
Saturday, July 3, 2010

BP" No Pictures, Videos, Media Allowed

A pilot wanted to take a photographer from The Times-Picayune of New Orleans to snap photographs of the oil slicks blackening the water. The response from a BP contractor who answered the phone late last month at the command center was swift and absolute: Permission denied.
“We were questioned extensively. Who was on the aircraft? Who did they work for?” recalled Rhonda Panepinto, who owns Southern Seaplane with her husband, Lyle. “The minute we mentioned media, the answer was: ‘Not allowed.’ ”
Journalists struggling to document the impact of the oil rig explosion have repeatedly found themselves turned away from public areas affected by the spill, and not only by BP and its contractors, but by local law enforcement, the Coast Guard and government officials.
To some critics of the response effort by BP and the government, instances of news media being kept at bay are just another example of a broader problem of officials’ filtering what images of the spill the public sees.


  1. Obama told America that if we can win WWII and put a man on the moon, we can solve this crisis as well as our dependency on fossil fuels.

    But there's a missing piece: the soldiers in WWII had the Pentagon and Neil Armstrong had NASA. What's the man on the street supposed to do to solve the fossil fuel problem? Is it time for an organized, funded effort?

    The following link is to a satirical video, but it underscores this issue in real terms.

    Link: You're Soaking In It

  2. Somebody put a stake through Cheney's heart. Not until that man is dead can there be any recovery. Oh, and Rapture the Tea Partiers, please.

  3. 9:00 - I agree about Cheney but a bigger question is why did the folks ask BP's permission over free air space? Piss on BP, Cheney, Obama of Kenya, The US Congress and most of all the banksters.

    The USA is dead, no spirit, no courage and no morality!

  4. This whole thing between BP and the US Government stinks!!! what has Obama done? nothing. It appears BP runs things more than Obama and the entire US Government -or- maybe they takes orders from the same place.

  5. Watched a video last night on another theory of what may be actually going on. Remember agent orange?

    What if the oil spill is mostly gas (purposely set off) and that the corexit is for agenda 21? After all, there are people stating that they are spraying on populated areas.

  6. Obama is a tool, funded and paid for by big oil. Forget Cheny and his connections, he was yesterday. A new gang is in charge.

    George Soros put Barry the sock puppet into office with his dirty money. Soros will make billions off of the Gulf mess when deep water drilling shifts to his Petros holdings.

  7. 8:37 - Please explain to me exactly how some crushed up dinosaur bones and leaves have left oceans of oil after almost 100 years of constant drilling? Get off this "fossil fuel" make believe theory and understand that oil is a natural phenomenon happen within the earth with virtually an unlimited supply. That make believe theory was initiated for price control, passing agendas like "carbon tax", and to start wars!

  8. I'm with 9:48. I also want to know why anyone bothered to as BP's permission. The air space over the ocean isn't controlled by BP. All the pilot has to do is file a flight plan and take off.

    I am furious that the government's response to this disaster isn't much better than how it handled Katrina. All the money we pay in taxes to these clowns and they still can't co-ordinate much of anything and they break their own laws (like burning alive endangered sea turtles).

  9. BrianWilliamDotyIIIJuly 3, 2010 at 6:28 PM

    Worry not
    BHO said it would be 90% contained
    By the end of June
    Didn't say June 2010, did he?
    June 2011 is still possible
    Maybe 2012
    But seriouso
    BP has no interest in cleaning this up
    The fines for cleaning or not cleaning
    Ain't no different
    So they put on a show
    Booms set up by tards
    Bruthas on the beach in Tyvek
    As to airspace
    FAA declared it no-fly weeks and weeks ago
    File whatever flight plan you want, vato
    You ain't going
    Unless you go rogue

    Welcome to the Corporate State of America
    The President -- any President -- is but a
    "Paid corporate sponsor"
    Like Wilfart Brimley for Quaker Oats

  10. We are living under anarchy, not a Constitution. So go out and picnic and fly your flags tomorrow and live the grand lie. Go down to the parade and salute the corporate politically correct military that keeps you believing you are somehow "free" because of them blah blah blah. It's all phony as a three dollar bill. Phony terror war, phony drug war, illegals raping and stealing your future. BHO was the biggest joke ever pulled on the public, he even makes G W Bush look smart.

    Happy 4th of nothing slaves, go ahead lie to yourselves, stare in the mirror and lie. The American dream died when the west was settled, you have no place to go to escape anymore. You are the new Indians. The reservations are ready as your genocide is being implemented.

    Don't forget to way your little made in china flags as you masters parade down main street.

  11. 12:00, you're right. It's called "abiotic"oil.

  12. No photos allowed? But photos are essential to making damage claims. Also, dosen't that interfere with freedom of speech/press?

  13. In reference to telling BP who the boss is, they already know that. An telling them you're going to take newsreel footage of this or that because you're the press????--see how that works out for you.

    The game is rigged, and the "officials" don't care what rules are on the books, they ignore them all, or make them up as they go along. What power does the constitution have if the ruling authority ignores it??? Answer, absolutely none. As Americans, we have lost the battle, and given up a little security for ALL our constitutional rights. But the next phase of the battle will be very bad. The tree of liberty will probably get watered down with some blood, because a real fight is coming. I'm not sure when or where, but it's coming.

  14. The same media that told you
    Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK.

    It's not like you didn't know.


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