Monday, July 12, 2010

The Big Crash – America Plunges Into Depression

Alexander Cockburn: Young Americans have given up watching the news. It’s too depressing.
It's the worst of times. America is plunging back into Depression. Only one out of every two Americans of working age has a job. Forty years ago that would have been okay. Dad went to the factory. Mom stayed at home to mind the kids. These days, just to keep the show on the road, mom and pop both work and the kids go to daycare.
Start looking for work now and on average it will take till next April for you to find something. Across the last two months, more than a million Americans simply gave up seeking employment, even as benefits are running out. Ironically, if you quit looking for work you count as officially "discouraged", and don't figure in the official unemployment stats, which is the only reason that number hasn't shot up to record highs.
Somewhere near 10 million Americans without work aren't getting any kind of cheque. One in every five children is living below the poverty line, sometimes by as much as 50 per cent – classed as "extreme poverty". Across America, in state after state the till is empty. Barack Obama's home state of Illinois is effectively bankrupt. So is California. Forty-six of the 50 states are buried under huge deficits.
The stimulus has failed. The housing market is in free fall. A couple of months ago market analysts predicted there will be five million more foreclosures between now and 2011 and it looks like they're on target. Forty per cent of delinquent homeowners have already loaded up the SUV, thrown the plastic chairs in the swimming pool and tossed the house keys back at the bank. Worse still, only 30 per cent of foreclosures have been re-listed for sale. The banks have been keeping them back to avoid flooding the market.
Read more: Here..


  1. This article explains in detail what is really going on.

    And the sheeple say "Baaa".

  2. My wife's friend was saying yesterday just how many houses were being left in her area and how many nurses were being laid off because the Hospital did not have enough people coming in probably because they do not have work and insurance. She also was saying how many people in her area did not have jobs. I could tell she was worried and scared.

  3. where does your wifes friend live?

  4. Daily, in the local newspapers, there are on the average, 5-7 home foreclosure notices. Most of the maunfacturing facilities in this area are either closed up or working minimal hours.

    Commercial building and strip malls have the vast majority of empty stores. Two local car dealerships are on the verge of closing their doors also. Yes, mr.president, you really have shown this country what real change is.

    Oh, I forgot, this is Bush's fault. mr. president, why don't you stand up and be the leader you say you are? You are nothing more than a puppet, you could lead a line of starving ants to a honeypot if it was 6 inches away.

    Folks, you had better wake up before it's to late, if it isn't already.

  5. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 12, 2010 at 2:26 PM

    The foreclosure thing
    Is an especially odious and nasty slap in the face
    Of so many Amereagans
    Amereagans would rather see their own hood devalued
    Y see billionaires get tarped, tarded y covered
    Tarped on the troubled asset
    Paid on the sale
    Double-dip bitches
    Amereagans worship and fear the elite so much
    They would rather be raped and robbed by them twice
    Than bear thinking their neighbor got something for free
    Sometimes we can outsmart ourselves with pettiness
    Keep blaming trade unions and welfare queens, America
    Oh y kick the unemployed while they're down too
    Carlos Slim approves
    Bill Gates approves

  6. For the longest time I've had good/great credit and I must admit to feeling happy to have it but I also notice that credit is shrinking as companies close down their exposure to bad debt...Taxes are slated to go up next year...My pay has been slashed by 18%...My simple expenses have gone up about 10%-20%...So with a heavy heart I will probably go Chap 13...Just to barely make it and continue storing and prepping...I downsized my car down to an even smaller car than I had downsized before and I cut just about all frills...AND EVEN WITH ALL THAT...I still sense it won't be enough...Get ready people.

  7. you know what, in 2008 my places where hard to rent, there where tons of homes, at the time I thought DON"T people need rental places from losing homes, I was wrong, BUT NOW in my area, Ventura County california ( amgen pharmacudial headquaters) ( can't spell) but anyhow now and finally now there are few rentals as more are foreclosing and fewer homes are rentals I can rent something in a day, In Simi Valley, ca.
    there where only a handful of homes for rent on craigslist, this is a populated area of over 125 people. People post and repost, but still.
    I don't know what to do, it's not like we can hide, I got the ammo and that almost taken care of, and I was thinking perhaps a tent trailer or travel trailer. Also everyone has a passport now. What can we do ? I hear tangable assetts are best, I dont' like money in the bank, but ???????? this is all so horrible and it drags on, I expect 2011 to be real ugly. Cheri in California

  8. I recall two years ago my neighborhood was having all kinds of people move in as it was a new development. Now probably more than half the people left. I feel like I'm in some kind of Clint Eastwood western movie when I walk around... fucking ghost town. Anyways it will probably be a safe location to be during the trouble ahead.

  9. In May the market dropped by 871.98 and in June it dropped by 362.81. Even the market is dropping a little as the rich are pulling back a little and the little people are anticipating a fast tank. The Feds are manipulating it to try to keep it up, and some of the market experts are profiting by the Fed's work, but generally it drops.

  10. Make your peace with life as you knew it. The future will be drastically different (In a very bad way).

  11. like 3;31 said he feels like he's in a movie, I feel like we are living in a twilight zone, life is not normal. we won't return to great times, the question is, what is the new normal. We have not hit bottom. I can't believe I"m f living in these times, and how about our kids, what do they have to look fwd to, NO JOBS< debt, misery, . it saddens me !

  12. I live in Iowa, times are pretty good here, very few layoffs, business closings, etc

    I am going boating this weekend in my 24 foot go fast, no shortage of money in that area(Okoboji-Iowa Great Lakes)

    Not too worried about all this stuff others are posting becuase it won't get that bad here

    Awnold can stick that in his ass.....he made some remark about nobody going to Iowa a few months back.......good, stay the hell away.

  13. iowa in ny here
    its not as good as you make it
    it will hit iowa like ny
    slow and steady then a jolt in the arm
    you are not imune also you have a job you dont see what the rest of us do
    you dont see he sufering becuase your head is up your ____.
    enjoy your pontoon

  14. 8:02 no one gets out without losing a lil blood even in the boonies of Iowa...No one is an island...Even if you scare the looters and refugees trust me sooner or later someone will come to take what you have...It's the nature of the beast and not some warning or wishful thinking or hater dreams...It's just how history repeats itself.

    Keep Iowa...I'm thinking violence and fun will be in the cities of the West Coast...Shit that won't be seen for another 100 years...Scary, disturbing and amazing things.

  15. Not sure what that picture is all about.......this was the early days of the KOA campground, that ain't no depression picture

  16. 8:02, either your are a blooming idiot or just a poor liar, I have family (several) living in Iowa, (one is a Dr. and another a med. tech), I have called them several times throughout the year, this is not what they say about the Iowa economy. There may be some minor pockets doing well but for the most, they too are suffering as a result of the recklessness of this poorly run administration and even worse leadership.

    My friends, hold onto your seats, the ride is going to get much worse.

  17. I do not expect things to get better, only worse. Just because I am better off than some friends and neighbors doesn't mean I don't see what's happening. Just try to prepare as best you can. There is still plenty of cheap land and homes where you can go; if you can manage it, it's cheaper to live in a rural area and if you can't grow your own food, there are tons of farmers markets where you can stock up. If you can't afford property or a house, a travel trailer is a good bet. You can always plant it somewhere and still have a roof over your head.

  18. There is plenty of cheap land ?

    Your kidding us right ?

    In North Dakota maybe

    You can always "plant" your travel trailer somewhere? Like where? I mean sooner or later you'll need elec & sewage, if your gonna be mobile you better have a plan


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