
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Apocalypse Oil Rain And Its Toxic Consequences


  1. What a great video! Finally I see some aireal footage of the oil slick and how much it spans across the ocean and some eyewitness accounts of oil rain. There is obviously a media blackout. In fact, it is even difficult to find data on the net regarding the spill. Some sites have graphs however none of it in Lamens terms. This is such a catastrophe! If I lived in the "dirty" South I would get out before the health of the people really deteriorates!

  2. If we don't take the country back in November, then you can bet the hammer is going to really drop. Bozo is willing to screw the country this bad right before elections - imagine what he's willing to do after them.

  3. Bp and our bought and paid for Supreme Sock Puppet and the parasitic polictical whores who riside in Washington fully realize exactly whats happening vis a vis chemical fallout and the effect this is going to have.They will of course wait till the general populace is puking and dying before anything is done.
    Funny how Bp Stock is rising.
    The moral corruption is so obvious yet the brain dead sheeple still dont get it.Things are going to end very badly.
    What do the comatose sheeple require to wake them from their slumber.I just dont know.

    We need an Alien intervention!!!!

  4. Watch the video while you can, as for sure youtube will remove it, on orders from BP or the Coast Guard or the US govt. There will be no more new videos, as the coast guard, a.k.a. BP has restricted all photography and fly overs.

    The gulf is/will be dead, there is no doubt about it. The people who live in the gulf area, or the sheeple who live in the gulf area should be out in the millions demanding something be done. Instead, they get new orders from the coast guard of no photographing with in 65 feet.

    And what about the gulf sheeple inhabitants health? They are breathing toxins and are saying nothing. This just doesn't get any more bizarre. Apparently the sheeple will never wake up, thanks to tv. The gulf sheeple are breathing in poisons and saying nothing.

    And when we have gun confiscation, you think the sheeple will rebel? Ha Ha Ha

    "Yes officer, here are my guns, do you want my knives also?"

  5. I was on a flight to Orlando on Memorial Day weekend. We flew over this area and the pilot called out for us to look down at the disaster. I guess the "no fly zone" does not count at 30,000 feet. The ocean was black.

    This may have been an accident, but the lack of damage control and cleanup is intentional.

    The Traitor in Chief cares not if the people of the Gulf Coast dies now or in 10 years because of the toxic rain falling on the population. This bastard only cares about his position in the NWO.

    I believe 100% in Bible prophecy and the "end times" will not happen until we have a One World Government. I plan to postpone that as long as I have a heart beat.

    I have the following DVD's in my collection

    - The Patriot
    - Braveheart
    - Glory

    In every film we see people giving up their lives for freedom. Freedom for their surviving children and grandchildren. Freedom for generations to come. Now our freedom is on the line...

    What will you tell your grandchildren?

  6. 4:30,

    The "Alien" intervention isn't going to happen until the United States of America is nearly completely destroyed, billions are killed, and an integrated European superstate is in place.

    On a related vein, we are entering a period of diminishing cheap oil. The U.S. directly uses 25% of this valuable resource. Indirectly, it uses even more through the products it imports from overseas. So if you kill off the U.S. completely, you substantially relieve the pressure on remaining diminishing oil reserves. That is, you buy time for the rest of the World. Think about that. Kill off 4% of the global population to temporarily save the other 96%.

    "The needs of the many (the rest of the World) greatly outweigh the needs of the few (America)." Thank you Mr. Spock. You see, America is really not that important in the grand scheme of things.

    The international banking who own and control the Federal Reserve System (through front corporations) reside in England. The people who own the bought and paid for politicians in D.C. are one and the same people. They are also the same people who own BP.

    Get a clue. Connect the dots. You're at war with England and don't even know it. Talking about asleep at the switch!

    Pretty soon, they're going to crash your financial markets, and give the green light for a suicide attack on Iran. Four aircraft groups are already there. They're no mach for Russian-made Sunburn missiles that were sold to the Iranians. Then the Chinese will probably go after the remainder that are at sea. Without said groups, America cannot project military power around the globe. More importantly, it can no longer secure the 65% of oil it needs to run its industries and most of the 200 million plus ground vehicles on its roads. This is serious stuff.

    The smart Americans have already left the U.S.

    Say goodbye America. You're done because too many of your people are zombies; people who eschew knowledge and continue to consume like there's no tomorrow. Well, it's now tomorrow.

    Incidentally, its the "Alien" who's behind all this. He's punishing your people for ignoring Him and His laws. It's called corrective punishment and a stern warning to the rest of the World.

    And yes, it's like that.

  7. 6:38,

    I'm not sensing it's like any of that. Are you about 18? That sounded like a rephrasing of a David Icke theory.

  8. Oh My !

    What kind of an idiot mind numbed; high on Meth
    dickhead makes a comment like " America is not really important in the grand scheme of things"

    A 2nd grader with downs can do better than that and you yourself should just get the hell out - we don't need your ilk

  9. America bashing on the 4th . Smells a bit like
    that hairy goat whacking on his keyboard in the hills of Afghanistan. Maybe he should think of martyrdom...Are you there Usama?...Hello?

  10. I wouldn't be surprised if perfidious Albion was behind the GOM "BP deep drilling accident". The English ruling class are masters at deception despite their inherent in-breeding. Time to read Machiavelli's The Prince in order to get the right mindset for "reading" those fools. The use of the adjective "perfidious" to describe Britain has a long history; instances have been found as far back as the 13th century.[1] "A very similar phrase was used in a sermon by the eminent seventeenth-century French bishop and theologian Jacques-BĂ©nigne Bossuet." These last two statements are from Wikipedia after a search for "Perfidious Albion". I place this so as not to insult the Scots or the Welsh if you read the entire article. Ha, and check that the earliest instance was from the 13th century. That should unsettle those suffering from triskaidecaphobia. Regardless of wether the insinuation of treachery is true or not, America is destined to failure, most certainly bankruptcy and probably violent revolution once the peons realize that they are peons as oppossed to the media manufactured perception of being "numero uno". Obama is nothing other than Bush III in chocolate. That alone should finally educate the American masses of whatever color that shading was never the issue, money always was: Money rules. Just ask Christ. Ideology is crap compared to the power of money.

  11. Who's "We"? "We" need to do this. "We" have to do that. "We" have to take the country back. If you think you have any connection to or influence at all over the actual ruling class in this country (America) then you might as well hang a sign around your neck that reads "DUPE" (...or "Dope" its all the same).


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