in Downtown Brooklyn was jammed with hundreds of people hungry for paychecks. His caseworker urged him to take advantage of classes financed by the federal government, which had increased money for job training. Upgrade your skills, she counseled. Then she could arrange job interviews.
For six weeks, Mr. Valle, 49, absorbed instruction in spreadsheets and word processing. He tinkered with his résumé. But the interviews his caseworker eventually arranged were for low-wage jobs, and they were mobbed by desperate applicants. More than a year later, Mr. Valle remains among the record 6.8 million Americans who have been officially jobless for six months or longer. He recently applied for welfare benefits.
“Training was fruitless,” he said. “I’m not seeing the benefits. Training for what? No one’s hiring.”
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have enrolled in federally financed training programs in recent years, only to remain out of work. That has intensified skepticism about training as a cure for unemployment.
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  1. Yet here we are into the Future, no longer the powerhouse everyone believed in the back of thier mind... The Chinese are where the US manufacturing jobs relocated, they know who holds the purse strings. The Multinational Bankers sold this country down so that Fireside Sale Prices in Amerika could begin!

    Want to 'upgrade your skills' and show an employer you mean business and they need to hire you? Learn spanish they are about the only jobs that are paying an extra 50 cents above regular pay as they "need" bilingual to prove they are ready to service all the tens of millions of "spanish only" speaking peoples spending money in the good Ole USA!

    Pray the November elections get us back on the right track.And for god sakes next time VOTE FOR AN AMERICAN

  2. Alan Greenspan stated the only jobs left in the US: health sciences. Remember, he's the mouthpiece for the private bank cartel known as the Federal Reserve.

    Health sciences, and how you pay for re-education is your problem.

  3. The medical field is fucked worse than anything.
    Nurses are getting let go left and right and new ones aren't getting hired. Expect within the next five years to have most doctors quit and each hospital will be run by one doctor and one nurse with hundreds of people waiting for their turn.

    Nurse: Number 1,402? The doctor is ready to see you.

    That's what it's like in Britain, Canada, and Sweden - Socialized Healthcare.

    Not to mention the other fun stuff in Obamacare which had nothing to do with Healthcare...

    College students should pull out now otherwise they're just going to accumulate pointless debt and waste their strength.

    For any kind of future HOPE that the dollar dies and anarchy spreads everywhere - otherwise we're all going to become a bunch of starving animals.

  4. my husband, both bro has to retrain; us in the 80's. People were far more independent then, more zeal and motivation. I don't recognize this country anymore; our work ethic is gone, and I though my generation was lazy..what a joke. Everyone now wants handouts and extended unemployment comp. America is finished as the world leader, with no future.

  5. American consumers have been brainwashed to accept obsolescence. We have no more shoemakers because we throw away shoes, even the ones that cost over $100. Want to repair a recorder? What for? The repairs are too expensive when you can buy another one for just a little more money. The problem is that everything lasts a year or two, if you're lucky, but now we have no money to buy a new one.

    The same with jobs. It used to be there were plenty of jobs. But now Americans are obsolete. Why hire an American for $10 an hour when you can get a Mexican for half the price or a Chinese for one quarter? And you don't have to pay those other guys any benefits or medical care....

    Retraining only works if there are jobs. The medical field is not so great because hospitals are going broke and they are computerizing everything. No meed for clerical help or extra nurses when you can scare the still-employed into working longer for less.

    Both parties have failed us. And some posters here, like Laura, swallow Republican talking points. Facts are unimportant. The stupider we get, the faster we go downhill.

  6. anon 7:25 you are wrong and rude. This recession will pass and to conclude it isn't worth getting any training for a job because there isn't one today is short sighted. Prepare so you are able to compete when job opportunities get better. We are all responsible for our own success. If you won't work for it who will?

  7. 7:58 the recession will pass and a depression will begin. What planet are you from? The debt will be 15-20 trillion soon. Will that stimulate the economy? You will be training to hold a sign that states "the end is near", soon.

  8. Please, all of you, now's the time to take charge of your life and live it on your terms. Here's a link to my website. Don't hesitate, consternate, commiserate, and procrastinate. Get up off your duff and sign up now. My techniques are proven. It will change your life.

  9. 8:25, You are half way right, yes this to wil pass, but there will be a heavy cost to pay. There is NO WAY, this economy will rebound for at least a generation. So you my friend are living in a rose colored world. There is NO manufacturing growth in the foreseeable future, the auto industry is in shambles, the health care industry is in shambles, unemployment numbers are rising every month, taxes will skyrocket to pay for all of these insane debts that are accumulating. Why just last week Merck Pharmacueticals announced layoffs of over 15K within the next year.

    So, you are going to retrain? Get real, retrain for what? Fast food or service work?

    Kids graduating from colleges today cannot find a job.

    Yesterday, I read a new tax notice from the Gov't statin as of Sept.1, 2010, companes that has health care for it's employees with families, will be required to cover the health care cost for their kids until they reach the age of 26 years.

    Now, what company in their right mind would hire young people that either has started a family or young people with the potiential of starting a family. I know that if there is ant way I can keep from hiring people within this age range, I will. Discrimination? Call it what you may, but for me, it's keeping my business going.

  10. We will be in a Depression for at least the next 20 Years minimum. We have been Deindustrialized and its not coming back ever! Do you know what that means? Africa, a third world country is our future and no way it is coming back, Get it!

  11. 8:50, considering your comments about healthcare, I'm assuming you are an advocate for Single Payer? If not, you should be. With Single Payer, you would no longer have to worry about health benefits for your "employees."

    Something tells me you're not a supporter of Single Payer even though 17,000 healthcare professionals are. That makes you a hypocrite of the 1st degree, but of course, we already knew that.

    In fact, many corporations are opposed to Single Payer because they fear they will lose control. They know that's one way to control employees because employees need the health benefits. Take that control lever away, and employees start to walk away much sooner from a callous employer.....and let's face it, most employers are is the model, afterall.

  12. The insurance companies write the Healthcare bills, there will never be single payer.

  13. 8:53,
    I think that we will end up like Argentina, rather than Africa. They were once the most advanced country in South America, but their economy collapsed in 2001 I believe and it's gone downhill fast. There is a blog called "Surviving Argentina" written by a young guy that lives down there, that is very enlightening. Expect lots of crime, and spotty utilities.
    Here's my favorite entry of his, which sums up things pretty well. It's long, but well worth reading:

  14. 9:15, of course they do, but it doesn't mean Single Payer isn't the best alternative, considering. That's the thing that kills me about Rethugs calling Obama's Healthcare reform Communism. What? The Insurance Companies wrote the bill, for Christ's Sake. Obama works for them, so unless one believes Corporations are Communists, then Obama is not a Communist....he's a Corporatist, and in that sense, he is a Puppet of Totalitarianism. Corporatism has achieved Stalin's Wet Dream. Full Spectrum Dominance. Complete Totalitarian Control. The American Sheep lost the Cold War. The Totalitarian Beast of Corporatism has won.....and people who listen to Glenn Beck are blind (blinded by Glenn and their own willful ignorance) to that fact. Glenn Beck knows it, he's one of them. He's taking you for a ride....sucking every last dollar from you on your way down, down, down. And you don't even see it. You lack the capacity.

  15. This is 915, I dont like glenn berzerk, I laugh at the people I talk to that are brainwashed by him, those are the same sheep that sit in church like addicts to get their fix of jesus every sunday, laughable.

  16. Health Sciences? I have a cousin with a degree in that, she's studying for the MCAT and tells me there are no jobs. I have a degree in that as well, graduated about 6 years ago and never worked in health care because there were no jobs even then. Well, there were a few $12/hr ones, but I found better work.

    There are only 3 sure bets for undergrad degrees. Only one sure bet for a graduate degree. All of these might be disappearing too, but for now, it's: Accounting, Engineering and Finance, and Medical School. The latter might be a bad bet soon and it's a lot of debt. The former, well, they still give you a chance usually at least.

  17. Nope, no jobs in Accounting/Finance either. That's a myth. I know....I'm in that field. Plus, Accounting/Finance folks are the proverbial Little Eichmans. They're the grease that makes this destructive beast run smoothly into oblivion. Do not encourage any otherwise decent human being to enter that field because it is an inhuman endeavor.

  18. 7:46AM: I am not a rep or dem; in fact I haven't voted in over 25 years, knowing only suckers and jerks vote (cow tow to scum politicians who work for the corp & banks) Pol. can't be trusted on any level of gov. Only a fool would trust in them or join any rip off phony patriot group incl. JBS, tea party shills, etc.! prep. family, yourself and hunker down and live for self.

  19. We all have to eat or we will die a slow, nasty death. There may be a time when you have no money or your money will be worthless. The grocery stores will be empty or the products unaffordable.

    I am experimenting with a cross between hydroponic and traditional gardening. The seedlings start inside and then find their way to an above ground garden.

    I have sketched several vertical container gardens. They have a small foot print, but at 4 feet long, 4 feet tall and 6-12 inches wide, you can grow a lot of stuff in a 4 square foot area.

    I would like to sell these, but I also know people are still not in that frame of mind. They will not have a home garden as long as they can buy the stuff at the store. When the shelves run dry, it will then be too late to start a garden.

  20. I see a lot of hate and anger in the comments. So know it all's like 9:33 "people who listen to Glenn Beck are blind" So tell us old wise one who should people listen too? Oh that's right you have no answer no solution just attacks and people should listen to you why? LOL

    9:03 No civility for right wing brainwashed fools. LOL yes, yes, the left wing fools are so much smarter and your proof is where LOL No facts just your one sided opinion. Yes the left that voted for Obozo to save them how is that hope and change working out for ya. LOL

    9:40 old wise one "those are the same sheep that sit in church like addicts to get their fix of Jesus every Sunday, laughable. "

    Yes people who go to church are the problem of course you have all the answer you are so smart please tell us what are you doing to help people? Are you helping out the poor like the Churches do? Are you paying home heating bills for the seniors living on SS that have to decide between paying the heating bills or food or medicine? Churches do that and much more.

    So what are you experts doing to help Americans out? Nothing but spreading your brand of hate. You 3 have one heck of a lot of growing up to do.

  21. Yep, no jobs out there at all. 14 months searching, 738 resumes sent and nothing. My two degrees are worthless pieces of paper. Sad thing is things will continue to get even worse next year.

  22. I have retrained several times, at the "School of Hard Knocks". I am self educated in several areas I thought to be promising, but so far have failed.

    - Green Energy
    I built a small solar array for my house. Every Sept. when it gets really hot the power grid fails off and on all month, so I built a solar back up system to keep my refrigerator going when we lose grid power. This system also powers my home office, year round.

    I built a 500 watt wind turbine as well.

    The plan was to build a small green energy business. It failed for one reason, grid power is still cheap. I pay 8 cents for every 1,000 watts of power consumed. My window air conditioner uses 500 watts when it is cooling and 150 watts when only the fan is running. Basically this AC unit costs me 4 cents an hour to operate.

    No one is going to consider solar power till grid power is more than 25 cents per kilowatt.

    - Hydrogen Power
    I taught myself how to use solar power to convert water into hydrogen, to power a car or motorcycle. The gas can be compressed and stored in something like a SCUBA tank. There will no market for this until gasoline is greater than $6.00 a gallon. People will not invest in converting their cars until then.

    - Digital Imaging
    People understand the value of converting paper documents to digital, the benefits are well worth the investment, but businesses will not go digital, because they won't pay or can't afford the conversion and I can't exactly offer a free service. Any ideas?

    I have a 7-stage water filtration system. You can't get better water than what comes from my system. Forget about this as a business opportunity, people won't invest in it as long as they can go to a "water store" and pay 25 cents a gallon for water that is just a hair better than tap water.

    It's no fun anymore.

  23. To anon 4:11 PM - It's worse then you think. When grid power costs $.25/kWh (three times what it is today) PV will cost three times as much to buy. The simple reason is because most of the cost of PV panels is power. Power to mine the materials, power to convert raw materials into finished products, power to run the factory and power to get the product to you. Without cheap power the cost of almost everything will go up. It is a dream to believe grid electricity will get to $.25/kwh but everything else will not change.

  24. 9:12, this is addressed to you, first off, you don't know me nor do you understand buisness models, or for that matter, economics. And it is very apparent that you have never run an organization or a business. You obviously seem to be unaware of what it takes to keep a business afloat or how to treat employees.

    Secondly, aside from my company, my employees and their welfare are of great concern for me.
    If you read the article and was understanding where I was going with this you to would understand that ALL businesses are in business to make a profit. No PROFIT is Not a dirty word.
    But in order for me to pass on benefits to my employees and their familes, simply put so you can understand it, there has to be a profit made. Clear and simple.

    This gov't and it cronies are dead set on taxing and requiring much FROM small companies so as to put them OUT of business. I cannot afford to move my company to another country and reap the benefits of NOT paying income taxes. Me as well and many out here like me are struggling to maintain our business on a shoestring budget.

    Probably you live at home with your parents and they pay for your room/board and put your sorry butt through college, in which you apparently learned NOTHING.

    So before you open your pie hole and insert your oversized foot, know what you are talking about, or at least do a little research.

  25. 5:51

    Agreed. But let's pretend that grid power in the USA is greater than $.25 per kilowatt hour and grid power in China, where the PV's are made stays at $.10 pre kilowatt. If their manufacturing costs were the same as always and our grid power costs did rise, then green energy would be on everyone's mind.

  26. my company, my employees and their welfare are of great concern for me.

    My much? My Company. My Employees. My Country. My God.

    How much did you pay for them there employees at the auction. I hope you got you some good breeders, and some good strong backs. Of course you care about their welfare. Nobody wants to have to deal with runaways, so if the Gubmint starts taking care of their health, theys just mightin up and start runnin, and wes can't have that, can we?

    Wow, dude, you walked right out of Gone With The Wind. Are you from Texas by any chance?

    Frankly, 9:12, I don't give a damn.

  27. 9:12,Miss Scarlett, you know, you really are a flower, a blooming idiot!

    Yes, My Company, my employees, my investment, my payroll payments every week, my benefits I pay over 70% of to the employees. It is my rear end on the line if all fails, (bottom line!)

    And don' talk to me about Southern culture, by the sounds of it I suspect you were educated and the obama university where everyone should bail out the losers. Miss Scarlett, continue to let the government be a major player in your personal life and providing you with a "welfare" mentality, you will rot!

    Grow up!

    Get real, whom do you think they report to? You?

    By the sounds of it, you could not lead a starving ant colony to a picnic.

  28. 11:31's reading and posting to the internet whilst his slave hands do all the work.

    What a Capitalist Pig living off of the backs of others.

    You'll be working when we get done with you, son, you hear me? You're going to learn what real work's all about.

    Folks like you have never worked a day in their lives. You've mastered the art of the con. You exploit and manipulate people to do your bidding, and no doubt what you've fooled them into doing for you is not even worthwhile or value-added in any way. Just more shit to consume.

  29. 1:02, you are a loon!

    Has a poor person ever hired anyone? Has a poor person every supplied a working wage to 375 employees? Or benefits?

    If in your interpretation, all companies/owner/stockholders are capitialist or imperialist and slave owners, where does that put you? If you are independently wealthy, or mommie or daddy has breast fed you all your life, then I can see why you spout such nonsense.

    Again, you stated that I have never worked a day in my life, well, quick bio., I spent total time in Vietnam 4yrs, Ira Trang province,(look it up, no soft life), returned home to face folks just like, we were treated just like the crap you spout now, I worked my rear end to get a degree (no, I did not use VET benefits)I started a small metal fab. shop, which ony by the grace of God and MY excellant employees and above average quality work, we all became successful. In the 27 yrs of business, the companies turnover rate is less than 10%, so I doubt very seriously if they feel themselves to be slaves or indentured servants.

    Get over it!

    You need to get in touch with reality.

    Either your are loon or so out of touch with reality. We all are slaves to something or someone as you so well put it.

  30. Anon 8:39
    You missed the point. The cost to make PV panels exceeds the total payback the panels can provide in their lifetime. By the way the largest PV manufacturing center was recently built in China and they built a dedicated coal fired electric generation facility right beside it to power it. IF PV were practical this would have been the world best opportunity to prove it by powering the factory with PV. But in fact coal fired electric generators are 20 times more cost effective then PV. So unless you really want to pay 20 times more for your electricity then you have to why would you go with solar???

  31. We all are slaves to something or someone as you so well put it.

    Yes, we are, and apparently you believe that's alright, and don't mind picking up a gun and shooting slant eyes half way across the world who were not fine with being slaves and wanted to do something about it, or so they thought.

    I'm guessing you would agree to a 90% reduction in military spending, right? Military spending consumes nearly 60% of every FIT dollar collected, and yet you complain about Obama's healthcare reform whilst ignoring the elephant in the room.

    If you care so much about those with whom you work, turn your company into an employee owned company where decisions are made by committee and all share equally in the economic rewards. Encourage every one else you know to do the same. Help reverse the rights and privileges that have been given to corporations to be considered persons and buy our political process.

  32. The cost of the war is lumped in with all other military spending. One of the few things our constitution REQUIRES the federal government to do is protect our country. I would be OK with ending the war and spending far less to maintain a strong military. I would also be OK with eliminating every unconstitutional department in the federal government. That would be: Dept of education, Dept of energy, Dept of labor, HUD, agriculture, Transportation, HHS, and a handful of smaller agencies. That would save in excess of $1.5 trillion.

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