Thursday, July 29, 2010

American Empire On The Brink Of Extinction

Niall Ferguson, writing in The Australian, believes that the American Empire could be on the brink of extinction. His theory, based on a historical critique of how empires fracture and fall, notes the fiscal instability of the Hapsburg Spanish, Bourbon French, and British Empire prior to their falls.
Ferguson then notes that the American Empire could be next, not just because of the size of its debt, but because of the size of payments needed to service that debt. He suggests that debt servicing costs, specifically interest payments, could rise above that of defense spending within the next decade.
And that's where it gets frightening for Ferguson, who notes that those cuts in defense spending would lead to the decline of the U.S. Empire, a withdrawal from portions of the world, and the expansion of China in the Asia-Pacific region.

Read more: Here..


  1. " beware of foreign entaglements" T. Jefferson

    We shouldn't be there in the first friggin' place
    The Military industrial complex is now given the same rank by the white shoes boys from princeton, harvard and yale as BofA, Goldman, GM,
    AIG blah blah blah ---- too big too fail.

    Meanwhile these same people who couldn't tie their own gadamn shoe laces; are now telling us that after 9 mf*ing years in afgan; that we're now down to trying to hold small towns populated by resistance with no fucking shoes on thier feet

    Follow the money and you will find thier truths if there is such a thing for these habitual liars and cheats.

    That dumb bitch Hillary Clinton recently stated that " there are people in pakistan that know where Bin Laden is and I want to know too"

    You can't make this shit up people! We have this time made the classic error of history however; we have spread ourselves way to thin abroad and we're running out of capital with which to operate from. That's the surest route to calamity
    I can think of.

    Other nations such as China and Russia are not oblivious to our position and as it deteriates; they will align themselves accordingly.

    Also; when your number one product both domestically and export is "Financial Products"
    instead of wheat, beef , lumber , textiles, steel
    etc. you cannot sustain yourself; let alone half the damn world


  3. Ferguson's a shill for global corporate, an elitist, warmonger and an empire promoter, among other things. His B.S. about how Americans are not going to like growing up in a declining empire (like he claims he did. It must have been sooooo very painful ) is just that - B.S. and a call for us to flush even more of our rapidly dwindling resources into the ever demanding maw of military waste and excess. That our military recently 'lost' another eight billion should render anything Ferguson yaps out of his snout meaningless and immediately sociopathic. He's a crock of shit.

  4. The govt with your money is paying off 50,000 preachers to dumb down their flocks, telling them to go to fema camps, to listen to authority that means to do you harm, your federal tax dollars are paying for this.

  5. Do not make the mistake of blaming the military for either the missing money or the debt. The money is managed by civilians!! Got it? Not military. And the large military spending is mostly for a political goal (the Afghan war) not national defense. And this is determined by civilians not military!! The military didn't cause this problem and cannot fix it. Your elected politicians and appointed officials caused it.

  6. Our current military ( and I am a 7 year Air force vet) has been run for profit at the expense
    of troops since Ike.

    The white shoes boys in washington that we cannot get rid of; pull the strings - what; you really think we would have EVER been in Iraq if their primary export was Cauliflower? Cmon man -

    Afgan is exactly the same - the white shoes boys want the natural resources and will do ANYTHING to obtain them; including killing as many U.S troops as necessary. A pig farmer could look back over history since Alexander and see we CANNOT win in Afgan - just like the USSR couldn't
    no, we rae there for profit motive and they use the military as a buffer for everything; which of course is all one big lie after the other.

    Unfortunatly for us - these same white shoe boys from harvard princeton and yale that we cannot get rid of from administration to administration
    are only good at lying and deciet - nothing else - hence we are faced with all these cluster fucks ---- not only here; but around the globe.

    You give me Mac, Ike and Patton and I would have
    had Saddam out of Iraq, had the taliban out of Afghan, had Katrina cleaned up; built the 2nd great wall between mexicao & U.S. and had a drug
    free USA --------------------

    In a fucking year !

    That is not what they want; however


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