
Monday, July 19, 2010

All The Money Is Leaving America

Obama’s stimulus. There are signs stuck here or there with his logo on them, proclaiming the dirt mound or torn up street his “stimulus at work.” The sign-maker was stimulated. Who else? That’s this entire economy. A façade. Walk around behind it: there’s nothing there. No real job creation, no business investment, no real estate investment, nothing much happening but very un-hopeful hoarding. Where has all the money gone? 

There is flight of capital. Companies like Ford and Microsoft moving hundreds of millions of dollars to investments overseas. Mega-investors like Buffett are breaking long-standing, self-imposed prohibition on investing in non-U.S. companies in foreign lands. Insurers and health care companies are quietly buying up land beyond our borders.

A major business story going unreported: the long, long list of iconic American brand companies closing countless stores, shops and restaurant locations here while expanding and opening outlets like mad in other countries. That means they are draining money out of local economies here and moving it over there. Starbucks. Wal-Mart. Etc. Can’t you hear this giant sucking sound?

There is capital on strike. An estimated $2-trillion of excess cash reserves in companies other than financial institutions – although they are hoarding rather than lending, too. And this is calculated from examining big, public companies. As somebody intimately in touch with thousands of small business owners, I can personally assure you, their reluctance to invest or spend is profound, and, in aggregate, they are likely keeping trillions more inactive. 


  1. The CNBC talking heads were just talking about this how companies have excess cash now and are not hiring, investing in securities and "foreign investments they know nothing about" etc. Spot on. All the while Obama is on with three people from different ethnic backgrounds standing behind him, and he is asking congress to extend unemployment AGAIN. If they would have bailed us out instead of all these banks down to compaines who are hoarding 2 Trillion dollars in cash we would'nt need an extension. Im thinking bout relocating.

  2. What's frightening is some of the statements coming from the Left side of the blogosphere advocating that Obama capture that money via some sort of nationalization scheme and put it to use "creating jobs".
    Evidently many of them see no issue with confiscating the money of their fellow citizens.

  3. Care much, 10:40???

    Confiscating in an effort to take back from the rich what was confiscated from everyone else.

    I mean, really!

  4. I've got no problem whatsoever with confiscating what has been stolen. 10% own 95% of the wealth. That wealth was stolen, and it's time to take it back. Not the Government. Forget the's just an instrument of that 10%. The 10% needs to be lobotomized and their wealth confiscated and put to constructive use. They, and the wealth of ages, cannot be allowed to flee or escape. Their public executions should be broadcast on every media outlet available. This is your fate when you condemn generations to lives of torture and misery because of your sadistic greed. This will be tolerated no more. There is no longer any refuge for the Psychopaths who comprise that 10%.

    1. dream on dummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Exactly how was this money 'stolen?'

  5. 10:49 the Government implemented the rules so their friends can steal from the public to make themselves RICHER. If you had the law on your side what would you do?

    1. The government merely allowed the wealthy to keep more of what was theirs.
      Perhaps if you worked more and whined less you'd be rich too, and you wouldn't have to be jealous and resentful of everyone else.

  6. How many times must we compare the USA to Rome before the collapse?...Lying politicians...Fake government work and numbers...Huge taxation...Bread and circuses for the masses to keep them placcid...Useless wars...DEBT DEBT DEBT...The top living like kings and plundering the empire and running away?

    Only one last chapter left...The slow collapse into anarchy with a smidge of dictatorships or a fast collapse with warlords...Take your pick people ain't got all day.

  7. NEVER thought I'd move my two small mfg. plants but hell, I'm sick of being to bad guy. You guys stick with Obama.

  8. 12:24, good, get the hell out of here and don't let the door hit you on the way out. By the way, hand over the money you have stolen from the blood, sweat and tears of your employees all these years, not to mention the cost of pillaging the environment that you have avoided paying. Maybe you can take the same train as the Mexicans you've been employing all these years and now, for political expediency, want deported.

  9. Noodles there is one mistake there. Rome failed to wage wars at the end and left their borders unprotected to all kinds of people; Goths, Vandals, Franks, Huns, Lombards, Avars, etc.

    We are doing the same thing though; letting NK and Iran work on getting nukes, drug lords sending dangerous people over, disrespecting our soldiers and leashing them, having Communist and Arab nations grab all the boundless oil that exists while we pretend oil is running low, etc.

    And 10:49,

    With Capitalism and the creation of wealth the world has been given conveniences that benefit EVERYONE. Today homeless people live like the ancient world's common person, while the poor/common/middle class live better than the kings of the ancient world.

    Redistribution of Wealth (your idea of "confiscation") stops the creation of wealth. The wealth do not lose nor does the world gain anyone's wealth who was richer. It literally does nothing more than prevents people from making wealth - the money is not redistributed, that is a Marxist ploy as they love putting labels on things to mislead people.

    Healthcare has nothing to do with Healthcare and Walstreet Reform has not one thing to do with Wallstreet. What they are is thousands of pages of financial and economic strains that will once employed annihilate the Capitalist system and the USA completely. These ideas are not those of politicians - this is the onslaught of actual Communists who were once hunted by the FBI. Today you know them as Obama's Czars.

    This is a war on America and nothing else - the world will only suffer more once we're destroyed. But many of you have begun being turned against your own country by the lies haven't you? Do you think the US is responsible for the poverty that exists in third world countries? The starvation and disease in Africa? Dictators that oppress their people? We're not, we're just the only country in history that would volunteer to stop such things taking place in another country. And then give them their land back once we freed them.

  10. 2:50 Aww you've hurt my feelings! LOL You have to be the biggest loser around here. Take without working. Never pay a price yourself. God, I feel sorry for your family, if you still have one that is.

  11. To poster 3:06 -

    I would say it better -

    But cannot & I thank you for being able to put in words what I can think but can't seem to get
    out "on paper".

    Everyone quickly forgets that these same people who are now in the top 10% of 'wealth" took unbelievable risk; worked unbelievable hours,months and years and more times than not;
    most of them failed miserably.

    You do not just wake up one day a millionaire & if you think that you watch too much damn T.V.

    It takes a lot of hard work, perserverence and a little luck & even then - the odds are stacked against you making it big.

    But thanks to our founders; at least here in the USA you can try.

    According to what I hear, see and read on here; that also will not be for much longer.

    Lord help us all

  12. Is 12;24 still here? All blow and no go....just like all Tea Partiers. You better get going, hombre, and make good on your threat to relocate cuz we're coming for what you stole and you better not be there when we get there.

    12:24 never worked a day in his life. He's a thief and we're going to take it back.

  13. Lord help us all

    You're going to find out very shortly that there is no Lord. The 10% and the peon collaborators (Meaning you and your ilk) are going to have the stolen wealth of ages ripped from their cold dead hands. You better get out now while you've got the chance.

  14. 12.24 ‘ NEVER thought I'd move my two small mfg. plants but hell, I'm sick of being to bad guy. You guys stick with Obama.

    Just so!
    capital never “goes on strike” it just moves on in the search for maximum profits.
    Some Fools may believe that it is owned by patriots , but hey this is a “free trade “ globalised world . If capital cannot make a profit in ‘high waged” America it will move to the third world .Patriotism has nothing to do with it.
    This process of capital seeking maximum profits first led to the industrialisation of America built on slave an cheap imported immigrant labour and now to the
    d e-industrialisation of America. And now to the industrialisation of cheap labor capitalist China.
    This de-industrialism process in America has occurred under political leaders of the democrats or republican parties and continues under Obama.
    In the end the de-industrialised America was converted under the dollar hegemony system into a giant unproductive of real physical /material wealth or real profits giant Ponzi military Keynesian war economy.
    The finance sector in de-industrialised America made what profits it could and then turned to creation of debt scams with sub prime loans /bundling of debts etc and to manipulation of share and commodity markets bets in casino capitalism to loot the assets of the middle class. There is no other source of profits left in America.
    This has now run its course ,Low interest credit was extended to its absolute limits under Greenspan and Bernanke and the Gollem sach squids to create fictionally valued share and property bubbles .
    Some Americans even believed the rise in property values /prices in the property bubble driven by imported capital /vendor finance was the result of the great increased ‘added value” labor “productivity” of the Americans themselves, while selling services to each other , like advertising , the selling of foreign commodities in W a ll*Mart and from
    telephone vote revenues for American idol contestants and the like, in a economy with a GD’P” Driven 72% by ‘consumption of value usually on credit .
    The extension of easy credit reached its limit when Americans weighed down by housing ,
    Credit car, student loans etc has now turned most Americans into Debt slave Peons, owned by the banks. Millions cannot even find a job and live on charity and food stamps. As the creation of government debts by deficit spending for wars and other keynesian money printing stimulus for US imperialism also took its toll by devaluing the dollar relative to other currencies , the whole Ponzi debt economy thing fell apart in 2008 as foreign credit supply for US dollar debts collapsed.The dollar hegemony began to crack in the face of an insolvant America.
    The American banks too ,as you have heard ,have cut back on loaning money in America too by at least 25% including no credit supply to enable small businesses to function .
    There is tho, an over-accumulation of bank capital, unable to make a real profit ,
    the bailout money handouts by the Fed for socialising the losses of the finance sector ponzis , rather than circulating as loans is parked back at the Fed where it gets paid free interest by the same Fed that gave them the money in the first place.
    Our American small factory owner above having given up on high waged America
    Now blames Obama of course for the capitalists own self created free trade systems difficulties ,is intending to shift offshore with his capital.
    He may however have left it all a bit late and find he still has a hard row to hoe to get his profits from even cheap third world labor. As another American capitalist moving to ‘Communist” China . There is an overproduction of commodities .even China is now having difficulties in exporting their commodities profitably to collapsed markets in non functioning market economy countries like America.

  15. lol what a load of crap. That 10% didn't take any risks, they were born into that money. Very little money gets created, upward movement is a total farce.

    About the best a common person can do is become a doctor. A doctor is far from rich. But I bet if you looked hard enough, you'd see that most doctors already come from the rapidly disappearing middle class. Traditionally, doctors were not considered upper class either, it's just they were a bit above the common man and they were the few non upper class people to be in contact with the upper class and actually go to their homes to treat them.

    The average day laborer works longer hours than the "rich." Typical silver spooned asshole that just doesn't know reality. I actually worked side by side with mexicans when I was a teenager, the poor work harder than anybody else in shitty conditions. I worked for $4 an hour at a car wash and lasted all of one day before getting sick from the fumes, then took a $12/hr office job where I surfed on the internet half the day, like the majority of people who have received at least a level of entitlement.

    I've since moved on in terms of work, but I can see this failed empire falling around me. And I know exactly who is to blame: the corrupt "rich" bankers, corporations and government. The entire system is completely broken and corrupt. There is not a one redeemable person at the top.

  16. "Care much"?
    Um, what? Fuck you, you think you have some idiotic right to make a moral judgment against me?

    Enough of this envious leftist trash talk against the producers. You communists think you have the right to take what YOU have not earned. You condone theft? You think that 10% of the upper crust did not earn their money. How many companies have you started? How many jobs have you created? Sure, there are trust fund babies, and fat cat bankers and we all know some of them never earned much, but they tend to be the exception not the rule. Most of the wealthy did indeed earn it.
    There isn't some limited supply of cash out there waiting to be divided up among the most "deserving" (who get's to decide who's deserving, you?).

    The people on this thread advocating theft need to open their history books again, and quit telling the producers that they just don't "care enough" about anyone else. if the producers stopped doing so, you'd starve, asswipe.

  17. The author of this article above is a American comedian quote:

    “Dan Kennedy is a serial entrepreneur, adviser to business owners, sought-after speaker and author of 14 books. His latest, “Make ‘Em Laugh & Take Their Money: A Few Thoughts on Using Humor as a Speaker or Writer or Sales Professional for Purposes of PersuasionIs”
    at least he admits to making it all up with creative humour
    I think Is a comedian too, but not very creative.
    or perhaps he actualy beleives this crap.
    Just a full on believer repeating everything good he has ever been brainwashed with about American capitalism and its romanticised history and still lives with his mind stuck in the cold war anti-communist mode of his youth .
    When. American culture invented mothers milk, baby formulas , American pie,The big mac , Hollywood dreaming , and decent comedians and actors like Reagan, Nixon, bob hope , billy graham john wayne j edgar hoover ,McNamara and Macarthyism .
    Bought up and conditioned by this propaganda fantasy worldview ,S/.He cannot grasp the evidence before his own eyes that it is not the “commies” that have carried out a financial coup to seize the treasury department and wealth of middle class americans but his beloved benevolent capitalists and their puppet Obama as” leftist” commie frontman. .
    According to his rose colored glasses view, America since it stole the land of the Indians to colonise it , only just makes wars to bring the whole world the benefits of capitalism by installing its dictators, protecting the Saudi kings ,Shahs etc and by never seeking colonies or neo-colonies in such places as the colonised Philippines or in Vietnam iraq Afghanistan etc etc.
    Its all good !America liberator of the world for capitalism stuff .The best of all possible systems where everybody lives rich as kings and unemployment and foods stamps are imaginary needs created by communists and liberal lying propagandists for stealing off rich hardworking American millionaires .
    While true American Capitalism and its God the Free market blesses all those prepared to work hard and grants freedom to become a millionaire all around the world too!.
    All good if you ignore the fact that the American military backed capitalist system has created a system under the dollar hegemony where a minority in the rich world have benefited and live relatively well, while the vast majority live in third world countries getting rich and living like kings in capitalist free trade on a couple of bucks a day, because in this great system the rich create the poor and the poor create the rich millionaires.
    Lets move back to the future, and back to the old Bush comedy style , and the good anti-communist happy nirvana of the past !
    All very funny ha ha !
    But Improve your comedy act a bit,it just
    all sounds like an old scratchy worn out record by a kid studying economy in 50s
    Macarthyite america.

  18. It's very simple. The multi-national corporations and the very rich have one thing in mind: get richer and keep as much as they can out of the hands of "the little people."

    Some rich people actually worked for their money. But most inherited it and made sure Congress passed laws favorable to them so they could keep more. The tax rate on the very rich used to be maybe 90% and now is perhaps 37%. (Sorry, but I'm bad with remembering exact numbers.) Our corporate tax rate is also low, compared to other countries, but right-wingers choose to ignore that.

    What has happened over the last 30 years has been a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the very wealthy. We have had our hourly wages and our benefits reduced to where at least half the country can barely survive. But according to the corporations, we're still overpaid. Just wait until you try to live on what the Chinese get paid: $3 a day. Then I'd like to hear what the conservatives talking points will be: "Starvation is good for you, thin people live longer. Living in a tent means spending less on furniture. Hey, you need an operation? Getting sick is your own fault. Can't find a better job? You must be lazy." Does any of this sound familiar?

  19. The tax rate on the rich is always just smoke and mirrors anyway. The rich generally don't get their money in the form of salaries, they have this money in assets and through their businesses, which pay for most of their luxuries. Nobody buys their own private jet, instead, the company buys it and they ride in it. The rich don't buy luxury suites at football games, their businesses buy those and they just go to them. And lastly, any take home salary they don't want taxed, they just donate to charity to get a dollar for dollar reduction.

    The AMT applies to the rich, but the AMT also strangles most of the middle class, as the rates are purposely set low enough to capture normal people. The entire system is very corrupt and laughable. I bet Rome looked like this in the end too.

  20. Corporations like Walmart don't simply move money over "there". First of all they are an American company and they employ 1.2 million Americans so that's where most of their money goes. Now you could argue that a multinational with their primary offices overseas (like IKEA) does indeed move money "over there". So I wonder why you choose WalMart to poop on???

  21. To SharonsJ: You have bought the left wing propaganda hook line and sinker. The numbers of rich has indeed increased over the last 30 years. But the number in the middle class has increased even more over those same 30 years. The same opportunities are open to all of us. The only thing holding you back is your life choices. If you prefer to maximize your free time and minimize your carear that is your choice. But stop being jealous of those who worked hard to succeed.

  22. there are a lot of left wing freeloaders on this blog waiting for their free bees.and criticizing the creators.back to your weed brainless.


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