Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Billions Being Siphoned For Afghanistan Buying Spree

Billions of dollars are being secreted out of Kabul to help well-connected Afghans buy luxury villas in Dubai. Amid concerns that the money could be the result of corruption, American politicians have temporarily cut off aid to the Afghan government.
Brigadier General Mohammed Asif Jabarkhel sits with folded arms in his office, just a few steps away from the security checkpoint at Kabul International Airport. "Of course I know what's going on here," the 59-year-old head of the airport's customs police grumbles from beneath his thick moustache as a fan whirs in the background. "But, in this country, who's allowed to speak the truth?"
Jabarkhel is referring to the huge amounts of money regularly being secreted out of Afghanistan by plane in boxes and suitcases. According to some estimates, since 2007, at least $3 billion (€2.4 billion) in cash has left the country in this way. The preferred destination for these funds is Dubai, the tax haven in the Persian Gulf. And, given the fact that Afghanistan's total GDP amounts to the equivalent of $13.5 billion, there is no way that the funds involved in this exodus are merely the proceeds of legal business transactions.
More Here..

An Absolute Must View "Gasland" The Movie (This Affects Us All)
Entire Movie HERE


  1. Nothing new here, same ole story, we give billions and the money is stolen by corrupt foreign govt officials, not to mention the US govt corrupt officials. No one says anything, no one does anything besides continue to let it happen.


  2. Fracking for nat. gas sounds dangerous!Figures Dick Cheney would be all for it!

  3. This movie isas bogus as man made global warming.
    Read beteween the lines it has an agenda. Send us back to the Stone Ages. There was natural gas seeping from the ground of these places long before man came along. The fracking takes place at 10,000 feet below the surface. You hypocrites who blaspheme this industry can speak when you heat your house with wood and ride a bike.

  4. Hey Patriot, you actually think that people being able to light their tap water on fire is bogus? This film has an agenda alright, and that is to expose the natural gas movement for what it really is. Profit driven for big oil & gas, while denying there is a problem with people's water. You're a joke who is not a patriot!

  5. Patriots likes to eat their own feces.

  6. I wish others could get an observation of things that weren't so limited to their own preference.

    1:04, 2:29

    No it is not - Yes it is so
    Over there is false - This side is true.

    I don't what we are going to do with this predicament, I'm torn... yet, this scenario exists with all things in this sham reality.

    Isn't so funny? That literally there is no solution? Though, clearly, there are big problems. Indeed there must be some kind of solution then. I urge all people reading this to cease following the self-convinced methods of thought which 1:04 and 2:29 continue pressing.

    Siddhartha found something when he sat under the tree in frustration that all his hard work was not getting him to liberation. He realized something... that "I" can not liberate myself. "I" am the creator of fallacies.

  7. When the hell will you numbnuts on both sides of these issues realize that there never was a perfect solution and I hate to tell you this scholars !

    There never will be !

    You lazy, heavy drops think that some scientist somewhere will pull your fat fucking ass out of the fire and turn you into Lance Armstrong with a pill ! Sorry - ain't gonna happen.

    You enviro dickheads think that with a wave of a magic wand your gonna fuel 250 million SUV's - power 200 million residences and another 100 million businesses along with planes. boats the space program right on down to mowing your lawn !

    You ALL are the ultimate hypocrites ! You talk about casting the first stone ! Holy Revelation Batman - I mean let's get a little serious here.

    When and only when - 1 large "block" of humanity can get together under a commom bond and make this " pie in the sky" shit happen - I'll listen - until then - it's just so much hot air friggin' rhetoric from people who don't know shit from shineola ( as they drive to work, wash clothes, go to grocery stores, dine out, go to ball game, mow grass, vacation at beaches, play golf, swim in swimming pools, take kids to " events", heat houses, cool houses, produce offspring, hell I could go on for anhour !

    It all takes enery; lots of it - if you do not have a permanent solution - YOU ARE part of THE PROBLEM.

  8. can i get a download of this movie?

  9. "And, given the fact that Afghanistan's total GDP amounts to the equivalent of $13.5 billion, there is no way that the funds involved in this exodus are merely the proceeds of legal business transactions".
    Hey ,its all legal!
    America and its drug growing partners determine what is legal in afghanistan.
    Its called bringing democracy and its values through regime change .
    puppets have the democratic right to business too you know !
    American guns and treasure support those human rights and freedoms of private enterprise.
    americans will accept any sacrifice ,any cost in deficit spending to their own living standards,
    in order to spread that democratic way
    of life for warlords in the war "against" drugs.
    Even cuts in their own unemployment benifits.
    Whats a few billion for Americas friends here an there anyway.
    The war is going well Obama and the generals claim and this Opium government will soon be permanently established after only a few more years so that this progress under good corrupt government continues .
    Karzais Brother says, "god bless america and god bless this modern day variety of the CIAs Air America ".

  10. Check out:
    Alcohol can be a gas

    This will answer most issues concerning an alternative ENERGY source that was suppressed by the Rockefeller's smear of alcohol and the enactment of Prohibition. Re-learn what alcohol can do - besides give you a buzz... Homemade POWER. Google it for videos and etc.

    Just like Hemp and the Chemical companies conspiracy.

    Take away the political/economic/military dependency of foreign oil, government corporate welfare, and the no regulations of the oil/chemical businesses. Learn to make your own fuel and form local cooperatives.

    And maybe when our representative government FAILS us as they are doing RIGHT NOW... you will regain your birthright as an independent man/woman and re-learn to survive with your hands, mind and fellow like-minded Americans.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.