
Sunday, July 4, 2010

N. Miami Mayor Invites 55,000 Immigrants Into City

As President Obama addressed the nation for the first time on immigration reform Thursday; North Miami's mayor Andre Pierre sat in his city hall waiting to hear about Haiti. The President never mentioned it, or Pierre's latest offer to the White House.
"I'm inviting them to come and live and settle in the City of North Miami." said Pierre. "Them" are 55,000 Haitians currently on waiting lists for visas to the United States.

Pierre, a Haitian immigrant and immigration lawyer, is suggesting North Miami be refuge for thousands currently living in tents in earthquake ravaged Haiti.

More Here..



  2. Uncle hog is running out of teats, no more.

  3. This post is not about race, but rather breeding, carrying capacity and finite resources.

    Great. They screwed up their abode back in Haiti, and now you let them into the U.S. to continue their populating orgy!

    What a recipe for disaster in a world of diminishing cheap oil.

    Folks, it's like this. We either switch to electric vehicles, recharged by solar energy farms in deserts, and begin breaking up large corporate farms and move much of the population back to the countryside to do organic farming, else 5 billion people must die over time (without any assistance of wars or pandemics).

    The math is easy. Before we used oil, there were 2 billion people. Before we used coal, there were 1 billion people. No oil and no change in habits, 5 billion people die. It's that simple.

    These people should be left in Haiti to die, to teach other nations not to violate land carrying capacity restrictions. How else will others learn?

    Simple equation: you over-breed --> your society collapses (due to lack of resources) and a good chance you die of starvation.

    We need to stop saving nations from screw ups like this.

    On a similar vein, the U.S. Government knows America is about to enter a permanent oil crunch and is doing precious little to mitigate the danger. Instead, it is allowing a slow, painful collapse of the economy to destroy demand and any hope of rebuilding the country. People will die as a result.

    Take care of yourself, otherwise the situation will take care of you soon enough.

  4. "These people should be left in Haiti to die, to teach other nations not to violate land carrying capacity restrictions. How else will others learn?"

    Simple equation: you over-breed --> your society collapses (due to lack of resources) and a good chance you die of starvation."

    Many people in the Third World might agree with you!
    America with its lifestyles, over consumong its shares of the worlds natural recources like oil and cheap labour created value and other resources from the third world is the most overpopulated country criminaly exporting its environmental costs to third world countries like China.Or by shitting its oil into the gulf that is bound to effect other poorer countries .
    American consumerist lifestyles is a burden the third world people are forced to pay for.
    And , right now, those clearly useless American loud mouths unable to make a profit for capital ,the 40 millions on food stamps and the overbreeding ,unemployed ,overpopulating america, , should just be allowed to die acording to your 'humane" ,logical, malthusian theories of the true value of human life and civilisation as determined by profits .
    Teach them a lesson!
    perhaps as you say.
    "We need to stop saving nations"
    like america?
    "from screw ups like this".
    how will others learn!
    Cut unemployment and food stamps in the US today, the situation is critical for our finite resources!
    Not only do these unemployed Americans have useless mouths but unproductive hands too as they ,the clearly lazy overbreeding parasites cannot find honest employment any more.
    So then, the rest us superior enlightened beings, can continue to live well consuming on credit, in the style we are accustomed to ,in the american way.
    Simple Eugenics !
    They are clearly Blacks in Haiti.
    The civilising invisible hand in the market is the only truly humane decider of human neccesity and the value of human life from Haiti to America.

  5. well now could it be any more obvious that foreign interests have taken over America. Fuck the elites and their immigrant tools

  6. this homey mayor is just looking for 55,000 mo votes

  7. 7:34,

    Don't pay attention to that Progressive sicko. He most likely is a 40 something graduate who lives in his 70 year old mother's back bedroom and neither have ever made any contact with the outside world ever since daddy died 20 years ago.

    He probably doesn't recognize the real world outside of what he sees on the internet or television, his view of people basically indicates that he has no clue of people and has an image of them all mating and having babies... where would one get such a fixated thought?

    Most people are working 80 hours a week and don't have time for anything else; generally it is only druggies and unmarried teens or 20 something girls popping out babies who can't afford them - it isn't the married couples who work all the time having them at that rate.

    He sounds like his ideas came from a person like Al Gore, you know, "Humans are the greatest threat on the planet." I'm sure since his brain has been consumed by such great intellectuals (HAHA), he feels like he is apart of their great plan to wipe out 80% of the planet.

    Such intellectuals have just become pawns for that agenda, like the journalists in the NYT or those moron professors at Columbia University indoctrinating the brain dead middle class kids of America. They will not be spared anymore than the Jews were that sided against their own kind and controlled the death camps for the Nazis so they could buy a couple months of life before eventually being killed off themselves.

    The bankers are not a percent as demented as the Progressives of Wilson and FDR that gave way to the Communist hijack of the youth through the Hippies and finally now have their own president and control most media outlets mainstream and alternative.

    While the content on this blog is great, many articles are written by Marxists who are not there to inform you of the truth but convert you into the Communist Revolution that is about to spread across Europe and America.

  8. 7:15,

    Yes, I am a forty something. However, I earn considerably more than most people and do not reside with my mother or father.

    I agree with the notion that America is too big and wasteful. Nevertheless that was not the point of my post, and curiously, I did provide a rather green solution for that rather massive nation.

    Die Off is a problem that will effect every human being one way or another. Those of us who are positioning ourselves to provide solutions to the immediate problems at hand will profit handsomely whilst skeptics continue to debate the likelihood of a foregone conclusion.

    Again. Take away hydrocarbons and five billion must necessarily die. Do it over, say 25 years, as production declines at an accelerating pace, and the lesson will become clear for all to see.]

  9. Eugenics is a cruel subject but a necessary one...When you have too many deer in a herd they starve to death...Wolves are their counterpoint...They keep the number steady.

    Poor, uneducated humans will overpopulate and starve themselves to death if they aren't helped...But comes a point when hard choices need to be made...Free abortions/Free contraceptives/Sterilization of illegals who are caught more than twice after being expelled AND for inmates who are paroling.

    School grants to young people to stay childless till at least 26-28...Sounds cruel...Sounds excessive BUT when the cupboards are bare we'll all wish we had made the hard choices.


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