Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Towns So Broke Lights Are Going Out

A plan in the works to save money in Concord, Massachusetts. Residents can keep their lights on, but they'll have to pay a monthly fee. It's become a hot topic in the town of 17,000.
David Ropeik: "Government can't afford now the basic kinds of things that we thought government basically did."
In historic Concord, Massachusetts-the lights, are going out. 

David Ropeik: "It is pretty strange, we got the reverse 911 call that is usually there if a burglar loose in your neighborhood that says we are taking down your infrastructure."
In fact, the town is taking down hundreds of street lights mostly in residential neighborhoods to save money on electricity. David Ropeik says the light is barely bright enough to walk his dogs as it is.

David Ropeik: "Just seems strange that a kind of a thing that we all take for granted like street lights, red lights, green lights, pavements and things is now beyond the town's means."

But, if you want, you can adopt your streetlight and save it from impending doom, if you agree to pay 17 bucks a month to keep it working.

Pat Austin: "17 dollars a month, so they can do the schools? I don't think I should have to pay it."
Pat Austin lives on a pension and worries about her already very dark road.

Pat Austin: "I think that's stupid, it's very dark. It is dark as it is, I think they should leave the lights on."

David Ropeik: "The adopt a light program will mean only the rich people have lights."
Cost cutting is a reality, the move is expected to save 35 thousand dollars.

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TSA to Block "Controversial Opinion" Websites
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  1. The Market's rebounding nicely this morning. Get back in and ride this next Bull Wave all the way to the top.

  2. I guess people are going to learn the hard way that the effects of allowing the Federal Reserve and Banksters to run our economy, government, and lives.

    They are simply greedy and power hungry jerks who care nothing about us.

    What can we do?

    NOTHING ... we should do nothing ... sit down and do nothing until their system seizes up. We do nothing ... do not work ... do not buy ... do nothing that uses their money. In other words all we have to do is not use their money with its puppet strings attached to us. Cut the strings.

  3. 8:01 still doesn't get it! That "rebound" was for suckers like you, to get into the casino again. I hope you lose your credit card balances. This criminal betting arena is going into the low 1000's

  4. Turning out street lamps when the budgets are being crippled by labor costs. Makes no sense.

    We need leaders that will objectively look at the situation and explain it to the citizens and let them decide.

  5. 10:17,

    There was no rebound to begin with, not even a pretend one. 8:01 is either being silly trying to get people going, or he took a time portal to 1984.

    Anyways, it is hard to imagine they would be able to ban websites where we currently stand as far as our "freedoms" are concerned. Then again it would have been hard to imagine America dying like it is now due to the Communist hijack which instigated the loss of family values, increase in drugs, sexual promiscuity, idiotic financial management, unions, and the two party system now ripped apart under severe chaos/confusion.

    It wouldn't be necessary past a certain stage as the economy continues crumbling to do such things. The kinds of people who want websites like this censored are the ones trying to destroy the country (the practical Communists) and those who are unaware of their motives (politicians) who are getting rich from them as they push these kinds of laws... little do they know they have no allies with the Marxists and will be as screwed as any common person (all of us).

  6. This kind of stuff has been slowly happening the last 2-3 years but people havent noticed much. First they were shutting down schools or going to 4 day a week class in the north midwest, then they were shutting down police stations and the courts in florida and elsewhere cutting back similarly. The age of expensive energy is upon us and the entropy is picking up.

  7. hey shilly shill 801 stock market in the red again, you lose sucker, keep putting money in, you will lose it all, please keep putting it in

  8. this has been happening since 2001\
    ninja loans
    buy gold food pay off mortgage good luck
    those of us new 20 years ago
    you my lady
    have been warning many for years
    please post
    many need to know the truth thier not insane
    it was all on purpose

    you can see the greed thats why we are here
    many things will happen quickly
    prepare and be comfortable as possible
    good luck god help us

  9. Good! The TSA is "on the job", on OUR dime! They shouldn't be on ANY websites. I'm all for not screening what people do, but why do these people get to go to work and cruise the web?
    As for the street lights, hey, you gotta start somewhere...people always say "cut spending!", but what they really mean is "cut it anywhere it doesn't affect ME"

  10. Newsrealblog has a link to a Fox news story that the head of NASA says that Obama has ordered him to turn over our rocket technology to Moslem countries. War monger or Nobel laureate or both? Meanwhile NASA is laying off hundreds of of engineers and gutting several programs.

  11. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 7, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    Invest in precious noodles
    Top Ramen
    Cup O' Noods
    Find a place to hide it
    Notice TSA didn't ban

  12. What american rocket technology would muslim countries want that the US can flog off?
    there hasnt been anything new , since that mercenary german nazi Von Braun died.
    All that is left is a few worn out shuttles and The US has now lost the blueprint for shuttles and Atlas rockets I beleive.
    the US must rely on paying for hitchikes on russian rockets for its space work on a russian built space station.
    The US, is a has been, in space.
    if Muslim countries want good rockets or missiles they will buy russian, cheaper and up to date technology?


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