
Monday, July 19, 2010

Canadian Press: Its Methane Gas Blowing

<<<---Wonder what 184 million barrels of oil looks like?

TORONTO, Ont. - There are grave concerns Monday that seepage detected in the Gulf of Mexico near the BP oil well may be methane gas.

If so, this could mean a rupture in the oil company's undersea oil pipeline, which was recently capped to stop the flow of oil.

Government officials in the United States are calling this a "seep detected a distance from the well."
U.S. scientists spotted what appear to be bubbles and fear that it is methane gas.

This has led to speculation of a new rupture caused by pressure building from the capped well head.
The oil company has acknowledged that pressure in the pipeline is lower than anticipated.

Retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the U.S. government's point man for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, said he's authorized BP to keep the cap on its damaged well for another 24 hours after the company pledged to closely monitor the seafloor for signs of a new leak.

Allen said in his Monday statement he'll only allow the cap to stay on if BP continues meeting its obligations to watch for signs that it could possibly worsen the situation.
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What If Matt Simmons Is Right?
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  1. Did everyone forget about the Top Hat which was stopped because they had a compromise down 1000 feet in the well bore? We knew then that the integrity of the well was toast which is why they made the relief wells the "fix". Now the pressure is too low, and they are scratching their heads as if they have no clue. The only thing the capped well is doing is allowing the oil/gas to find another outlet so as to relieve the pressure. The word sheeple comes to mind when you consider what we are watching. NOAA had a ship in the Gulf which showed a 100 foot long rift in the sea floor blowing oil/gas 10 miles from the original debacle, and this was not the only one they found. The retired Admiral needs to retire again because he's clueless.

  2. Matt Simmons is owed a debt of our graditude for shooting straight from the very beginning. He's labeled a nut case while everyone drinks the drugged Kool-Aid. People better start listening to this man no matter how painful the experience because their very lives may depend on their actions in the coming days.

  3. Bloomberg news reported they found government documents in which BP filed with the government on February 13th, 2010 about a well in the gulf that had blown out and they had big cracks around the well and it was no good and they abandoned it. Apparently, that part of the story is true. There was a previous well to this one located about 7 miles west of the current well.

    BP is not saying a word about the first well, and this well is actually the second well they drilled in Macondo prospect.

    Anyone that says there was no first well is a goddam liar. We have the testimony of men that worked on the platform when the first well blew up.

    The evidence that that first well is blown and gushing into the gulf is amassing as time goes by.

    The amount of seismic activity in Florida at the Disney Wilderness Preserve seismic station alone is enough to alarm anyone familiar with the geology over there. That station used to be relatively quiet.


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